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Created March 7, 2013 17:07
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Save NicMcPhee/5109759 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example in Erlang of a crytographically fair distributed coin toss. This example also includes totally unnecessary calls to an inefficient recursive definition of the fibonacci function to generate some non-trivial computation in each process so we can better see the parallelism in the system monitors.
%% @author mcphee
%% @doc An example in Erlang of a crytographically fair
%% distributed coin toss.
% There are a ton of commented out erlang:display/1 calls that illustrate
% a fairly brute force approach to debugging this sort of code. It can be
% really difficult to tell what's going on in a process, and using erlang:display/1
% (which should *only* be used for debugging instead of "real" I/O) can be
% a useful way to see what's happening.
%% ====================================================================
%% API functions
%% ====================================================================
-export([pair/2, pair_all/1, create_people/1, counter_loop/2, wait/1, wait_for_choice/5, wait_for_outcome/4]).
% Peeps = coin_toss:create_people(100).
% coin_toss:pair_all(Peeps).
create_people(Num_people) ->
% erlang:display("About to create people"),
register(counter, spawn(coin_toss, counter_loop, [0, 0])),
lists:map(fun(N) -> spawn(coin_toss, wait, [N]) end, lists:seq(1, Num_people)).
pair(First_pid, Second_pid) ->
First_pid ! {start, Second_pid}.
pair_all([]) -> true;
pair_all([A, B | Rest]) ->
pair(A, B),
counter_loop(Heads_wins, Tails_wins) ->
% erlang:display("Running counter loop"),
report ->
io:format("~w heads wins and ~w tails wins~n", [Heads_wins, Tails_wins]),
counter_loop(Heads_wins, Tails_wins);
{heads, won} ->
io:format("Heads won~n"),
counter_loop(1 + Heads_wins, Tails_wins);
{tails, lost} ->
io:format("Heads won~n"),
counter_loop(1 + Heads_wins, Tails_wins);
{heads, lost} ->
io:format("Tails won~n"),
counter_loop(Heads_wins, 1 + Tails_wins);
{tails, won} ->
io:format("Tails won~n"),
counter_loop(Heads_wins, 1 + Tails_wins)
% The starting state, waiting for someone to pair us up with another
% process to do a cryptographic coin toss. One option in this state is
% to receive a start message, which pairs us with another process; we
% create a hashed flip and send that to them. The other option is to
% receive a choose message from another process that has already created
% a hashed flip and asks us to choose heads or tails and send our choice.
wait(ID) ->
% erlang:display("About to start up a process.~n"),
{start, Partner} ->
% erlang:display("Received a request to start"),
Flip = case crypto:rand_uniform(0, 2) of
0 -> tails;
1 -> heads
% erlang:display("flipped"),
io:format("Flip was ~w.~n", [Flip]),
{Salt, Hashed_flip} = hash_flip(Flip),
% erlang:display("hashed"),
Partner ! {choose, self(), Hashed_flip},
% erlang:display("Contacted partner"),
wait_for_choice(ID, Partner, Flip, Salt, Hashed_flip);
{choose, Partner, Hashed_flip} ->
% erlang:display("Received a request to choose"),
% The fib call is just to put some expensive computation in
% the system so we can see the parallelism at the system
% system monitor level. Feel free to remove this, or raise
% or lower the argument to fib to change the amount of work
% being done here.
F = fib(35),
Choice = case (crypto:rand_uniform(0, 2) + F) rem 2 of
0 -> tails;
1 -> heads
% erlang:display("Made choice"),
% io:format("Choice was ~w.~n", [Choice]),
Partner ! {check_outcome, self(), Choice, Hashed_flip},
% erlang:display("Asked partner to check outcome"),
wait_for_outcome(ID, Partner, Choice, Hashed_flip);
stop ->
% In this state we've flipped the coin, and sent a hash of the flip
% to our partner. We're now waiting for them to choose heads or tails
% and send us that choice. When we receive that we determine whether
% they won and send that and the unhashed flip to our partner for
% confirmation.
wait_for_choice(ID, Partner, Flip, Salt, Hashed_flip) ->
% erlang:display("Waiting for choice"),
{check_outcome, Partner, Choice, Hashed_flip} ->
% erlang:display("Received choice"),
Result = case Choice == Flip of
true -> won;
false -> lost
% erlang:display("Computed result"),
io:format("Flip was ~w, choice was ~w, results was ~w.~n", [Flip, Choice, Result]),
Partner ! {confirm_result, self(), Result, Flip, Salt, Hashed_flip}
% erlang:display("Asked partner to confirm")
% In this state we've made our choice and sent it to our partner. We're
% now waiting for them to decide if we won and send us that result along with
% the unhashed version of the flip and the salt so we can confirm that they didn't
% cheat.
wait_for_outcome(ID, Partner, Choice, Hashed_flip) ->
% erlang:display("Waiting for outcome"),
{confirm_result, Partner, Result, Flip, Salt, Hashed_flip} ->
% erlang:display("Received outcome"),
case (Choice == Flip) == (Result == won) of
true -> true;
false -> exit("Partner didn't process toss correctly")
% erlang:display("Confirmed outcome"),
{Salt, Hash_check} = hash_flip(Salt, Flip),
% erlang:display("Computed hash"),
case Hash_check of
Hashed_flip -> true;
_ -> exit("Partner's hashed flip didn't match")
% erlang:display("Checked hash"),
io:format("Processing choice ~w and result ~w.~n", [Choice, Result]),
counter ! {Choice, Result}
% erlang:display("Notified counter")
%% ====================================================================
%% Internal functions
%% ====================================================================
hash_flip(Flip) ->
Salt = integer_to_list(crypto:rand_uniform(0, 1000000)),
hash_flip(Salt, Flip).
hash_flip(Salt, Flip) ->
{Salt, crypto:md5(string:concat(Salt, atom_to_list(Flip)))}.
fib(0) -> 0;
fib(1) -> 1;
fib(N) -> fib(N-1) + fib(N-2).
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The coin toss algorithm implemented here is similar to, but not exactly the same as, the one described on Wikpedia. The main difference is that here I have the flipper commit first instead of having the caller commit, but I think that's really a cosmetic difference.

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