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Last active July 8, 2024 14:13
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C# Chat bot powered by Llama 3 through Ollama
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="OllamaSharp" Version="2.0.6" />
using OllamaSharp;
var chatBot = new ChatBot(
ollamaServiceUri: new("http://localhost:11434"),
modelName: "llama3:latest",
promptPrefix: """
Please respond to the following prompt as if you were a Canadian mortgage
broker, without saying you are a Canadian mortgage broker, and in the context
of helping the prompter acquire a mortgage or mortgage related product:
responseChunkAction: Console.Write
while (await Console.In.ReadLineAsync() is { Length: > 0 } prompt)
await chatBot.AskAsync(prompt);
public sealed class ChatBot(Uri ollamaServiceUri, String modelName, String promptPrefix, Action<String> responseChunkAction)
public async Task AskAsync(String prompt) => await (await chat).Send($"{promptPrefix}\n\n{prompt}");
private readonly Task<Chat> chat = CreateChatAsync(ollamaServiceUri, modelName, responseChunkAction);
private static async Task<Chat> CreateChatAsync(Uri ollamaServiceUri, String modelName, Action<String> responseChunkAction)
var client = new OllamaApiClient(ollamaServiceUri, modelName);
if (!(await client.ListLocalModels()).Select(x => x.Name).Contains(modelName))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Model '{modelName}' not found locally. Please pull it first using the 'ollama pull' command in your terminal.");
return client.Chat(stream =>
if (stream is null)
if (stream.Message.Content is {} body)
if (stream.Done)
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