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Generating Xcode projects from Node.js binding repos via gyp

This is specifically tailored to Node.js binding projects in which case the C++ layer is always a library.

Clone gyp:

git clone --depth 1 gyp

Add the below common.gypi file in the root of the project.

Copy the binding.gyp file to myapp.gyp and add target.type, include common.gypi and include dirs to v8 and node header files:

    "includes": [
    "targets": [{
      'type': '<(library)',
      "include_dirs" : [

Finally run gyp against that file:

./gyp/gyp myapp.gyp -Dlibrary=static_library --depth=. -f xcode --generator-output=./build

Now you can open ./build/myapp.xcodeproj and inspect the code and/or attach to a Node.js process running with that library in order to debug it.

"conditions": [
["OS=='win'", {
"target_defaults": {
"default_configuration": "Release_x64",
"configurations": {
"Debug_Win32": {
"msvs_configuration_platform": "Win32",
"Debug_x64": {
"msvs_configuration_platform": "x64",
"Release_Win32": {
"msvs_configuration_platform": "Win32",
"Release_x64": {
"msvs_configuration_platform": "x64",
}, {
"target_defaults": {
"default_configuration": "Release",
"xcode_settings": {
"configurations": {
"Debug": {
"defines": [
"xcode_settings": {
"Release": {
"defines": [
"xcode_settings": {
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