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Created March 19, 2023 19:21
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Thanks to minecraftreagan for providing this translation
noPermission: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have no §crights §7to use this command§7!'
errorByAction: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7Error in the timer §8"§e{0}§8"§7. §7Reason§8: §e{1} §7!'
errorByLoad: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7Error loading the timer §8"§e {0} §8"§7. §7Reason§8: §e{1} §7!'
noBoolean: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The value §8"§e{0}§8" §7is not § true §7or §cfalse§7.'
noInteger: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The value §8"§e{0}§8" §7is not a §cnumber§7.'
noTypeAction: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The action type §8 "§e{0}§8" §7was not found§7.'
noTypeSort: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The sort type §8"§e{0}§8" §7was not found§7.'
noTypeServerStop: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The stop type §8"§e{0}§8" §7was not found§7.'
notInRange: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The value §8"§e{0}§8" §7must be between §8"§e{1}§8" §7and §8"§e{2}§8"§7.'
noTimerExist: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7There are currently no §ctimers§7.'
usage: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eaddMessage §8<§etime§8> §8<§emessage§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eaddCommand §8<§etime§8> §8<§ecommand§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §epermission §8<§eid§8> §8<§epermission§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §ecommand §8<§eid§8> §8<§etrue§7/§efalse§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eedit §8<§eid§8> §8<§econtent§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §etick §8<§eid§8> §8<§etick§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eremove §8<§eid§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eclear
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §einfo
listStart: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
§a[§2Timer§a] §eTimer§8: §e{0}
§a[§2Timer§a] §eMessages§8:
listEntry: "§a[§2Timer§a]\n§a[§2Timer§a] §eID§8: §7{0}§8, §eTicks§8: §7{1}§8,\
\ §eCommand§8: §e{3}§8, §ePermission§8: §e{4}\n§a[§2Timer§a] §eMessage§8: §\
f{2}\n§a[§2Timer§a] "
listEntrySpace: ' '
listEntryRemove: '§cRemove'
listEntryTick: '§eTick'
listEntryEdit: '§aEdit'
listEnd: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------'
timerAddedMessage: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The §emessage §7was §asuccessfully §7created.'
timerAddedCommand: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The §ecommand §7was §asuccessfully §7created.'
timerErrorAdding: '§a[§2Timer§a] §cError §7occurred when §ccreating§7.'
noIdFound: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The ID §8"§e{0}§8" §7was not found.'
removed: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The content was successfully §cremoved§7.'
edit: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have changed the ID §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
clear: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7Content was cleared for timer §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
setTicks: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The ticks have been changed to §8"§e{1}§8" for the ID §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
commandEnable: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The content is now executed as a §ecommand§7.'
commandDisable: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The content is no longer executed as a §ecommand§7.'
permission: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have changed the permission for §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
usage: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eaddMessage §8<§emessage§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eaddCommand §8<§ecommand§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eedit §8<§eline§8> §8<§econtent§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §emove §8<§eline§8> §8<§enew line§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §epermission §8<§eline§8> §8<§enull§7/§epermission§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §ecommand §8<§eline§8> §8<§etrue§7/§efalse§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §esort §8<§etype§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eremove §8<§eline§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §eclear
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecmd §a{0} §einfo
listStart: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
§a[§2Timer§a] §eTimer§8: §e{0}
listEntryStart: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §eSort type§8: §e{0}
§a[§2Timer§a] §eMessages§8:
listEntry: "§a[§2Timer§a]\n§a[§2Timer§a] §e{0}§8: §f{1}\n§a[§2Timer§a] §7Command§\
8: §e{2} §7Permission§8: §e{3}\n§a[§2Timer§a] "
listEntrySpace: ' '
listEntryRemove: '§cRemove'
listEntryMove: '§eMove'
listEntryEdit: '§aEdit'
listEnd: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------'
addedMessage: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §7The message was §asuccessfully added§7.
§a[§2Timer§a] §7Message§8: §e{1}
addedCommand: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §7The command was §asuccessfully added§7.
§a[§2Timer§a] §7Command§8: §e/{1}
removed: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The content was successfully §cremoved§7.'
edit: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have changed the line §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
clear: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7Content was cleared for timer §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
move: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have moved the line §8"§e{0}§8" §7to §8"§e{1}§8"§7.'
sort: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have changed the sorting to §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
commandEnable: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The content is now executed as a §emessage§7.'
commandDisable: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The content is no longer executed as a §emessage§7.'
permission: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have changed the permission for §8"§e{0}§8"§7.'
usage: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eadd §8<§ename§8> §8<§eticks§8> §8<§estop type§8> §8<§eaction type§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eset §8<§ename§8> §eenable
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eset §8<§ename§8> §edisable
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eset §8<§ename§8> §estop §8<§enew type§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eset §8<§ename§8> §esave §8<§etrue§7/§efalse§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eset §8<§ename§8> §eticks §8<§enew time§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eset §8<§ename§8> §ename §8<§enew name§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ecommand §8<§ename§8> §8[§earguments§8]
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §etypes §8<§esort§7/§eaction§7/§estop§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eremove §8<§ename§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §einfo §8<§ename§8>
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §elist
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §ereload
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §esave
§a[§2Timer§a] §8/§7timer §eload
created: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7You have §asuccessfully §7created a §ecountdown§7.'
listStart: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
§a[§2Timer§a] §eTimers§8:
listEntry: "§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l- §a{0}\n§a[§2Timer§a] §8* "
listEntryRemove: '§cRemove'
listEntrySpace: ' '
listEntryDisable: '§cDisable'
listEntryEnable: '§aEnable'
listEntryInfo: '§eInfo'
listEnd: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------'
actionStart: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
§a[§2Timer§a] §eAction types§8:
actionEntry: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l- §7Module§8: §e{0} §7ID§8: §e{1}'
actionAlias: |2-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8* §a{0}
actionEnd: §a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
sortStart: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
§a[§2Timer§a] §eSort types§8:
sortEntry: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l- §7Module§8: §e{0} §7ID§8: §e{1}'
sortAlias: |2-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8* §a{0}
sortEnd: §a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
serverStopStart: |-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
§a[§2Timer§a] §eServerStop types§8:
serverStopEntry: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l- §7Module§8: §e{0} §7ID§8: §e{1}'
serverStopAlias: |2-
§a[§2Timer§a] §8* §a{0}
serverStopEnd: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------'
reload: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The §etimer §7was §areloaded§7.'
save: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The §etimer §7has been §asaved§7.'
load: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The §etimer §7was §aloaded§7.'
timerNotFound: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The specified timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7was not found.'
timerRemoved: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7was §cremoved§7.'
timerErrorByRemoving: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7could not be §cremoved§7.'
timerSetEnable: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7was §aenabled§7.'
timerSetAlreadyEnabled: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7has already been §aenabled§7.'
timerSetDisable: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7was §cdisabled§7.'
timerSetAlreadyDisabled: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7has already been §cdisabled§7.'
timerSetTicks: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7Ticks for the timer were changed from §8"§e{0}§8" §7to §8"§e{1}§8"§7.'
timerSetServerStop: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The stop type for timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7was changed to §8"§e{1}§8"§7.'
timerSetStopTypeAlready: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The stop type for timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7has already been changed to §8"§e{1}§8"§7.'
timerSetName: §a[§2Timer§a] '§7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7has been renamed to §8"§e{1}§8"§7.'
timerAdded: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7was successfully §acreated§7.'
timerErrorByAdding: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7could not be §ccreated§7.'
timerNameAlreadyTaken: '§a[§2Timer§a] §7The name §8"§e{0}§8" §7is already §cassigned§7.'
timerNoSubCommand: §a[§2Timer§a] §7The timer §8"§e{0}§8" §7does not have any set commands§7.
timerInfoStart: §a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------
timerInfoEntry: "§a[§2Timer§a] §7Timer§8: §8\"§e{0}§8\"\n§a[§2Timer§a] §7Enabled§\
8: §e{1}\n§a[§2Timer§a] §7Ticks§8: §e{2}\n§a[§2Timer§a] §7Current tick§8:\
\ §e{3}\n§a[§2Timer§a] §7Stop§8: §e{4}\n§a[§2Timer§a] §7Action§8: §e{5}\n§\
a[§2Timer§a] "
timerInfoEntrySpace: ' '
timerInfoEntryDelete: '§cDelete'
timerInfoEntryEnable: '§aEnable'
timerInfoEntryDisable: '§cDisable'
timerInfoEntryTick: '§eTick'
timerInfoEntryStop: '§eStop'
timerInfoEntryInfo: '§eInfo'
timerInfoEnd: '§a[§2Timer§a] §8§l--------------------------------'
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