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Last active February 8, 2023 10:04
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  • Save Niall47/8453cb36c2d390b54ad261576e20a6ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Niall47/8453cb36c2d390b54ad261576e20a6ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
search through functional test packs and output any gem versions that could be updated. Thanks ChatGPT
# Search for directories with name 'functional-tests' in current directory
for directory in $(find . -type d -name 'functional-tests'); do
# Check if a Gemfile exists in the directory
if [ -e "$directory/Gemfile" ]; then
# Output which directory is being checked
echo -e "\033[0;34mChecking gems in directory:\033[0m $directory"
# Change into the directory and run the bundler outdated command
cd "$directory" || exit 1
bundler_outdated_output=$(bundler outdated 2>&1)
cd - > /dev/null || exit 1
# Check if the output contains 'Unable to resolve dependency'
if echo "$bundler_outdated_output" | grep -q 'Unable to resolve dependency'; then
echo -e "\033[0;31mbundler outdated FAILED in directory:\033[0m $directory"
echo "$bundler_outdated_output"
# Output which directory is being excluded
echo -e "\033[0;33mExcluding directory\033[0m $directory \033[0;33m(no Gemfile found)\033[0m"
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