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Last active April 1, 2016 18:32
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Robin grow counter

Console method

  1. Open your browser's development tools.
  • ctrl+ shift + i for chrome
  1. Copy-Paste the code from the robin.js file (below) into your console
  2. Smash enter
var uarray = $("#robinUserList").children();
var grows = 0;
var stays = 0;
var novotes = 0;
var leaves = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < uarray.length; i++) {
if(uarray[i].classList.contains("robin--vote-class--increase")) grows++;
if(uarray[i].classList.contains("robin--vote-class--continue")) stays++;
if(uarray[i].classList.contains("robin--vote-class--novote")) novotes++;
if(uarray[i].classList.contains("robin--vote-class--abandon")) leaves++;
var outstr = "";
outstr+="GROW [" + grows + "/" + uarray.length + "]\n";
outstr+="STAY [" + stays + "/" + uarray.length + "]\n";
outstr+="QUIT [" + leaves + "/" + uarray.length + "]\n";
outstr+="NONE [" + novotes + "/" + uarray.length + "]\n";
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