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Last active October 30, 2022 23:06
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Directus OAS post processing script. Correct the spec to be OAS 3.0 compatible and work with OpenAPITools / openapi-generator

Directus OAS Spec Post Processing Script For OAS 3.0

This script fixes various problems in the generated spec by Directus's /server/specs/oas endpoint. It makes the spec somewhat OAS 3.0 compatible so you are able to generate code with This project has a CLI project which can be found at

What Is It Fixing?

  • [...]#/components/x-metadata is missing
  • [...]#/components/definitions/Query is missing
  • components.definitions is unexpected
  • schema.required is not of type array

It should fix all the errors prohibiting you from generating a server stub or client lib. If there are stil errors feel free to drop a comment.

Why This Script?

The maintainers currently do not plan to fix this. I tried to fix it myself but failed at the obscure build tools and nonexistent useful error messages to get the project even running. And I needed some solution quick.

How To Use

Note: you may need to install pyyaml. Use pip3 install pyyaml.

python3 <input file (valid JSON or YAML)> <output file (.json, .yml or .yaml)>

First parameter: input spec file path. Must be valid JSON or YAML.

Second parameter: output spec file path. Must include extension and must be either .json, .yml or .yaml

import sys
import yaml
import json
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader
def replace_refs(old_ref: str, new_ref: str, the_dict: dict) -> dict:
for key, value in the_dict.items():
if type(value) is dict:
the_dict[key] = replace_refs(old_ref, new_ref, value)
if key == '$ref' and value == old_ref:
print(f"replacing '{old_ref}' with '{new_ref}'")
the_dict[key] = new_ref
return the_dict
# moves 'required: true' from property level to properties level
# in an array of required properties
def fix_required(the_dict: dict) -> dict:
for key in list(the_dict):
if type(the_dict[key]) is not dict:
# entrypoint for check is 'schema'
for current_key in list(the_dict[key]):
if current_key != 'schema' or type(the_dict[key][current_key]) is not dict:
schema_child_dicts = dict(the_dict[key][current_key])
# loop over 'schema'
for schema_child_key in list(schema_child_dicts):
if schema_child_key != 'properties' or type(the_dict[key][current_key][schema_child_key]) is not dict:
properties_dict = dict(the_dict[key][current_key][schema_child_key])
# loop over 'properties'
for property_key in list(properties_dict):
if type(the_dict[key][current_key][schema_child_key][property_key]) is not dict:
# loop over fields of single property
property_items = dict(the_dict[key][current_key][schema_child_key][property_key])
for property_field_key in list(property_items):
if property_field_key != 'required' \
or type(
the_dict[key][current_key][schema_child_key][property_key][property_field_key]) \
is not bool:
# replace and delete 'required' property in original the_dict. This mess is required as we cant
# modify directly while looping
print(f"moving required from property '{property_key}'")
required_array = the_dict[key][current_key].get('required', [])
the_dict[key][current_key]['required'] = required_array
del the_dict[key][current_key][schema_child_key][property_key][property_field_key]
the_dict[key] = fix_required(the_dict[key])
return the_dict
# adds missing type: 'object'
def add_missing_type_object(the_dict: dict):
for key in list(the_dict):
if type(the_dict[key]) is not dict:
# entrypoint for check is 'schema'
for current_key in list(the_dict[key]):
if current_key != 'schema' or type(the_dict[key][current_key]) is not dict:
schema_child_dicts = dict(the_dict[key][current_key])
# if we have 'properties' in schema but not a 'type', add 'type: object'
if 'properties' in schema_child_dicts.keys() and 'type' not in schema_child_dicts.keys():
the_dict[key][current_key]['type'] = 'object'
the_dict[key] = add_missing_type_object(the_dict[key])
return the_dict
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print('Usage: python3 <input file (valid JSON or YAML)> <output file (.json, .yml or .yaml)>')
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
data = yaml.load(f, Loader=SafeLoader)
if data is None:
print(f"could read data from input file {sys.argv[1]}")
# removes invalid components/definition section and puts it in components/schemas
print('moving /components/definitions/* to /components/schemas')
data['components']['schemas'] = data['components']['schemas'] | data['components']['definitions']
for definition_key in dict(data['components']['definitions']).keys():
replace_refs(f"#/components/definitions/{definition_key}", f"#/components/schemas/{definition_key}", data)
del data['components']['definitions']
# removes invalid components/x-metadata object and puts it in components/schemas
print('moving /components/x-metadata to /components/schemas/x-metadata')
data['components']['schemas']['x-metadata'] = data['components']['x-metadata']
replace_refs('#/components/x-metadata', '#/components/schemas/x-metadata', data)
del data['components']['x-metadata']
data = fix_required(data)
data = add_missing_type_object(data)
with open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as output_file:
if str(sys.argv[2]).endswith(".json"):
print(f"writing processed spec to json file {sys.argv[2]} ...")
json.dump(data, output_file)
elif str(sys.argv[2]).endswith(".yml") or str(sys.argv[2]).endswith(".yaml"):
print(f"writing processed spec to yaml file {sys.argv[2]} ...")
yaml.dump(data, output_file)
print("could not save file. Output file must have extension 'json', 'yml' or 'yaml'.")
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