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Last active July 9, 2024 17:04
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Calendar Events: creating calendar events from gmail notifications e-mails.

Calendar Google APP script

La idea de este script es crear eventos del calendario como recordatorios para pagar servicios.

Necesita crear reglas en GMail para que le agregue la etiqueta calendar-event a los mails de notificaciones. El script le removerá dicha etiqueta a los mails que ya procesó.

const LabelPending = 'calendar-event';
const emailRe = /(^|<)(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5}))(>|$)/;
function osde(from, email, thread) {
if (from !== '')
const body = email.getPlainBody();
const match = body.match(/Vencimiento.*?(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, day, month, year] = match;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
`OSDE: vencimiento`,
new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
function mastercard(from, email, thread) {
if (from !== '')
const body = email.getPlainBody();
const match = body.match(/Vence\s*el.*?(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, day, month, year] = match;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
`Mastercard: vencimiento`,
new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
function reba(from, email, thread) {
if (from !== '')
const body = email.getBody();
const match = body.match(/Fecha\s*de\s*vencimiento:.*?(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{2})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, day, month, year] = match;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
`Reba: vencimiento`,
new Date(parseInt(year, 10) + 2000, parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
function wilo(from, email, thread) {
if (from !== '')
const body = email.getBody();
// y vence el 12/09.
let match = body.match(/y vence el (\d{2})\/(\d{2})/i);
// Fecha de vencimiento: 12-12-22
if (!match)
match = body.match(/Fecha de vencimiento: (\d{2})-(\d{2})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
let [, day, month] = match;
day = parseInt(day, 10);
month = parseInt(month, 10);
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
`Wilobank: vencimiento`,
new Date((new Date()).getFullYear() + (month === 1 ? 1 : 0), month - 1, day),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
function galicia(from, email, thread) {
if (from !== '')
const body = email.getBody();
// Vencimiento: 09 Sep 22
const match = body.match(/Vencimiento: (\d{2}) (\S+) (\d{2})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, day, txtMonth, year] = match;
let month = -1;
const months = [
for (let i = 0; i < months.length; i++) {
if (txtMonth.toLowerCase().startsWith(months[i]))
month = i;
let title = `Galicia: vencimiento`;
const titleMatch = email.getSubject().match(/Resumen de cuenta (\S+)/i);
if (titleMatch)
title = `Galicia ${titleMatch[1]}: vencimiento`;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
new Date(parseInt(year, 10) + 2000, month, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
function santander(from, email, thread) {
if (from !== '')
const body = email.getPlainBody();
// El 11/10/2022 vence tu Tarjeta Santander VISA terminada en XXXX.
// El 17/02/2022 vence tu servicio.
let match = body.match(/El \*(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})\* vence tu (servicio|Tarjeta Santander \*(.*?)\* terminada en)/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, day, month, year, , card] = match;
let title = 'Santander: vencimiento';
if (card) {
title = `Santander ${card.trim()}: vencimiento`;
} else {
const serviceMatch = body.match(/Empresa\s*([^\n]+)/i);
if (serviceMatch)
title = `${serviceMatch[1].trim()}: vencimiento (Santander)`;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
// Débitos automáticos (AFIP)
match = body.match(/El siguiente servicio está por vencer\..*?Fecha\s+(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}\d{2}?).*?Servicio\s+(.*?)\n/s);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
let [, day, month, year, service] = match;
year = parseInt(year, 10);
if (year < 2000) year = year + 2000;
const title = `Santander ${service.trim()}: vencimiento`;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
new Date(year, parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
function aysa(from, email, thread) {
if (from === '') {
const body = email.getPlainBody();
// Te informamos que el día * 2024-06-26T00:00:00
const match = body.match(/Te\s+informamos\s+que\s+el\s+d.a[^0-9]+(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, year, month, day] = match;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
`AYSA: vencimiento`,
new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
} else if (from === '') {
const body = email.getPlainBody();
// Fecha de vencimiento: 31/07/2024
const match = body.match(/Fecha\s+de\s+vencimiento:[^0-9]*(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, day, month, year] = match;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
`AYSA: vencimiento`,
new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
function metrogas(from, email, thread) {
if (from !== '')
const body = email.getPlainBody();
// Fecha de vencimiento: 17.07.2024
const match = body.match(/Fecha de vencimiento:\s*(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})/i);
if (match) {
const permalink = thread.getPermalink();
const [, day, month, year] = match;
return CalendarApp.createAllDayEvent(
`MetroGAS: vencimiento`,
new Date(parseInt(year, 10), parseInt(month, 10) - 1, parseInt(day, 10)),
{ description: `Ver: ${permalink}` },
return true;
const functions = [
function getFrom(email) {
const from = email.getFrom();
const match = from.match(emailRe);
if (match)
return match[2];
function processMail(thread) {
const [email] = thread.getMessages();
const from = getFrom(email);
functions.some(process => {
const event = process(from, email, thread);
if (!event) return false;
if (event.addPopupReminder) {
event.addPopupReminder(12 * 60);
event.addPopupReminder(36 * 60);
return true;
function main() {
const labelPending = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(LabelPending);
const threads = labelPending.getThreads();
for (const thread of threads) {
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