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Created July 27, 2016 05:46
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LINUX FOR WEB DEVELOPERS notes (from the class
#intro video:
#class url:
install vagrant #its a linux distribution for servers
pwd - confirms your working directory
/ - root #shows the root file
cd / #sends you to root
ls - list #shows a list
la -a #shows all the files even hidden ones
ls -al #l shows a lists in the long format
touch #writes files
-------directories name---- #la -al
home #home
etc #configuration files
var #variable files that change with time, like loggings, etc
bin # executable binaries like the command "ls". required for boot up
sbin #mantainance directory only accesible by root, binaires
lib #libraries support the binaries
usr #not necesary for boot
$PATH #shows the directories linux will progress through. used to check if commands are not found
debian better ubuntu because is more stable.
rule of less privilege #the minimun access necesary for each user, helps keep everything secured.
su #this command changes as administrator all the time. shouldnt use it just in case you forget you are the superuser.
sudo #super user command.
#create a user to replace sudo, that way you dont get hacked with the typical root user
cat /etc/apt/sources.list #shows all the packages downloaded. list of repositories set up automatically.
sudo apt-get update #most linux dont update automatically so there are no problems like:
sudo apt-get upgrade #linux doesnt do it automatically just in case. make sure to read new packages in this stage and test them in no user enviroments.
#you can google packages
sudo apt-get autoremove #clean what we are not going to use anymore.
man apt-get # man is the manual, shows what the command can do
finger #outputs the infor on usernames
finger <username> #output the user info
finger vagrant #shows vagrant version
cat #this command lets you see the file.
# cat /etc/passwd ## this file normally holds the users. It reads different fields divided by ":"
# username:x(historically use to hold encrypted passwords, not anymore):userid:groupid:(empty space or descirption of the user):home directory:script
nano #allows to edit text in a file
You have to remove "root" user (vagrant already does this) because every hacker is going to try it.
sudo adduser <name> #to create a new user. and confirm it by the user exist by using the finger command like: "finger <name>"
connecting as new user:
ssh <name>@ip -p <port number> #looks like this: ssh student@ -p 2222
Give the new user sudo access:
sudo cat /etc/sudoers #to read the file . note: on some systems you can use visudo program to edit this file (not ubuntu though)
#you are going to see a line: "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d (this line tells "etc/sudores" to also add "etc/sudoers.d" in it. this is done so updates wont modify the file where all the users are "sudoers.d")
sudo ls /etc/sudoers.d #to see what files are in it
1) sudo cp /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant /etc/dusoers.d/estudents #copy the vagrant file and name it student
2) sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/student #edit the file. to change "Vagrant" for "student"
# key based authentification: creates a key pair. 1 is public (user) and 1 is private (server) and they have to match (never generate it in the server. only in your pc "locally")
#then name it
#then enter the passphrase. it generates 2 files. one with ".pub" temination. that is what we locate within our server
#log into the server as the new user with sudo access
mkdir .shh #creates a new directory where all the key related files must be stored
touch .shh/authorized_keys # we create a file that stores authorized keys, stores public keys.
#go to local machine
cat .shh/<shh-keygenfile_name>/pub #copy that
#go to server as new user with sudo access
nano .shh/authorized_keys #paste the content and save it
#set up specific file permision on autorized key files and .shh users
chmod 700 .shh
chmod 644 .shh/authorized_keys
#now you can log again
ssh <name>@ip -p <port number> #looks like this: ssh student@ -p 2222 -i ~/.shh/<shh-keygenfile_name>
#disable the password based loggin
sudo nano /etc/shh/sshd_config #we want to change "password authetification" to "no"
sudo service shh restart
#see who has what kind of permissions are granted
ls -al #first name is user, second one is the group. normally they are the same.
# Permitions:
# r = read = 4
# w = write = 2
# x = execute = 1
# example : user rw- or r-- or r-- = 6 4 4 (chmod)
# you can use command "chgrp" to "change group"
#example. imagine a file called "bash_history"
sudo chown root .bash_history # chown is "change owner" of the file. it changes its permits too
#works by closing the ports that we want
#common ports example: 80, 21 , 22, 443
sudo ufw status #gives you the status of the predetermine ubuntu firewall
sudo ufw defaul deny incoming #configures but does not turns it on yet
sudo ufw defaul allow outgoing #configures but does not turns it on yet
sudo ufw allow ssh #but if you are using a vagrant virtual machine your por is determined as port 2222.
sudo ufw allow 2222/tcp #is what you need to do in that case
sudo ufw allow www #for now this server is only going to be used for a basic http server.
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status #gives you the rules being used
different servers (depending of the needs) just have different programs running and different ports enable.
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