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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Pattern replacer
This script is for replacing something by pattern in all text files
in specific directory and its subdirectories recursively.
Pattern what we want to replace.
.PARAMETER replace
Directory where lies files and subdirectories.
.\replace.ps1 -place D:\awesome_stories -word "#define true 1" -replace "#define true 0"
Author: Alex Newlifer -
[string]$place = $PSScriptRoot,
[string]$word = "",
[string]$replace = ""
$regexPattern = $word
if($caseSensitive -eq $false) { $regexPattern = "(?i)$regexPattern" }
$regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex $regexPattern
# Function for highlighting pattern in the line.
function Write-HostAndHighlightPattern([string]$inputText)
$index = 0
while($index -lt $inputText.Length)
$match = $regex.Match($inputText, $index)
if($match.Success -and $match.Length -gt 0)
Write-Host $inputText.SubString($index, $match.Index - $index) -nonewline
Write-Host $match.Value.ToString() -ForegroundColor Red -nonewline
$index = $match.Index + $match.Length
Write-Host $inputText.SubString($index) -nonewline
$index = $inputText.Length
$time1 = Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss
$list = Get-ChildItem $place -recurse -Exclude "*.dll", "*.exe", "*.lib", "*.obj", "*.manifest", "*.log", "*.tlog", "*.sdf" | %{Write-Host Examining file: $_.fullname; $_} | ? { $_.psiscontainer -eq $false } | ? { gc $_.pspath | select-string -pattern $word } | % { $_.FullName }
$time2 = Get-Date -format HH:mm:ss
Write-Host "Count of matched files: " $list.Length
$TimeDiff = New-TimeSpan $Time1 $Time2
if ($TimeDiff.Seconds -lt 0) {
$Hrs = ($TimeDiff.Hours) + 23
$Mins = ($TimeDiff.Minutes) + 59
$Secs = ($TimeDiff.Seconds) + 59 }
else {
$Hrs = $TimeDiff.Hours
$Mins = $TimeDiff.Minutes
$Secs = $TimeDiff.Seconds }
$Difference = '{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}' -f $Hrs,$Mins,$Secs
foreach( $file in $list )
$text = get-content $file
$line = $text | select-string -pattern $word -simplematch
Write-Host "Do you really want to replace here? (Y/N)"
Write-HostAndHighlightPattern $line
$yes = Read-Host "`n"
switch( $yes ) {
"Y" {
$newText = $text -replace $word, $replace
$newText > $file
"N" {
default {
Write-Host "Unknown command " $yes
Write-Host "Work is done!"
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