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Created April 17, 2020 19:48
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CodeSignal - Alphabet Subsequence
Check whether the given string is a subsequence of the plaintext alphabet.
For s = "effg", the output should be
alphabetSubsequence(s) = false;
For s = "cdce", the output should be
alphabetSubsequence(s) = false;
For s = "ace", the output should be
alphabetSubsequence(s) = true;
For s = "bxz", the output should be
alphabetSubsequence(s) = true.
function alphabetSubsequence(s) {
// Make a set with unique letters in string
let uniqueLetters = new Set(s);
// If s has more letters than uniqueLetters set there are repeat characters in string
// If there a multiple appearances of the same characater in string then it can't be
// strictly increasing in terms of ASCII values, return false
if(uniqueLetters.size < s.length) {
return false;
// If uniqueLetters and s are of the same length we have to check each letter
else {
for(let i = 0; i < s.length + 1; i++) {
// If the next character's ASCII code is less than or equal to previous character
// then the string isn't strictly increasing in terms of ASCII value, return false
if(s.charCodeAt(i + 1) <= s.charCodeAt(i)) {
return false;
// If characters are strictly increasing in ASCII value the characters are in
// alphabetical order, return true
else {
return true;
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function alphabetSubsequence(str) {

let result = str.split('').map( (res, index) => (str.charCodeAt(index) >= str.charCodeAt(index+1)) ? false : true);

return result.every( res => res == true); 

Another way...

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