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Created May 4, 2018 20:24
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from config import *
import asyncio
from asynctwitch import *
class TwitchBot(CommandBot):
async def _join(self, channel):
await super()._join(channel),
await say('Im here now, ok? Streamer, are you ok with that?')
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color SpringGreen')
async def say(msg):
await bot.say(channel_name, msg)
async def delay_say(msg, delay):
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
await say(msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
bot = TwitchBot(user=nickname, channel=channel_name, oauth=oauth, prefix='')
async def hi(msg, *args):
await say(f'Hello person, your name seems to be @{}, correct? Welcome erm.... Person?')
async def userman(msg):
await say(f'Userman??? More like HelperMan <3')
async def ur(msg):
await say(f'No u')
async def bot_colour_red(msg):
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Red')
await say(f'Bot colour is now red')
async def bot_colour_green(msg):
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Green')
await say(f'Bot colour is now green')
async def bot_colour_blue(msg):
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Blue')
await say(f'Bot colour is now Blue')
async def bot_colour_defualt(msg):
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color SpringGreen')
await say(f'Bot colour is now Default (SpringGreen)')
async def who_are_the_mods(msg):
await say(f'The mods are')
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
await say(f'andrewgamer1937, comsciprogramming, gabelover23, gconnor911, hexploitation, malvious_mh, nex_infinite, nezamizero, nightbot, streamelements, sudokid, userman2, wizebot, yojimbozz, learngamedev')
async def how_old_are_you(msg):
await say(f'I am 14, get on my level (its button 3 btw) Kappa')
async def chat_colour_rainbow(msg):
await say(f'There WILL be a 8 seconde delay between msg for the rainbow effect to work, sorry its how it works :(')
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Red')
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
await say(f'<')
await asyncio.sleep(6)
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Orange Red')
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
await say(f'<')
await asyncio.sleep(6)
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Goldenrod')
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
await say(f'<')
await asyncio.sleep(6)
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Green')
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
await say(f'<')
await asyncio.sleep(6)
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Dodger Blue')
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
await say(f'<')
await asyncio.sleep(6)
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Blue')
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
await say(f'<')
await asyncio.sleep(4)
await bot._send_privmsg('nex_infinite', '/color Blue Violet')
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
await say(f'<')
await asyncio.sleep(6)
async def event_message(m):
await bot.parse_commands(m)
async def Welcome_loop():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(120)
await say('Welcome everyone, If you are new and enjoy the stream hit follow to keep up!')
async def Viewer_loop():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
print(f'The viewer count is {bot.viewer_count["#nex_infinite"]}')
channel_name = "nex_infinite"
oauth = "oauth:************"
nickname = "nexchatbot"
client_id = "************"
server = ''
port = 6667
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