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Last active May 25, 2016 22:52
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The initial simple characters example from Chapter 4 of Programming Clojure by Emerick, et al. I added a little ```sleep``` to ```loot``` because otherwise often Bilbo got all the loot.
(ns examples.characters)
;; Based on an example from Chap 4 of Programming Clojure
;; by Emerick, et al
(defmacro futures
[n & exprs]
(vec (for [_ (range n)
expr exprs]
`(future ~expr))))
(defmacro wait-futures
[& args]
`(doseq [f# (futures ~@args)]
(defn character
[name & {:as opts}]
(ref (merge {:name name :items #{} :health 500} opts)))
(def smaug (character "Smaug" :health 500 :strength 400 :items (set (range 50))))
(def bilbo (character "Bilbo" :health 100 :strength 100))
(def gandalf (character "Gandalf" :health 75 :mana 750))
(defn loot [from to]
(dosync (when-let [item (first (:items @from))]
(Thread/sleep (rand-int 5))
; Try changing alter to commute; which replacements work and why?
(alter to update-in [:items] conj item)
(alter from update-in [:items] disj item))))
(wait-futures 1
(while (loot smaug bilbo))
(while (loot smaug gandalf)))
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