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Last active January 29, 2024 10:24
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Safari Focus Polyfill
(function() {
var capturedEvents = [];
var capturing = false;
function getEventTarget(event) {
return event.composedPath()[0] ||;
function captureEvent(e) {
if (capturing) {
function hiddenOrInert(element) {
var el = element;
while (el) {
if ( === 'none' || el.hasAttribute('inert')) return true;
el = el.parentElement;
return false;
* The only mousedown events we care about here are ones emanating from
* (A) anchor links with href attribute,
* (B) non-disabled buttons,
* (C) non-disabled textarea,
* (D) non-disabled inputs of type "button", "reset", "checkbox", "radio", "submit"
* (E) non-interactive elements (button, a, input, textarea, select) that have a tabindex with a numeric value
* (F) audio elements
* (G) video elements with controls attribute
* (H) any element with the contenteditable attribute
function isFocusableElement(el) {
var tag = el.tagName;
return (
!hiddenOrInert(el) && (
(/^a$/i.test(tag) && el.href != null) || // (A)
(/^(button|textarea)$/i.test(tag) && el.disabled !== true) || // (B) (C)
(/^input$/i.test(tag) &&
/^(button|reset|submit|radio|checkbox)$/i.test(el.type) &&
!el.disabled) || // (D)
(!/^(button|input|textarea|select|a)$/i.test(tag) &&
!Number.isNaN(Number.parseFloat(el.getAttribute('tabindex')))) || // (E)
/^audio$/i.test(tag) || // (F)
(/^video$/i.test(tag) && el.controls === true) || // (G)
el.getAttribute('contenteditable') != null // (H)
function getLabelledElement(labelElement) {
var forId = labelElement.getAttribute('for');
return forId
? document.querySelector('#'+forId)
: labelElement.querySelector('button, input, keygen, select, textarea');
function getFocusableElement(e) {
var currentElement = getEventTarget(e);
var focusableElement;
while (!focusableElement && currentElement !== null && currentElement.nodeType === 1) {
if (isFocusableElement(currentElement)) {
focusableElement = currentElement;
} else if (/^label$/i.test(currentElement.tagName)) {
var labelledElement = getLabelledElement(currentElement);
if (isFocusableElement(labelledElement)) {
focusableElement = labelledElement;
currentElement = currentElement.parentElement || currentElement.parentNode
return focusableElement;
function handler(e) {
var focusableElement = getFocusableElement(e);
if (focusableElement) {
if (focusableElement === document.activeElement) {
// mousedown is happening on the currently focused element
// do not fire the 'focus' event in this case AND
// call preventDefault() to stop the browser from transferring
// focus to the body element
} else {
// start capturing possible out-of-order mouse events
capturing = true;
* enqueue the focus event _after_ the current batch of events, which
* includes any blur events but before the mouseup and click events.
* The correct order of events is:
* [this element] MOUSEDOWN <-- this event
* [previously active element] BLUR
* [previously active element] FOCUSOUT
* [this element] FOCUS <-- forced event
* [this element] FOCUSIN <-- triggered by forced event
* [this element] MOUSEUP <-- possibly captured event (it may have fired _before_ the FOCUS event)
* [this element] CLICK <-- possibly captured event (it may have fired _before_ the FOCUS event)
setTimeout(() => {
// stop capturing possible out-of-order mouse events
capturing = false;
// trigger focus event
// re-dispatch captured mouse events in order
while (capturedEvents.length > 0) {
var event = capturedEvents.pop();
getEventTarget(event).dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(event.type, event));
}, 0);
if (/apple/i.test(navigator.vendor)) {
window.addEventListener('mousedown', handler, {capture: true});
window.addEventListener('mouseup', captureEvent, {capture: true});
window.addEventListener('click', captureEvent, {capture: true});
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kimskovhusandersen commented Jan 25, 2024

There was a type error in isFocusableElement.

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'e.tagName')

There should be a check to make sure el is not null or undefined.

  function isFocusableElement(el) {
    if (!el) return false;
    var tag = el.tagName;

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There's a new, more complete version of this polyfill at The version here didn't fix all of the test cases on

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There's a new, more complete version of this polyfill at The version here didn't fix all of the test cases on

Thank you @NickGard 🙏

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