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Created May 1, 2015 18:44
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@TITLE Start install
@call :getips
@echo Hostname:%HOSTNAME%
@echo IP: %IP%
@echo Mask: %MASK%
@echo Gateway: %GATEWAY%
@echo MAC: %MAC%
@echo. > %systemroot%\
@echo ^&ip=%IP% >> %systemroot%\
@echo ^&gw=%GATEWAY% >> %systemroot%\
@echo ^&mac=%MAC% >> %systemroot%\
@echo ^&hostname=%HOSTNAME% >> %systemroot%\
@echo ^&ipconfig= >> %systemroot%\
@ipconfig /all >> %systemroot%\
@type %systemroot%\
%systemroot%\wget -t 1 -T 10 --post-file %systemroot%\ http://server/pxe/bootstrap_winpe.php?ARCH=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% -O %systemroot%\dlscript.cmd
call %systemroot%\dlscript.cmd
) ELSE (
@echo downloaderror
if EXIST nodownload.cmd call nodownload.cmd
@IF EXIST %systemroot%\dlscript.cmd del %systemroot%\dlscript.cmd > NUL
@goto :EOF
@for /f "delims=: tokens=1-2" %%c in ('ipconfig /all ^| find /i "nam"') do @set HOSTNAME=%%d
@for /f "delims=: tokens=1-2" %%c in ('ipconfig ^| find /i "IP" ^| find /i "dress"') do @set IP=%%d
@SET IP=%IP: =%
@for /f "delims=: tokens=1-2" %%c in ('ipconfig ^| find /i "mask"') do @set MASK=%%d
@for /f "delims=: tokens=1-2" %%c in ('ipconfig ^| find /i "gateway"') do @set GATEWAY=%%d
@for /f "delims=: tokens=1-2" %%c in ('ipconfig /all ^| find "Physical Address"') do @set MAC=%%d
@for /f "delims=: tokens=1-2" %%c in ('ipconfig /all ^| find /i "Fysisk adress"') do @set MAC=%%d
@goto :EOF
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