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Last active December 12, 2017 14:31
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Extendscript iterator
* Constructs an iterator
* @example
* var it = new Iterator(layers);
* while (!it.atEnd)
* {
* var layer = layers[it.current];
* //do something with the layer
* }
* @example
* var it = new Iterator(layers);
* function doSomething(layer) { //do something with one layer }
* @class Iterator
* @classdesc An iterator object to use for easier loops
* @property {Array|Collection} list - An array or an After Effects Collection
* @param {Array|Collection} list - An array or an After Effects Collection
* @property {int} min - The minimum value (inclusive)
* @property {int} max - The maximum (inclusive)
* @property {int} length - The number of items
* @property {int} current - The current item number
* @property {boolean} atEnd - true if the iterator has reached the end
* @property {boolean} atStart - true if the iterator is at the start
* @property {boolean} valid - true if the iterator is between min and max. false until next() or previous() has been called at least once
* @property {boolean} isCollection - true if the list is a Collection, false if it's a controller
function Iterator(list)
this.min = 0;
this.max = list.length -1;
this.length = list.length;
this.isCollection = false;
if (list instanceof ItemCollection || list instanceof LayerCollection || list instanceof OMCollection || list instanceof RQItemCollection)
this.min = 1;
this.max = this.length;
this.isCollection = true;
this.current = -1;
this.atStart = false;
this.atEnd = false;
this.valid = false;
this.list = list;
* Increments the Iterator<br />
* Must be called at least once to validate the iterator
*/ = function ()
if (!this.valid)
if (this.current < this.max) this.goTo(this.current + 1);
* Decrements the Iterator
* if it's called while valid is false, goes to the end
Iterator.prototype.previous = function ()
if (!this.valid)
if (this.current > this.min) this.goTo(this.current - 1);
* Goes to the end of the Iterator
Iterator.prototype.goToEnd = function ()
* Goes to the start of the Iterator
Iterator.prototype.goToStart = function ()
* Sets the iterator on the index
* @param {int} index - The index
Iterator.prototype.goTo = function(index)
this.current = index;
if (this.current < this.min || this.current > this.max) this.valid = false;
else this.valid = true;
if (this.current == this.min) this.atStart = true;
else this.atStart = false;
if (this.current == this.max) this.atEnd = true;
else this.atEnd = false;
* Executes a function on each item of the List
* @param {function} callBack - The function to execute, which takes one parameter: an item of the list
*/ = function (callBack)
var current = this.current;
this.valid = false;
this.atEnd = false;
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