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Last active March 8, 2016 02:38
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Crappy MS3D parser
import numpy
import math
def perspective(fovy, aspect, z_near, z_far):
f = 1 / math.tan(math.radians(fovy) / 2)
return numpy.array([[f / aspect, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, f, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, (z_far + z_near) / (z_near - z_far), -1],
[ 0, 0, (2*z_far*z_near) / (z_near - z_far), 0]])
def look_at(eye, center, up):
F = numpy.subtract(center, eye)
f = F / numpy.linalg.norm(F)
up_prime = up / numpy.linalg.norm(up)
s = numpy.cross(f, up_prime)
u = numpy.cross(s / numpy.linalg.norm(s), f)
mat = numpy.identity(4)
mat[:3, :3] = numpy.stack([s, u, -f], axis=1)
return, translate(-eye[0], -eye[1], -eye[2]))
def translate(x, y, z):
mat = numpy.identity(4)
mat[-1, :3] = x, y, z
return mat
def scale(m, sx, sy, sz):
return numpy.array([
[sx, 0, 0, 0],
[ 0, sy, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, sz, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]
def rotate(angle, x, y, z):
s = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
c = math.cos(math.radians(angle))
magnitude = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
nc = 1 - c
x /= magnitude
y /= magnitude
z /= magnitude
return numpy.array([
[ c + x**2 * nc, y * x * nc - z * s, z * x * nc + y * s, 0],
[y * x * nc + z * s, c + y**2 * nc, y * z * nc - x * s, 0],
[z * x * nc - y * s, z * y * nc + x * s, c + z**2 * nc, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1],
def rotate_x(angle):
c = math.cos(angle)
s = math.sin(angle)
return numpy.array([
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, c, -s, 0],
[0, s, c, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
def rotate_y(angle):
c = math.cos(angle)
s = math.sin(angle)
return numpy.array([
[ c, 0, s, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0],
[-s, 0, c, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]
def rotate_z(angle):
c = math.cos(angle)
s = math.sin(angle)
return numpy.array([
[ c, -s, 0, 0],
[ s, c, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import matrix
import numpy
import math
import json
def unpack(fmt, fp_obj):
return struct.unpack(fmt,
def remove_null(s):
if b'\x00' not in s:
return None
index = s.index(b'\x00')
if index == 0: return None
return bytes(s[:index]).decode('ascii')
def _build_joint_matrix(rotation, translation):
rx, ry, rz = rotation
x, y, z = translation
translation_matrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
translation_matrix[:-1, -1] = translation
rx_mat = matrix.rotate_x(rx)
ry_mat = matrix.rotate_y(ry)
rz_mat = matrix.rotate_z(rz)
def _build_inverted_joint_matrix(rotation, translation):
rx, ry, rz = rotation
x, y, z = translation
rx_mat = matrix.rotate_x(-rx)
ry_mat = matrix.rotate_y(-ry)
rz_mat = matrix.rotate_z(-rz)
translation_matrix = numpy.identity(4, dtype=numpy.float32)
translation_matrix[:-1, -1] = (-x, -y, -z)
def lerp(s, e, t):
return s + (e - s) * t
def rlerp(r, s, e):
return (r - s) / (e - s)
header_struct = struct.Struct('<10sI')
vertex_struct = struct.Struct('<b3fBb')
triangle_struct = struct.Struct('<H3H9f6fBB')
material_struct = struct.Struct('<32s4f4f4f4fffb128s128s')
group_struct = struct.Struct('<B32sH')
joint_struct = struct.Struct('<b32s32s3f3f')
vertex_ex_v1_struct = struct.Struct('<3b3B')
vertex_ex_v2_struct = struct.Struct('<3b3BI')
class MS3DJoint(object):
def __init__(self, name, parent, rotation, position, rotation_frames, translation_frames): = name
self.parent = parent
self.rotation = rotation
self.position = position
self.children = []
self.rotation_frames = rotation_frames
self.translation_frames = translation_frames
self.matrix = _build_joint_matrix(rotation, position)
self.matrix_inverse = _build_inverted_joint_matrix(rotation, position)
def from_file(fp):
joint_data = joint_struct.unpack(
name, parent_name = map(remove_null, joint_data[1:1+2])
rotation, position = (joint_data[3+n*3:3+n*3+3] for n in range(2))
num_rotation_frames, num_translation_frames = unpack('<HH', fp)
rotation_frames = []
translation_frames = []
for j in range(num_rotation_frames):
time, = unpack('<f', fp)
rot = unpack('<3f', fp)
rotation_frames.append((time, rot))
for j in range(num_translation_frames):
time, = unpack('<f', fp)
trans = unpack('<3f', fp)
translation_frames.append((time, trans))
return MS3DJoint(name, parent_name, rotation, position, rotation_frames, translation_frames)
# self.joints.append(MS3DJoint(name, parent_name, rotation, position, rotation_frames, translation_frames))
def matrix_for_frame(self, t):
for (a_time, a_rot), (b_time, b_rot) in zip(self.rotation_frames, self.rotation_frames[1:]):
if a_time < t < b_time: break
T = rlerp(t, a_time, b_time)
rotation = tuple(lerp(an, bn, T) for an, bn in zip(a_rot, b_rot))
for (a_time, a_trans), (b_time, b_trans) in zip(self.translation_frames, self.translation_frames[1:]):
if a_time < t < b_time: break
translation = tuple(lerp(at, bt, T) for at, bt in zip(a_trans, b_trans))
return _build_joint_matrix(rotation, translation)
class MS3DVertex(object):
def __init__(self, vertex, bone_id):
self.vertex = vertex
self.bone_id = bone_id
def from_file(fp):
vertex_data = vertex_struct.unpack(
vertex, bone_id = vertex_data[1:1+3], vertex_data[4]
return MS3DVertex(vertex, bone_id)
class MS3DTriangle(object):
def __init__(self, indices, normals, texcoords, smoothing_group=None, group_index=None):
self.indices = indices
self.normals = normals
self.texcoords = texcoords
def from_file(fp):
triangle_data = triangle_struct.unpack(
vertex_indices = triangle_data[1:1+3]
normals = [triangle_data[4 + n*3:4 + n*3+3] for n in range(3)]
texcoords = list(zip(*(triangle_data[13 + n*3:13 + n*3+3] for n in range(2))))
return MS3DTriangle(vertex_indices, normals, texcoords)
class MS3DGroup(object):
def __init__(self, name, triangles, material_index): = name
self.triangles = triangles
self.material_index = material_index
def from_file(fp):
flags, name, n_triangles = group_struct.unpack(
name = remove_null(name)
triangle_indices = []
for j in range(n_triangles):
triangle_indices.append(unpack("<H", fp))
mat_index = unpack("<b", fp)
return MS3DGroup(name, triangle_indices, mat_index)
class MS3DComment(object):
def __init__(self, comment):
self.comment = comment
def from_file(fp):
index, comment_length = unpack('<ii', fp)
comment =
return MS3DComment(str(comment))
class MS3DMaterial(object):
def __init__(self, name, ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive, shininess, transparency, mode, texture, alphamap): = name
self.ambient = ambient
self.diffuse = diffuse
self.specular = specular
self.emissive = emissive
self.shininess = shininess
self.transparency = transparency
self.mode = mode
self.texture = texture
self.alphamap = alphamap
def from_file(fp):
material_data = material_struct.unpack(
name = remove_null(material_data[0])
ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive = (
for n in range(4)
shininess, transparency = material_data[17:17+2]
mode = material_data[19]
texture, alphamap = map(remove_null, material_data[20:20+2])
return MS3DMaterial(
class MS3DModel(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.joints = []
self.group_comments = []
self.material_comments = []
self.joint_comments = []
# There should only be 1 of these
# but I'm storing them in an array because why not
self.model_comments = []
self.bone_ids = []
self.vertex_weights = []
with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
signature, version = header_struct.unpack(
assert signature == b"MS3D000000", "Not a MS3D Model"
num_vertices, = unpack("<H", fp)
self.vertices = [MS3DVertex.from_file(fp) for _ in range(num_vertices)]
num_triangles, = unpack("<H", fp)
self.triangles = [MS3DTriangle.from_file(fp) for _ in range(num_triangles)]
num_groups, = unpack('<H', fp)
self.groups = [MS3DGroup.from_file(fp) for _ in range(num_groups)]
num_materials, = unpack('<H', fp)
self.materials = [MS3DMaterial.from_file(fp)]
animation_fps, current_time, num_frames = unpack('<ffi', fp)
num_joints, = unpack('<H', fp)
self.joints = [MS3DJoint.from_file(fp) for _ in range(num_joints)]
# I don't really care about this comment crap, But I Can't just skip over them
# Because they are dynamically sized
subversion, num_group_comments = unpack('<iI', fp)
self.group_comments = [MS3DComment.from_file(fp)]
num_material_comments, = unpack('<i', fp)
self.material_comments = [MS3DComment.from_file(fp) for _ in range(num_material_comments)]
num_joint_comments, = unpack('<i', fp)
self.joint_comments = [MS3DComment.from_file(fp) for _ in range(num_joint_comments)]
num_model_comments, = unpack('<i', fp)
self.model_comments = [MS3DComment.from_file(fp) for _ in range(num_model_comments)]
subversion, = unpack('<i', fp)
for i in range(num_vertices):
# For some reason v2 decided that weights should be in the range 0-100
# instead of 0 - 255
# IDK why you would discard that extra precision but WHATEVER
if subversion == 1:
vertex_ex_data = vertex_ex_v1_struct.unpack(
bone_ids = vertex_ex_data[:3]
weights = tuple(weight / 255.0 for weight in vertex_ex_data[3:3+3])
vertex_ex_data = vertex_ex_v2_struct.unpack(
bone_ids = vertex_ex_data[:3]
weights = tuple(weight / 100.0 for weight in vertex_ex_data[3:3+3])
w0, w1, w2 = weights
w3 = 1.0 - w0 - w1 - w2
b0 = self.vertices[i].bone_id
b1, b2, b3 = bone_ids
self.vertex_weights.append((w0, w1, w2, w3))
self.bone_ids.append((b0, b1, b2, b3))
# There's more crap I don't really care about after this point
# Build up vertex buffers for use in OpenGL
self.bone_id_buffer = numpy.array(self.bone_ids, dtype=numpy.int16)
self.vertex_weight_buffer = numpy.array(self.vertex_weights, dtype=numpy.float32)
self.vertex_buffer = numpy.array([
for triangle in self.triangles
for n in triangle.indices
], dtype=numpy.float32)
self.texcoord_buffer = numpy.array([
for triangle in self.triangles
for texcoord in triangle.texcoords
], dtype=numpy.float32)
# TODO: Right now I am just generating a tree of joints
# But I need to really have things like the inverse local
# matrix and absolute matrix and a bunch of other crap
# the tree is really only for debugging
self.joint_dict = { joint for joint in self.joints}
self.joint_tree = []
for joint in self.joints:
if not joint.parent:
if __name__ == "__main__":
from collections import defaultdict
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('fname', metavar='FILE')
args = parser.parse_args()
m = MS3DModel(args.fname)
result = defaultdict(list)
for vert in m.vertices:
for triangle in m.triangles:
"indices": triangle.indices,
"normals": triangle.normals,
"texcoords": triangle.texcoords
for joint in m.joints:
"parent": joint.parent,
"rotation": joint.rotation,
"translation": joint.position,
"rotation_frames": joint.rotation_frames,
"translation_frames": joint.translation_frames,
for vertex_weights, bone_ids in zip(m.vertex_weights, m.bone_ids):
"vertex_weights": vertex_weights,
"bone_ids": bone_ids
print(json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
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