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Last active April 27, 2019 13:30
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  • Save NicoKiaru/a97ede35381626c01d09cc8ea36881f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Lazy and cached border computation of a Label Image with BigDataViewer
* -----
* - Computes a sample label image
* - Computes lazily with a disk cached cell img an image which finds the border of the labels in 3D
* - Displays both images in BigDataViewer
* Code to create the label image mainly copied from:
* -
* - And
* Improvements
* - How to know when the computation is done ? Would be nice to benchmark options
* See linked forum thread:
* -
import bdv.util.BdvFunctions
import bdv.util.BdvOptions
import bdv.util.BdvSource
import bdv.util.volatiles.SharedQueue
import bdv.util.volatiles.VolatileViews
import net.imglib2.*
import net.imglib2.algorithm.util.Grids
import net.imglib2.cache.img.*
import net.imglib2.img.Img
import net.imglib2.img.array.ArrayImgFactory
import net.imglib2.img.basictypeaccess.AccessFlags
import net.imglib2.img.basictypeaccess.array.ArrayDataAccess
import net.imglib2.img.cell.CellGrid
import net.imglib2.interpolation.neighborsearch.NearestNeighborSearchInterpolatorFactory
import net.imglib2.neighborsearch.NearestNeighborSearch
import net.imglib2.neighborsearch.NearestNeighborSearchOnKDTree
import net.imglib2.type.NativeType
import net.imglib2.type.Type
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.ARGBType
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.ByteType
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType
import net.imglib2.util.Intervals
import net.imglib2.util.Util
import net.imglib2.view.Views
import java.util.Random
import static java.lang.Math.abs
import static net.imglib2.cache.img.DiskCachedCellImgOptions.options
// Get test label image
RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > labelImage = getTestLabelImage([ 1600, 1600, 25 ] as long[]);
BdvOptions opt = new BdvOptions();
final BdvSource source =
"Label Image" );
source.setColor(new ARGBType((int)0xFF00FF00));
final SharedQueue queue = new SharedQueue( 7 );
VolatileViews.wrapAsVolatile( get3DBorderLabelImage(labelImage), queue ),
"Borders", opt.addTo(source));
public static <T extends Type<T> & Comparable<T> > Img<ByteType> get3DBorderLabelImage(RandomAccessibleInterval<T> lblImg) {
// Make edge display on demand
final int[] cellDimensions = [ 32, 32, 32 ] as int[];
// Cached Image Factory Options
final DiskCachedCellImgOptions factoryOptions = options()
.cellDimensions( cellDimensions )
.cacheType( DiskCachedCellImgOptions.CacheType.BOUNDED )
.maxCacheSize( 100 );
// Expand label image by one pixel to avoid out of bounds exception
final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> lblImgWithBorder = Views.expandBorder(lblImg,[1,1,1] as long[]);
// Creates cached image factory of Type Byte
final DiskCachedCellImgFactory< ByteType > factory = new DiskCachedCellImgFactory<>( new ByteType(), factoryOptions );
// Creates shifted views by one pixel in each dimension
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> lblImgXShift = Views.translate(lblImgWithBorder,[1,0,0] as long[]);
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> lblImgYShift = Views.translate(lblImgWithBorder,[0,1,0] as long[]);
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> lblImgZShift = Views.translate(lblImgWithBorder,[0,0,1] as long[]);
// Creates border image, with cell Consumer method, which creates the image
final Img<ByteType> borderLabel = factory.create( lblImg, { cell ->
// Cursor on the source image
final Cursor<T> inNS = Views.flatIterable( Views.interval( lblImg, cell ) ).cursor();
// Cursor on shifted source image
final Cursor<T> inXS = Views.flatIterable( Views.interval( lblImgXShift, cell ) ).cursor();
final Cursor<T> inYS = Views.flatIterable( Views.interval( lblImgYShift, cell ) ).cursor();
final Cursor<T> inZS = Views.flatIterable( Views.interval( lblImgZShift, cell ) ).cursor();
// Cursor on output image
final Cursor<ByteType> out = Views.flatIterable( cell ).cursor();
// Loops through voxels
while ( out.hasNext() ) {
T v =;
if (v.compareTo(!=0) { (byte) 126 )
} else {
if (v.compareTo(!=0) { (byte) 126 )
} else {
if (v.compareTo(!=0) { (byte) 126 )
} else {
options().initializeCellsAsDirty( true ) );
return borderLabel;
//------------------------------------- METHODS TO CREATE TEST LABEL IMAGE
public static RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > getTestLabelImage(final long[] imgTestSize) {
// the interval in which to create random points
FinalInterval interval = new FinalInterval( imgTestSize );
// create an IterableRealInterval
IterableRealInterval< FloatType > realInterval = createRandomPoints( interval, 800 );
// using nearest neighbor search we will be able to return a value an any position in space
NearestNeighborSearch< FloatType > search =
new NearestNeighborSearchOnKDTree<>(
new KDTree<>( realInterval ) );
// make it into RealRandomAccessible using nearest neighbor search
RealRandomAccessible< FloatType > realRandomAccessible =
Views.interpolate( search, new NearestNeighborSearchInterpolatorFactory< FloatType >() );
// convert it into a RandomAccessible which can be displayed
RandomAccessible< FloatType > randomAccessible = Views.raster( realRandomAccessible );
// set the initial interval as area to view
RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > labelImage = Views.interval( randomAccessible, interval );
final RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > labelImageCopy = new ArrayImgFactory( Util.getTypeFromInterval( labelImage ) ).create( labelImage );
// Image copied to avoid computing it on the fly
// used for parallel copy
Grids.collectAllContainedIntervals(imgTestSize, [128,128,32] as int[]).parallelStream().forEach( {blockinterval->
copy(labelImage, Views.interval(labelImageCopy, blockinterval));
// Returning it
return labelImageCopy;
* Copy from a source that is just RandomAccessible to an IterableInterval. Latter one defines
* size and location of the copy operation. It will query the same pixel locations of the
* IterableInterval in the RandomAccessible. It is up to the developer to ensure that these
* coordinates match.
* Note that both, input and output could be Views, Img or anything that implements
* those interfaces.
* @param source - a RandomAccess as source that can be infinite
* @param target - an IterableInterval as target
public static < T extends Type< T > > void copy( final RandomAccessible< T > source,
final IterableInterval< T > target )
// create a cursor that automatically localizes itself on every move
Cursor< T > targetCursor = target.localizingCursor();
RandomAccess< T > sourceRandomAccess = source.randomAccess();
// iterate over the input cursor
while ( targetCursor.hasNext())
// move input cursor forward
// set the output cursor to the position of the input cursor
sourceRandomAccess.setPosition( targetCursor );
// set the value of this pixel of the output image, every Type supports T.set( T type )
targetCursor.get().set( sourceRandomAccess.get() );
* Create a number of n-dimensional random points in a certain interval
* having a random intensity 0...1
* @param interval - the interval in which points are created
* @param numPoints - the amount of points
* @return a RealPointSampleList (which is an IterableRealInterval)
public static RealPointSampleList< FloatType > createRandomPoints(
RealInterval interval, int numPoints )
// the number of dimensions
int numDimensions = interval.numDimensions();
// a random number generator
Random rnd = new Random( 2001);//System.currentTimeMillis() );
// a list of Samples with coordinates
RealPointSampleList< FloatType > elements =
new RealPointSampleList<>( numDimensions );
for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
RealPoint point = new RealPoint( numDimensions );
for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
point.setPosition( rnd.nextDouble() *
( interval.realMax( d ) - interval.realMin( d ) ) + interval.realMin( d ), d );
// add a new element with a random intensity in the range 0...1
elements.add( point, new FloatType( rnd.nextFloat() ) );
return elements;
public static final <T extends NativeType<T>, A extends ArrayDataAccess<A>, CA extends ArrayDataAccess<CA>> CachedCellImg<T, CA> wrapAsCachedCellImg(
final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> source,
final int[] blockSize) throws IOException {
final long[] dimensions = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(source);
final CellGrid grid = new CellGrid(dimensions, blockSize);
final RandomAccessibleCacheLoader<T, A, CA> loader = RandomAccessibleCacheLoader.get(grid, Views.zeroMin(source), AccessFlags.setOf());
return new ReadOnlyCachedCellImgFactory().createWithCacheLoader(dimensions, source.randomAccess().get(), loader);
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