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Last active December 13, 2015 18:09
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Simple example of atoms and atomic updates based on an example from Chapter 4 of Programming Clojure by Emerick, et al.
(ns examples.age-person)
;; Based on an example from Chap 4 of Programming Clojure
;; by Emerick, et al
(defmacro futures
[n & exprs]
(vec (for [_ (range n)
expr exprs]
`(future ~expr))))
(defmacro wait-futures
[& args]
`(doseq [f# (futures ~@args)]
(def chris (atom {:name "Chris" :age 40 :wears-glasses? false}))
;; Note that because comp goes "right to left" we do the glasses check first
;; and *then* increment the age. That means that we'll first wear glasses at
;; age 46.
(defn age-person [person]
(swap! person (comp #(update-in % [:age] inc)
#(do (Thread/sleep (rand-int 100)) %)
#(assoc % :wears-glasses? (or (println "\tTrying when they are " (:age %))
(:wears-glasses? %)
(>= (:age %) 45)))
(wait-futures 10 (do
(age-person chris)
(println "Succeeded, now Chris is " @chris)
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