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Last active December 14, 2015 01:19
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  • Save NicMcPhee/5005197 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NicMcPhee/5005197 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example of why using map instead of doseq to perform a side-effecting operation on items in a collection can fail in subtle and difficult to debug ways.
;; This logging code is taken straight from Chapter 4 of
;; Programming Clojure by Emerick, et al. If you're having
;; trouble finding your console output in Eclipse using
;; counterclockwise, add the file output from the book and
;; use that instead.
(def console (agent *out*))
(defn write
[^ w & content]
(doseq [x (interpose "" content)]
(.write w (str x)))
(doto w
(.write "\n")
(defn log-reference
[reference & writer-agents]
(add-watch reference :log
(fn [_ reference old new]
(doseq [writer-agent writer-agents]
(send-off writer-agent write new)))))
;; The idea here is to create a collection of atoms that
;; each encapsulate a different integer. We then
;; arrange for logging on each one, and increment
;; all of them, hoping to see logging output for
;; each increment.
;; The following definition, however, generates *no*
;; output other than our print statement text. The
;; problem is that map is all about creating a collection
;; of *values* rather than generating side-effects. Because
;; of that, map is lazy and only applies the function to its
;; arguments if and when the result is actually needed.
;; Here, we never actually use or look at or print the collection
;; of atoms, so none of the map calls is ever forced to actually
;; evaluate its function calls. This means that in fact none of
;; the atoms are created, no logging is arranged, no incrementing
;; is done, and no logging actually happens on the console.
;; These problems can be particularly tricky to debug, because
;; sometimes they behave differently from the REPL than they do
;; from your code. If you remove the println from the end of this,
;; for example, and call it from the REPL then instead of returning
;; nil (which is what the println returns) it will return the result
;; of the second map. That will force the creation of the atoms
;; (which are the inputs to the second map) and force the increments.
;; It will *not* however, force any logging to happen, because the
;; the result of the first map is never used anywhere. Worse, if you
;; call make-logged-atoms-too-lazy in a sequence of calls in a do
;; list in some other function, *nothing* will be forced (even
;; without the println) because the do list never uses the results
;; of that last map. That means it is never forced and nothing
;; actually happens! So a function like this can look like it works
;; or partially works from the REPL, but doesn't work at all in
;; your program.
;; How confusing is that?!?
(defn make-logged-atoms-too-lazy [num-atoms]
(let [atoms (map atom (range num-atoms))]
; Arrange to log each atom
(map #(log-reference % console) atoms)
; Increment each atom, which should generate a log message
(map #(swap! % inc) atoms)
(println "We're done!")
;; The solution is to use doseq, which is specifically intended
;; for use in cases where the point is side effects instead of
;; values. We still use map to create the atoms because we
;; need the values (the atoms) that result from mapping our
;; function across the range. The next two, however, need to
;; be doseqs since they're just there for the side effects
;; (attaching a logger, and incrementing the values in the
;; atoms).
(defn make-logged-atoms [num-atoms]
(let [atoms (map atom (range num-atoms))]
; Arrange to log each atom
(doseq [a atoms] (log-reference a console))
; Increment each atom, which should generate a log message
(doseq [a atoms] (swap! a inc))
(println "We're done!")
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It's worth noting that for also uses lazy evaluation and would (I think) generate problems similar to map if what you're after is side effects.

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