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Created June 28, 2012 09:19
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Calc magic square in Prolog
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
create_mat(0, _, []).
create_mat(N0, N, [Zeile|Matrix]) :-
N0 > 0,
N1 is N0 - 1,
length(Zeile, N),
create_mat(N1, N, Matrix).
sum_row([], _).
sum_row([Row|Matrix], SumDim) :-
sum(Row, #=, SumDim),
sum_row(Matrix, SumDim).
diag1([], _, _, []).
diag1([Row|Matrix], Idx, P, [X|ListeDiag]) :-
nth1(Idx, Row, X),
Idx1 is Idx+P,
diag1(Matrix, Idx1, P, ListeDiag).
magic_square_v2(N, Matrix) :-
Nmax is N * N,
SumDim is N * (N * N + 1) / 2,
create_mat(N, N, Matrix),
flatten(Matrix, Vars),
Vars ins 1..Nmax,
sum_row(Matrix, SumDim),
transpose(Matrix, TransMat),
sum_row(TransMat, SumDim),
diag1(Matrix, N, -1, D1),
sum(D1, #=, SumDim),
diag1(Matrix, 1, +1, D2),
sum(D2, #=, SumDim),
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