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Created July 14, 2022 00:55
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UIToolkitRaycastChecker is a script for Unity UIElements to replicate the EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() functionality for UI Elements.
using UnityEngine;
public class ExampleNonUIMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
//Example of how to check for a position. This is the equivalent of EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() except for UI Elements.
if (UIToolkitRaycastChecker.IsPointerOverUI())
//I'm under a part of the UI that's set to block raycasts! Don't try to raycast or something.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class ExampleUIController : MonoBehaviour
private UIDocument _document;
private VisualElement _root;
private void OnEnable()
_root = _document.rootVisualElement;
_rectangle = _root.Q<VisualElement>("Rectangle");
_root.BlockRaycasts(); //This optional extension method lets you register visual elements as if it were built in.
UIToolkitRaycastChecker.RegisterBlockingElement(_rectangle); // Same effect as the above code, but this is more explicit that you are registering your element to some system you'll need to unregister it from.
private void OnDisable()
//Counterparts to the above methods:
private void ExampleMethod() //You can check an element to see whether it's blocking raycasts or not.
//Do a thing
//Do the same thing
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using UnityEditor;
public static class UIToolkitRaycastChecker
private static HashSet<VisualElement> _blockingElements = new HashSet<VisualElement>();
public static void RegisterBlockingElement(VisualElement blockingElement) =>
public static void UnregisterBlockingElement(VisualElement blockingElement) =>
public static bool IsBlockingRaycasts(VisualElement element)
return _blockingElements.Contains(element) &&
element.visible &&
element.resolvedStyle.display == DisplayStyle.Flex;
public static bool IsPointerOverUI()
foreach (var element in _blockingElements)
if (IsBlockingRaycasts(element) == false)
if (ContainsMouse(element))
return true;
return false;
private static bool ContainsMouse(VisualElement element)
var mousePosition = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
var scaledMousePosition = new Vector2(mousePosition.x / Screen.width, mousePosition.y / Screen.height);
var flippedPosition = new Vector2(scaledMousePosition.x, 1 - scaledMousePosition.y);
var adjustedPosition = flippedPosition * element.panel.visualTree.layout.size;
var localPosition = element.WorldToLocal(adjustedPosition);
return element.ContainsPoint(localPosition);
//This is used to reset the blocking elements set on playmode enter
//to fix a bug if you have the quick enter playmode settings turned on
//and don't unregister all your blocking elements before leaving playmode.
private static void ResetBlockingElements()
_blockingElements = new HashSet<VisualElement>();
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public static class VisualElementExtensions
public static void BlockRaycasts(this VisualElement element) =>
public static void AllowRaycasts(this VisualElement element) =>
public static void IsBlockingRaycasts(this VisualElement element) =>
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jmaler commented Aug 6, 2022

Great, this is exactly what I was looking for after a few days with UI Toolkit, thank you very much.

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