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Created April 30, 2017 22:11
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#include <SPI.h>
#define sSS 2
#define sCLK 3
#define sDOUT 4
#define sDIN 5
#define sZERO 7
#define sCF 8
#define sPWCHK 9
//static SoftSPI<sDOUT, sDIN, sCLK, 2> spi;
void setup()
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);//disabled by default
// SPI Init
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(100000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2));
pinMode(sZERO, INPUT);
pinMode(sCF, INPUT);
pinMode(sPWCHK, INPUT);
void setupADE7753() {
EIMSK &= ~_BV(INT6); // disable interrupt
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0x89); // 09 MODE Write 16 Bit Unsigned default 0x000C
// Mode Register. This is a 16-bit register through which most of the ADE7753
// functionality is accessed. Signal sample rates, filter enabling, and
// calibration modes are selected by writing to this register. The contents can
// be read at any time—see the Mode Register (0x9) section.
// Bit 12,11 = DTRT1, 0 = These bits are used to select the waveform register update rate.
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0x98); // 18 IRMSOS Write 12 Bit Signed
// Channel 1 RMS Offset Correction Register.
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0x8f); // 0f GAIN Write 8 Bit Unsigned
// PGA Gain Adjust. This 8-bit register is used to adjust the gain selection for
// the PGA in Channels 1 and 2—see the Analog Inputs section.
// 3 bits PGA2 GAIN select (000) = 1
// 2 bits channel 1 full-scale select (10) = 0.125V
// 3 bits PGA1 GAIN select (000) = 1
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0x94); // 14 CFNUM Write 12 Bit Unsigned default 0x3f
// CF Frequency Divider Numerator Register. The output frequency on the CF
// pin is adjusted by writing to this 12-bit read/write register—see the Energy to-Frequency
// Conversion section.
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
SPI.transfer(0x95); // 15 CFDEN Write 12 Bit Unsigned default 0x3f
// CF Frequency Divider Denominator Register. The output frequency on the
// CF pin is adjusted by writing to this 12-bit read/write register—see the
// Energy-to-Frequency Conversion section.
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
EICRB |= _BV(ISC61);
EICRB &= ~_BV(ISC60); // Rising edge
EIMSK |= _BV(INT6); // activates the interrupt
#define READINGS 100
volatile unsigned long lastMillis;
volatile byte doread = 1;
volatile unsigned long watt;
volatile unsigned long amps;
volatile unsigned long volts;
volatile int period;
volatile unsigned long rWatt[READINGS];
volatile unsigned long rAmps[READINGS];
volatile unsigned long rVolts[READINGS];
volatile int rIndex = 0;
ISR(INT6_vect) {
lastMillis = millis();
watt = readSpi(0x03, 3); // RAENERGY 24 Bit readonly Signed
amps = readSpi(0x16, 3); // IRMS 24 Bit readonly Unsigned
volts = readSpi(0x17, 3); // VRMS 24 Bit readonly Unsigned
period = (int)readSpi(0x27, 2); // PERIOD 16 Bit readonly Unsigned
if (rIndex >= READINGS) rIndex = 0;
rWatt[rIndex] = watt;
rAmps[rIndex] = amps;
rVolts[rIndex] = volts;
doread = 1;
unsigned long readSpi(byte reg, int bytesToRead) {
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
unsigned long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bytesToRead; i++) {
byte b = SPI.transfer(0xff);
result = result << 8 | b;
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
return result;
unsigned long last = 0;
bool lastpwchk = false;
unsigned long lastpwchkok = 0;
bool lastpwchkinit = false;
void loop()
// read CF and PWCHK
bool zx = PINE & B01000000;
bool cf = PINB & B00010000; // B4 digitalRead(sCF); //
bool pwchk = PINB & B00100000; // B5 digitalRead(sPWCHK); //
unsigned long now = millis();
bool pwchkChange = lastpwchk != pwchk;
if (pwchkChange) {
// TODO somehow ignore minimal glitches!
lastpwchk = pwchk;
if (pwchk) lastpwchkok = now;
lastpwchkinit = false;
if (pwchkChange || cf)
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(pwchk, BIN);
Serial.print(pwchkChange, BIN);
Serial.print(cf, BIN);
Serial.print(" ");
//Serial.print(PINE, BIN);
//Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(PINB, BIN);
Serial.print(" ");
if (cf) {
Serial.println(" .. We got a CF! .. ");
if (doread == 0) {
// make sure that we dont run stuffs until we are ok
if (!pwchk || now - lastpwchkok < 1000) return;
if (!lastpwchkinit) {
Serial.println("doing init ...");
lastpwchkinit = true;
if (doread == 0) return;
if (now - last < 1000) return;
Serial.print(" ");
// sync on ZX (Zero Crossing)
/* int state = 0;
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
spi.transfer(0x0C); // RSTATUS 16 Bit readonly Unigned
state = spi.transfer(0xff) << 8 | spi.transfer(0xff);
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
while(! state & 0x0010) { // ZX
digitalWrite(sSS, LOW);
spi.transfer(0x0B); // STATUS 16 Bit readonly Unigned
state = spi.transfer(0xff) << 8 | spi.transfer(0xff);
digitalWrite(sSS, HIGH);
unsigned long long totWatts = 0;
unsigned long long avgAmps = 0;
unsigned long long avgVolts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < READINGS; i++) {
totWatts += rWatt[i];
avgAmps += rAmps[i];
avgVolts += rVolts[i];
unsigned long tdiff = now - last;
// TODO get proper TDIFF for the oldest item in array
//unsigned long watt = readSpi(0x03, 3); // RAENERGY 24 Bit readonly Signed
float cwatt = ((float)totWatts / READINGS) * 25.333333; // (5 / (float)tdiff);
last = now;
// Active Energy Register. Active power is in this 24-bit, read-only register,
// reset to 0 following a read operation.
// see the Energy Calculation section.
//Serial.print(" ");
// Tests show that if this is taken at 0.5Hz then it's close to correct value
Serial.print("W ");
// 0x120000 is a hack!!!
//unsigned long amps = readSpi(0x16, 3) & ~0x120000; // IRMS 24 Bit readonly Unsigned
// Channel 1 RMS Value (Current Channel).
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(amps, HEX);
// TODO sync ZX and do AVG
Serial.print("\t =");
Serial.print((float)(avgAmps / READINGS) / 54123.0);
Serial.print("A ");
//unsigned long volts = readSpi(0x17, 3); // VRMS 24 Bit readonly Unsigned
// Channel 2 RMS Value (Voltage Channel).
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(volts, HEX);
// TODO sync ZX and do AVG
Serial.print("\t =");
Serial.print((float)(avgVolts / READINGS) / 5015.0);
Serial.print("V ");
const float fqDiv = 3579545 / 8; // 8 = 4 / 2; // 2 = 32 * 16
//int period = (int)readSpi(0x27, 2); // PERIOD 16 Bit readonly Unsigned
// Period of the Channel 2 (Voltage Channel) Input Estimated by ZeroCrossing
// Processing. The MSB of this register is always zero.
// when CLKIN = 3.579545 MHz, which represents 0.013% when the line frequency
// is 60 Hz When the line frequency is 60 Hz, the value of
// the period register is approximately CLKIN/4/32/60 Hz * 16 =
// 7457d. The length of the register enables the measurement of line
// frequencies as low as 13.9 Hz.
Serial.print(period, HEX);
Serial.print(" =");
Serial.print(fqDiv / (float)period);
Serial.print("Hz ");
doread = 0;
Serial.println(" ");
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