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Last active August 21, 2020 06:45
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PointedList: a list with a focus element
/// A list with a focus element.
/// Inspired by
/// Based on
type PointedList<'a> =
private PointedList of
LeftsRev : 'a list
* Focus : 'a
* Rights : 'a list
// FS1125
// make sure the generic parameters actually get referenced in the static member
static member map f (PointedList (ls, x : 'a, rs)) =
PointedList ( f ls, f x, f rs)
static member foldBack f (PointedList (ls, x : 'a, rs)) z =
List.fold (flip f) (List.foldBack f (x :: rs) z) ls
static member toList (l : PointedList<'a>) =
PointedList.foldBack List.cons l []
static member toSeq (l : PointedList<'a>) =
PointedList.toList l |> List.toSeq
// F#+ integration
static member Map (x, f) = f x
static member FoldBack (x, f, z) = PointedList.foldBack f x z
static member ToList x = PointedList.toList x
module PointedList =
type Direction = Before | After
/// Gets the current focus element of the list.
let focus (PointedList (_, x, _)) = x
/// Create a 'PointedList' with a single element.
let singleton x = PointedList ([], x, [])
/// Create a PointedList with a focus element and a list to follow
/// after it.
let create x xs = PointedList ([], x, xs)
/// Try create Some PointedList if the list has at least one element,
/// otherwise None. The provided list's head will be the focus of the
/// list, and the rest of list will follow after it.
let ofList = function
| [] -> None
| x :: xs -> Some <| PointedList ([], x, xs)
/// Try create Some PointedList if the list has at least one element,
/// otherwise None. The provided list's last element will be the focus
/// of the list, and the rest of the list will precede before it.
let ofListEnd list =
List.rev list
|> function
| [] -> None
| x :: xs -> Some <| PointedList (xs, x, [])
/// Replace the focus of the list, retaining the befores and afters.
let replace x (PointedList (ls, _, rs)) =
PointedList (ls, x, rs)
/// Returns the first element for which the predicate returns true.
let tryFind pred (PointedList (ls, x, rs)) =
let rec merge = function
| [], ys -> ys
| x :: xs, ys -> x :: merge (xs, ys)
if pred x then Some x
else merge (ls, rs) |> List.tryFind pred
/// Possibly move the focus to the next element.
let tryMove d l =
match d, l with
| Before, PointedList ([], _, _) -> None
| Before, PointedList (l :: ls, x, rs) ->
Some <| PointedList (ls, l, x :: rs)
| After, PointedList (_, _, []) -> None
| After, PointedList (ls, x, r :: rs) ->
Some <| PointedList (x :: ls, r, rs)
/// Create a 'PointedList' of variations of the provided 'PointedList', in
/// which each element is focused, with the provided 'PointedList' as the
/// focus of the sets.
let positions x =
let ls = x |> List.unfold (tryMove Before >> map (fun y -> y, y))
let rs = x |> List.unfold (tryMove After >> map (fun y -> y, y))
PointedList (ls, x, rs)
/// Move the focus to the specified element, if it is present.
let moveTo x = positions >> tryFind (focus >> (=) x)
/// Insert an element before/after the focus, then move the focus
/// to the new element.
let insert d y (PointedList (ls, x, rs)) =
match d with
| Before -> PointedList (ls, y, x :: rs)
| After -> PointedList (x :: ls, y, rs)
/// Possibly remove the element at the focus, then move the element from
/// before/after to the focus. If no element is before, focus on the element
/// in the other before/after. If the deletion will cause the list to be empty,
/// returns None.
let tryRemove d l =
match d, l with
| Before, PointedList ([], _, []) -> None
| Before, PointedList (l :: ls, _, rs) -> Some <| PointedList (ls, l, rs)
| Before, PointedList ([], _, r :: rs) -> Some <| PointedList ([], r, rs)
| After , PointedList ([], _, []) -> None
| After , PointedList (ls, _, r :: rs) -> Some <| PointedList (ls, r, rs)
| After , PointedList (l :: ls, _, []) -> Some <| PointedList (ls, l, [])
/// Remove all elements in the list except the focus.
let removeOthers (PointedList (_, x, _)) =
PointedList ([], x, [])
let length (list : PointedList<_>) =
PointedList.foldBack (fun _ i -> i + 1) list 0
let isEnd = function
| PointedList (_, _, []) -> true
| PointedList _ -> false
let isStart = function
| PointedList ([], _, _) -> true
| PointedList _ -> false
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