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Created July 7, 2020 22:21
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// Copyright © 2019 Nicholas Peterson. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
protocol BlacklistInterface {
* Creates a new list from an array of blacklisted words.
* Runs at worst in O(n * m) time where n is the length of the longest word and m is the total number of words.
static func fromList(_ wordList: [String]) -> BlacklistInterface
* Adds word to Blacklist
* If a shorter root already exists nothing will be added.
* If the new word is a prefix to other words, the existing longer words are removed, and the new shorter prefix is added.
* Runs in O(n) time (at worst) when n is the length of the word being added.
func addWord(_ word: String)
* Return true if a given word, or prefix of a give word, exists in the blacklist.
* Runs in O(n) time where n is the length of the word.
func isBlacklisted(_ word: String) -> Bool
* Returns an array of words in our blacklist.
* Runs commonly in O(n log(m)) n is the number of words, and m is the longest stored word.
* In the worst case where all words are unique and the same length, time becomes O(n * m).
func words() -> [String]
// A Trie structure that represents our blacklist
class Blacklist: BlacklistInterface {
private var isWord : Bool { return !isHead && characterMap.isEmpty }
private var isHead : Bool { return value == "" }
private let value: String
private var characterMap = [Character: Blacklist]()
init(value: String = "") { // Empty string indicates head/root
self.value = value
class func fromList(_ wordList: [String]) -> BlacklistInterface {
let blacklist = Blacklist()
wordList.forEach { blacklist.addWord($0.lowercased()) }
return blacklist
func addWord(_ word: String) {
func isBlacklisted(_ word: String) -> Bool {
return seekWord(word).isWord
func words() -> [String] {
guard !isWord else { return [value] }
return characterMap.values.flatMap { $0.words() }
// Return a new Blacklist representation of a single word.
// A partial word will be return if `stoppingAt` is given a value the includes the first common character.
// Runs in O(n) time where n is the length of the word.
private class func newWord(_ word: String, to existingPart: Blacklist? = nil, stoppingAt stopWord: String? = nil) -> Blacklist {
let previousPart = existingPart ?? Blacklist(value: word)
guard !word.isEmpty, word != stopWord else { return previousPart }
let trimmedWord = String(word[..<word.lastCharacterIndex])
let lastCharacter = word[word.lastCharacterIndex]
let newPart = Blacklist(value: trimmedWord)
newPart.characterMap[lastCharacter] = previousPart
return newWord(trimmedWord, to: newPart, stoppingAt: stopWord)
private func internal_addWord(_ word: String, to existingPart: Blacklist? = nil) {
// Find our intersection.
let existingBlacklist = existingPart ?? seekWord(word)
if existingBlacklist.value == word || existingBlacklist.isWord {
existingBlacklist.characterMap = [:]
// Work backwards to our intersection.
let remainder = Blacklist.newWord(word, stoppingAt: existingBlacklist.value)
// ... and link them up
// We assume our new words first element is always the same as self.
remainder.characterMap.keys.forEach { c in // Based on the above, this will only one once.
existingBlacklist.characterMap[c] = remainder.characterMap[c]
// Get the intersection between the word and the dictionary
// Runs in O(n) time where n is the length of the word.
private func seekWord(_ word: String, afterIndex after: String.Index? = nil) -> Blacklist {
if isWord { return self }
let i = after ?? word.startIndex
let wordSpace = word.startIndex..<word.endIndex
guard wordSpace.contains(i) else { return self }
let c = word[i]
if let existing = characterMap[c] {
return existing.seekWord(word, afterIndex: word.index(after: i))
return self
extension Blacklist: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
var debugDescription: String {
return "[\(words().joined(separator: ", "))]"
fileprivate extension String {
var lastCharacterIndex: String.Index {
guard endIndex != startIndex else { return startIndex }
return index(endIndex, offsetBy: -1)
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