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Last active May 19, 2020 17:51
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Save Nicnl/895102d27a3215990b22ef78390f62e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is the empty file you have to create in traefik/certificates.json, as mentioned in Traefik's docker-compose.yml file
This file will contain your private keys, so remember to perform a 'chmod 600' on it or else Traefik won't store anything in it
# This is your go app's docker-compose file, place it here : my-go-app/docker-compose.yml
# It does not need any ports opening since HTTP traffic is handled by Traefik
version: '3'
image: 'my-go-app:1.0'
networks: [default, traefik]
- 'traefik.enable=true'
- ''
- ''
# The HTTP port your app is listening to, it's the port you normally would have forwarded with 'ports:'
# But don't worry, Traefik will make it available on it's port 80/443
- 'traefik.port=9000'
name: traefik
# This is traefik's config file, place it here : traefik/traefik.toml
# Log
logLevel = "DEBUG"
# Entrypoints
defaultEntryPoints = ["https", "http"]
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
watch = true
# So that traefik will just create backend/frontend rules for the containers that have the 'traefik.enable=true' label
exposedbydefault = false
# Enter your email here
email = ""
storageFile = "certificates.json"
onDemand = true
entryPoint = "https"
entryPoint = "http"
# This is Traefik's docker-compose file, place it here : traefik/docker-compose.yml
# I like to have it in a separate container so that it keeps running even if I do havoc with my other apps
version: '3'
image: 'traefik:1.6'
restart: always
# This argument provides a web interface monitoring purposes, if you want you can remove it along with the 8080 port forwarding
command: --web
networks: [traefik]
- '80:80'
- '443:443'
- '8080:8080'
- './traefik.toml:/etc/traefik/traefik.toml:ro'
# You have to create the 'certificates.json' file (not dir!) beforehand and do a 'chmod 600 certificates.json' on it, or else Traefik won't store your private keys in it.
- './certificates.json:/certificates.json'
- '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock'
# It generates quite a lot of logs when traefik.toml's log level is set to debug, so let's not keep it all
max-size: '25m'
max-file: '3'
name: traefik
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