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Created March 25, 2018 13:46
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Convert MS COCO Annotation to Pascal VOC format
function coco(n, k, note, dotrainval, testyear)
% Train and evaluate a model.
% pascal(n, note, dotrainval, testyear)
% The model will be a mixture of n star models, each of which
% has 2 latent orientations.
% Arguments
% n Number of aspect ratio clusters to use
% (The final model has 2*n components)
% note Save a note in the model.note field that describes this model
% dotrainval Also evaluate on the trainval dataset
% This is used to collect training data for context rescoring
% testyear Test set year (e.g., '2007', '2011')
% -------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ross Girshick
% Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Pedro Felzenszwalb, Ross Girshick
% This file is part of the voc-releaseX code
% (
% and is available under the terms of an MIT-like license
% provided in COPYING. Please retain this notice and
% COPYING if you use this file (or a portion of it) in
% your project.
% -------------------------------------------------------
conf = voc_config();
cachedir = conf.paths.model_dir;
testset = conf.eval.test_set;
% TODO: should save entire code used for this run
% Take the code, zip it into an archive named by date
% print the name of the code archive to the log file
% add the code name to the training note
timestamp = datestr(datevec(now()), 'dd.mmm.yyyy:HH.MM.SS');
% Set the note to the training time if none is given
if nargin < 3
note = timestamp;
% Don't evaluate trainval by default
if nargin < 4
dotrainval = false;
if nargin < 5
% which year to test on -- a string, e.g., '2007'.
testyear = conf.pascal.year;
for i = k:8:80
% Record a log of the training and test procedure
cls = categories(i, :)
diary([cls '-' timestamp]));
% Train a model (and record how long it took)
th = tic;
model = pascal_train(cls, n, note);
% Free the feature vector cache memory
% Lower threshold to get high recall
model.thresh = min(conf.eval.max_thresh, model.thresh);
model.interval = conf.eval.interval;
suffix = testyear;
% Collect detections on the test set
ds = pascal_test(model, testset, testyear, suffix);
% Evaluate the model without bounding box prediction
ap1 = pascal_eval(cls, ds, testset, testyear, suffix);
fprintf('AP = %.4f (without bounding box prediction)\n', ap1)
% Recompute AP after applying bounding box prediction
[ap1, ap2] = bboxpred_rescore(cls, testset, testyear, suffix);
fprintf('AP = %.4f (without bounding box prediction)\n', ap1)
fprintf('AP = %.4f (with bounding box prediction)\n', ap2)
% Compute detections on the trainval dataset (used for context rescoring)
if dotrainval
import baker
import json
from path import path
from cytoolz import merge, join, groupby
from cytoolz.compatibility import iteritems
from cytoolz.curried import update_in
from itertools import starmap
from collections import deque
from lxml import etree, objectify
from import savemat
from scipy.ndimage import imread
def keyjoin(leftkey, leftseq, rightkey, rightseq):
return starmap(merge, join(leftkey, leftseq, rightkey, rightseq))
def root(folder, filename, width, height):
E = objectify.ElementMaker(annotate=False)
return E.annotation(
E.database('MS COCO 2014'),
E.annotation('MS COCO 2014'),
def instance_to_xml(anno):
E = objectify.ElementMaker(annotate=False)
xmin, ymin, width, height = anno['bbox']
return E.object(['category_id']),
def write_categories(coco_annotation, dst):
content = json.loads(path(coco_annotation).expand().text())
categories = tuple( d['name'] for d in content['categories'])
savemat(path(dst).expand(), {'categories': categories})
def get_instances(coco_annotation):
coco_annotation = path(coco_annotation).expand()
content = json.loads(coco_annotation.text())
categories = {d['id']: d['name'] for d in content['categories']}
return categories, tuple(keyjoin('id', content['images'], 'image_id', content['annotations']))
def rename(name, year=2014):
out_name = path(name).stripext()
# out_name = out_name.split('_')[-1]
# out_name = '{}_{}'.format(year, out_name)
return out_name
def create_imageset(annotations, dst):
annotations = path(annotations).expand()
dst = path(dst).expand()
val_txt = dst / 'val.txt'
train_txt = dst / 'train.txt'
for val in annotations.listdir('*val*'):
val_txt.write_text('{}\n'.format(val.basename().stripext()), append=True)
for train in annotations.listdir('*train*'):
train_txt.write_text('{}\n'.format(train.basename().stripext()), append=True)
def create_annotations(dbpath, subset, dst):
annotations_path = path(dbpath).expand() / 'annotations/instances_{}2014.json'.format(subset)
images_path = path(dbpath).expand() / 'images/{}2014'.format(subset)
categories , instances= get_instances(annotations_path)
dst = path(dst).expand()
for i, instance in enumerate(instances):
instances[i]['category_id'] = categories[instance['category_id']]
for name, group in iteritems(groupby('file_name', instances)):
img = imread(images_path / name)
if img.ndim == 3:
out_name = rename(name)
annotation = root('VOC2014', '{}.jpg'.format(out_name),
group[0]['height'], group[0]['width'])
for instance in group:
etree.ElementTree(annotation).write(dst / '{}.xml'.format(out_name))
print out_name
print instance['file_name']
if __name__ == '__main__':
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