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Created March 28, 2012 22:44
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(* Simple trie to store strings by Nick Heiner <> *)
module CharMap = Map.Make(Char)
(* count of members of the set that end at this node * mapping from
next char => children *)
type trie = Node of int * trie CharMap.t
let empty = Node (0, CharMap.empty)
(* Add a string to the trie *)
let rec add (Node (count, children) : trie) = function
| "" -> Node (count + 1, children)
| str ->
let firstChar = String.get str 0 in
let lastChars = String.sub str 1 ((String.length str) - 1) in
let newTrie = if CharMap.mem firstChar children
then add (CharMap.find firstChar children) lastChars
else add empty lastChars in
let newChildren = CharMap.add firstChar newTrie children in
Node (count, newChildren)
let addAll (trie : trie) (strs : string list) : trie =
List.fold_left (fun trieAcc str -> add trieAcc str) empty strs
(* Get all the strings of a trie *)
let traverse (trie : trie) : string list =
let rec helper (Node (count, children) : trie) (prevChar : char option)
: string list =
let string_of_char chr =
match chr with
| None -> ""
| Some ch -> String.make 1 ch in
let perChild = (fun (chr, child) ->
(helper child (Some chr))) (CharMap.bindings children) in
let fromChildren = List.flatten perChild in
let withPrev = (fun str -> (string_of_char prevChar) ^ str) fromChildren in
let rec clone str count =
if count = 0 then [] else str::(clone str (count - 1))
in (clone (string_of_char prevChar) count) @ withPrev in
helper trie None
let sort (strs: string list): string list =
traverse (addAll empty strs)
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