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Created December 12, 2019 04:37
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#! /usr/bin/env python
# Script to manage additional trusted root certificate in the IOS simulator
# Allows to add/list/delete/export trusted root certificates to the IOS simulator
# TrustStore.sqlite3 file.
# Additionally, root certificates added to a device can be listed and exported from
# a device backup
# type ./ -h for help
# This script contains code derived from Python-ASN1 to parse and re-encode
# ASN1. The following notice is included:
# Python-ASN1 is free software that is made available under the MIT license.
# Consult the file "LICENSE" that is
# distributed together with this file for the exact licensing terms.
# Python-ASN1 is copyright (c) 2007-2008 by Geert Jansen <>.
# see
import os
import sys
import argparse
import sqlite3
import ssl
import hashlib
import subprocess
import string
import binascii
import plistlib
# A simple ASN1 decoder/encoder based on Python-ASN1
class ASN1:
Sequence = 0x10
Set = 0x11
PrintableString = 0x13
TypeConstructed = 0x20
TypePrimitive = 0x00
ClassUniversal = 0x00
ClassApplication = 0x40
ClassContext = 0x80
ClassPrivate = 0xc0
class Error(Exception):
"""ASN1 error"""
class Encoder(object):
"""A simple ASN.1 encoder. Uses DER encoding."""
def __init__(self):
self.m_stack = None
def start(self):
"""Start encoding."""
self.m_stack = [[]]
def enter(self, nr, cls):
"""Start a constructed data value."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.'
self._emit_tag(nr, ASN1.TypeConstructed, cls)
def leave(self):
"""Finish a constructed data value."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.'
if len(self.m_stack) == 1:
raise Error, 'Tag stack is empty.'
value = ''.join(self.m_stack[-1])
del self.m_stack[-1]
def write(self, value, nr, typ, cls):
"""Write a primitive data value."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.'
self._emit_tag(nr, typ, cls)
def output(self):
"""Return the encoded output."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'Encoder not initialized. Call start() first.'
if len(self.m_stack) != 1:
raise Error, 'Stack is not empty.'
output = ''.join(self.m_stack[0])
return output
def _emit_tag(self, nr, typ, cls):
"""Emit a tag."""
if nr < 31:
self._emit_tag_short(nr, typ, cls)
self._emit_tag_long(nr, typ, cls)
def _emit_tag_short(self, nr, typ, cls):
"""Emit a short (< 31 bytes) tag."""
assert nr < 31
self._emit(chr(nr | typ | cls))
def _emit_tag_long(self, nr, typ, cls):
"""Emit a long (>= 31 bytes) tag."""
head = chr(typ | cls | 0x1f)
values = []
values.append((nr & 0x7f))
nr >>= 7
while nr:
values.append((nr & 0x7f) | 0x80)
nr >>= 7
values = map(chr, values)
for val in values:
def _emit_length(self, length):
"""Emit length octects."""
if length < 128:
def _emit_length_short(self, length):
"""Emit the short length form (< 128 octets)."""
assert length < 128
def _emit_length_long(self, length):
"""Emit the long length form (>= 128 octets)."""
values = []
while length:
values.append(length & 0xff)
length >>= 8
values = map(chr, values)
# really for correctness as this should not happen anytime soon
assert len(values) < 127
head = chr(0x80 | len(values))
for val in values:
def _emit(self, s):
"""Emit raw bytes."""
assert isinstance(s, str)
class Decoder(object):
"""A minimal ASN.1 decoder. Understands BER (and DER which is a subset)."""
def __init__(self):
self.m_stack = None
self.m_tag = None
def start(self, data):
"""Start processing `data'."""
if not isinstance(data, str):
raise Error, 'Expecting string instance.'
self.m_stack = [[0, data]]
self.m_tag = None
def peek(self):
"""Return the value of the next tag without moving to the next
TLV record."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'No input selected. Call start() first.'
if self._end_of_input():
return None
if self.m_tag is None:
self.m_tag = self._read_tag()
return self.m_tag
def read(self):
"""Read a simple value and move to the next TLV record."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'No input selected. Call start() first.'
if self._end_of_input():
return None
tag = self.peek()
length = self._read_length()
value = self._read_value(tag[0], length)
self.m_tag = None
return (tag, value)
def eof(self):
"""Return True if we are end of input."""
return self._end_of_input()
def enter(self):
"""Enter a constructed tag."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'No input selected. Call start() first.'
nr, typ, cls = self.peek()
if typ != ASN1.TypeConstructed:
raise Error, 'Cannot enter a non-constructed tag.'
length = self._read_length()
bytes = self._read_bytes(length)
self.m_stack.append([0, bytes])
self.m_tag = None
def leave(self):
"""Leave the last entered constructed tag."""
if self.m_stack is None:
raise Error, 'No input selected. Call start() first.'
if len(self.m_stack) == 1:
raise Error, 'Tag stack is empty.'
del self.m_stack[-1]
self.m_tag = None
def _read_tag(self):
"""Read a tag from the input."""
byte = self._read_byte()
cls = byte & 0xc0
typ = byte & 0x20
nr = byte & 0x1f
if nr == 0x1f:
nr = 0
while True:
byte = self._read_byte()
nr = (nr << 7) | (byte & 0x7f)
if not byte & 0x80:
return (nr, typ, cls)
def _read_length(self):
"""Read a length from the input."""
byte = self._read_byte()
if byte & 0x80:
count = byte & 0x7f
if count == 0x7f:
raise Error, 'ASN1 syntax error'
bytes = self._read_bytes(count)
bytes = [ ord(b) for b in bytes ]
length = 0L
for byte in bytes:
length = (length << 8) | byte
length = int(length)
except OverflowError:
length = byte
return length
def _read_value(self, nr, length):
"""Read a value from the input."""
bytes = self._read_bytes(length)
value = bytes
return value
def _read_byte(self):
"""Return the next input byte, or raise an error on end-of-input."""
index, input = self.m_stack[-1]
byte = ord(input[index])
except IndexError:
raise Error, 'Premature end of input.'
self.m_stack[-1][0] += 1
return byte
def _read_bytes(self, count):
"""Return the next `count' bytes of input. Raise error on
index, input = self.m_stack[-1]
bytes = input[index:index+count]
if len(bytes) != count:
raise Error, 'Premature end of input.'
self.m_stack[-1][0] += count
return bytes
def _end_of_input(self):
"""Return True if we are at the end of input."""
index, input = self.m_stack[-1]
assert not index > len(input)
return index == len(input)
# Certificate class
class Certificate:
"""Represents a loaded certificate
def __init__(self):
def _init_data(self):
self._fingerprint = None
self._data = None
self._subject = None
self._filepath = None
def load_PEMfile(self, certificate_path):
"""Load a certificate from a file in PEM format
self._filepath = certificate_path
with open(self._filepath, "r") as inputFile:
PEMdata =
# convert to binary (DER format)
self._data = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(PEMdata)
def save_PEMfile(self, certificate_path):
"""Save a certificate to a file in PEM format
self._filepath = certificate_path
# convert to text (PEM format)
PEMdata = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(self._data)
with open(self._filepath, "w") as output_file:
def load_data(self, data):
self._data = data
def get_data(self):
return self._data
def get_fingerprint(self):
if self._fingerprint == None and self._data != None:
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
self._fingerprint = sha1.digest()
return self._fingerprint
def get_subject(self):
"""Get the certificate subject in human readable one line format
if self._data != None:
# use openssl to extract the subject text in single line format
possl = subprocess.Popen(['openssl', 'x509', '-inform', 'DER', '-noout', '-subject', '-nameopt', 'oneline'],
shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None)
subjectText, error_text = possl.communicate(self.get_data())
return subjectText
return None
def get_subject_ASN1(self):
"""Get the certificate subject in ASN1 encoded format as expected for the IOS trusted certificate keychain store
if self._subject == None and self._data != None:
self._subject = bytearray()
decoder = Decoder()
tag, value = # read version
tag, value = # serial
tag, value =
tag, value = # issuer
tag, value = # date
decoder.enter() # enter in subject
encoder = Encoder()
self._process_subject(decoder, encoder)
self._subject = encoder.output()
return self._subject
def _process_subject(self, input, output, indent=0):
# trace = sys.stdout
while not input.eof():
tag = input.peek()
if tag[1] == ASN1.TypePrimitive:
tag, value =
if tag[0] == ASN1.PrintableString:
value = string.upper(value)
output.write(value, tag[0], tag[1], tag[2])
#trace.write(' ' * indent)
#trace.write('[%s] %s (value %s)' %
# (strclass(tag[2]), strid(tag[0]), repr(value)))
elif tag[1] == ASN1.TypeConstructed:
#trace.write(' ' * indent)
#trace.write('[%s] %s:\n' % (strclass(tag[2]), strid(tag[0])))
output.enter(tag[0], tag[2])
self._process_subject(input, output, indent+2)
# IOS TrustStore.sqlite3 handling
class TrustStore:
"""Represents the IOS trusted certificate store
def __init__(self, path, title=None):
self._path = path
if title:
self._title = title
self._title = path
self._tset = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"\
"<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">\n"\
"<plist version=\"1.0\">\n"\
#with open('cert_tset.plist', "rb") as inputFile:
# self._tset =
def is_valid(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect(self._path)
c = conn.cursor()
row = c.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type=\'table\' AND name=\'tsettings\'').fetchone()
return (row[0] > 0)
def _add_record(self, sha1, subj, tset, data):
if not self.is_valid():
print " Invalid TrustStore.sqlite3"
conn = sqlite3.connect(self._path)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsettings WHERE subj=?', [sqlite3.Binary(subj)])
row = c.fetchone()
if row[0] == 0:
c.execute('INSERT INTO tsettings (sha1, subj, tset, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', [sqlite3.Binary(sha1), sqlite3.Binary(subj), sqlite3.Binary(tset), sqlite3.Binary(data)])
print ' Certificate added'
c.execute('UPDATE tsettings SET sha1=?, tset=?, data=? WHERE subj=?', [sqlite3.Binary(sha1), sqlite3.Binary(tset), sqlite3.Binary(data), sqlite3.Binary(subj)])
print ' Existing certificate replaced'
def _loadBlob(self, baseName, name):
with open(baseName + '_' + name + '.bin', 'rb') as inputFile:
def _saveBlob(self, baseName, name, data):
with open(baseName + '_' + name + '.bin', 'wb') as outputFile:
outputFile.write (data)
def add_certificate(self, certificate):
self._add_record(certificate.get_fingerprint(), certificate.get_subject_ASN1(),
self._tset, certificate.get_data())
def list_certificates(self):
print self._title
if not self.is_valid():
print " Invalid TrustStore.sqlite3"
conn = sqlite3.connect(self._path)
c = conn.cursor()
for row in c.execute('SELECT data FROM tsettings'):
cert = Certificate()
print " ", cert.get_subject()
# IOS Simulator access
class IOSSimulator:
"""Represents an instance of an IOS simulator folder
simulatorDir = os.getenv('HOME') + "/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/"
trustStorePath = "/data/Library/Keychains/TrustStore.sqlite3"
runtimeName = ""
def __init__(self, simulatordir):
self._is_valid = False
infofile = simulatordir + "/device.plist"
if os.path.isfile(infofile):
info = plistlib.readPlist(infofile)
runtime = info["runtime"]
if runtime.startswith(self.runtimeName):
self.version = runtime[len(self.runtimeName):].replace("-", ".")
self.version = runtime
self.title = info["name"] + " v" + self.version
self.truststore_file = simulatordir + self.trustStorePath
if os.path.isfile(self.truststore_file):
self._is_valid = True
def is_valid(self):
return self._is_valid
def ios_simulators():
"""An iterator over the available IOS simulator versions
for subdir in os.listdir(IOSSimulator.simulatorDir):
simulatordir = IOSSimulator.simulatorDir + subdir
if os.path.isdir(simulatordir):
simulator = IOSSimulator(simulatordir)
if simulator.is_valid():
yield simulator
# Individual command implementation and main function
def import_to_simulator(certificate_filepath, truststore_filepath=None):
cert = Certificate()
print cert.get_subject()
if truststore_filepath:
tstore = TrustStore(truststore_filepath)
for simulator in ios_simulators():
print "Importing to " + simulator.truststore_file
tstore = TrustStore(simulator.truststore_file)
def list_simulator_trustedcertificates(truststore_filepath=None):
if truststore_filepath:
tstore = TrustStore(truststore_filepath)
for simulator in ios_simulators():
tstore = TrustStore(simulator.truststore_file, simulator.title)
# Main program
path = sys.argv[0]
print path
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