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Created November 6, 2016 22:41
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import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Random.Extras
import Data.Random.RVar
import Data.Random.Source.DevRandom
type Pairing = (String, String)
type Possibility = (String, [String])
people :: [String]
people = [ "Nick", "Adam", "Affan", "George", "Lily", "Pants", "Toby", "Duncan",
draw :: [String] -> [Possibility]
draw xs = [ (x, delete x xs) | x <- xs ]
filt :: (String -> String -> Bool) -> Possibility -> Possibility
filt f (x, ys) = (x, filter (f x) ys)
f :: String -> String -> Bool
f "Lily" x = case x of
"Pants" -> False
_ -> True
f "Pants" x = case x of
"Lily" -> False
_ -> True
f _ _ = True
santas :: [Possibility]
santas = map (filt f) $ draw people
santa :: [Possibility] -> MaybeT IO [Pairing]
santa [] = return []
santa ((x, ys):ss) = do
rvar <- MaybeT . return $ safeChoice ys
pick <- lift $ runRVar rvar DevRandom
rest <- santa $ map (second $ filter (/= pick)) ss
-- rest <- santa $ map (\(x', ys') -> (x', filter (/= pick) ys')) ss
return $ (x, pick) : rest
dontFail :: MaybeT IO [Pairing] -> IO [Pairing]
dontFail x = fix (\again -> runMaybeT x >>= maybe again pure)
-- dontFail x = runMaybeT x >>= maybe (dontFail x) return
main :: IO ()
main = dontFail (santa santas) >>= mapM_ write
write :: Pairing -> IO ()
write = uncurry writeFile
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