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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Alt Coin libnotify Price Ticker - MintPal / SwissCEX Support


Use libnotify to display coin markets fetched from either SwissCEX and/or MintPal. BTC/USD Prices from Bitstamp as well.


Basic (DOGE/BTC from Mintpal. No API Key Needed.)

./ --coins="doge" --to_satoshi

Notify DOGE/BTC, DOGE/LTC, VERT/BTC Markets. Try SwissCEX first and stop if all coins found.

./ --coins="doge/btc, doge, vert/btc" --to_satoshi --market="ltc" --preferred_exchange="SwissCex" --swisscex_key=""

#Script Arguments

coins: A list of markets to fetch. If no secondary (trade) market is specified, it uses the market argument.

to_satoshi: Converts from 1BTC to Satoshis. Notify boxes are small and full prices don't play well. Default True.

swisscex_key: SwissCEX API Key. Required to fetch from SwissCEX.

market: The default trade market to use if no market is specified. Default BTC

preferred_exchange: Return prices from this exchange if applicable. Default MintPal.

** The script will not fetch from two exchanges unless every market was not returned from the preferred exchange.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON::XS;
use Try::Tiny;
my ($coins, $to_satoshi, $swisscex_key, $market, $preferred_exchange);
'coins=s' => \$coins,
'to_satoshi' => \$to_satoshi,
'swisscex_key=s' => \$swisscex_key,
'market=s' => \$market,
'preferred_exchange=s' => \$preferred_exchange,
die "List of coins is required!"
unless $coins;
$preferred_exchange ||= 'mintpal';
$market = $market ? uc $market : 'BTC';
$coins = [
map {
uc (/\// ? $_ : $_.'/'.$market)
} (split /\s*,\s*/, $coins)
my $market_data = get_market_data(
$preferred_exchange =~ /mint/i ? 'mintpal' : 'swisscex'
my $count;
for my $available (@$market_data){
++$count if grep {
$available->{code} eq $_
} @$coins;
if ($count != scalar @$coins){
push @$market_data, @{get_market_data($preferred_exchange =~ /mint/i ? 'swisscex' : 'mintpal')};
my $btc_usd = get_btc_usd();
my %stats;
my ($btc_high,$btc_low,$btc_last) = map {
} qw {
high low last
my $output = <<BTC;
BTC/USD Market Data
High: \$$btc_high Low: \$$btc_low Last: \$$btc_last
for my $coin (@$coins){
$stats{$coin} = fetch_coin($coin);
my ($ex_name,$vol,$high,$low,$last) = map {
to_satoshi($_, $stats{$coin}{$_})
} qw {
$output = <<STATS;
$coin - ${vol}BTC $ex_name
High: $high Low: $low Last: $last
system("notify-send 'Recent Coin Stats' '$output' -t 7500");
sub fetch_coin {
my $coin = shift;
return (sort {
$b->{pref} <=> $a->{pref}
} grep {
$_->{code} eq $coin
} @$market_data)[0];
sub get_market_data {
my $exchange = shift;
return [] if $exchange eq 'swisscex' && !$swisscex_key;
my $web = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my %urls = (
mintpal => "",
swisscex => "$swisscex_key"
my $response = $web->get(
return []
unless $response->is_success;
try {
my $json = decode_json($response->decoded_content);
if ($exchange eq 'swisscex'){
my %map = (
volume24 => '24hvol',
low24 => '24hlow',
high24 => '24hhigh',
lastPrice => 'last_price',
to => 'exchange',
from => 'name'
for my $k (keys %map){
for my $key (%$json){
my $coin = $json->{$key};
$coin->{code} = $key;
$coin->{ex_name} = 'SwissCEX';
$coin->{pref} = $preferred_exchange =~ /swiss/i;
$coin->{$map{$k}} = delete $coin->{$k};
return [
values %$json
} elsif ($exchange eq 'mintpal') {
for my $coin (@$json) {
$coin->{name} = $coin->{code};
$coin->{ex_name} = 'MintPal';
$coin->{pref} = $preferred_exchange =~ /mint/i;
$coin->{code} = uc $coin->{name}.'/'.$coin->{exchange};
return $json;
} catch {
return [];
sub get_btc_usd {
my $web = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $web->get(
return {}
unless $response->is_success;
my $market_data = {};
try {
return decode_json($response->decoded_content);
} catch {
return {};
sub to_satoshi {
my ($key,$num) = @_;
return $num unless $to_satoshi;
if ($key eq '24hvol'){
$num = sprintf "%.2f", $num;
return $num;
return $num unless grep {
$key eq $_
} qw(last_price 24hlow 24hhigh);
$num *= 100000000;
return $num.'s';
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