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Created July 15, 2020 00:17
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function Global:Find-TagQuestions
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
# Checks raw source code of
$query = Invoke-WebRequest "$($tag)?tab=newest&pagesize=50" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty RawContent
# Creates a variable with a regular expression
$regex = [regex]'id="question-summary-(.+)"'
# Finds matches of the regular expression and gets the question id (i.e. "/q/12345678")
$CL = (($regex.Matches($query).value -replace 'id="question-summary-') -replace '"')
# Creates a variable with the path to the history file for your browser
$Path = "path\to\browser\history"
# Checks the content of the history file for a regular expression that looks for Stack Overflow questions then gets the id of it
$History = Get-Content -Path $Path |
Select-String -AllMatches 'stackoverflow\.com\/(questions|q)\/[\d]+\/' |
ForEach-Object {(($_.Matches).Value -replace '|questions)/', '') -replace '/'}
# Checks each line in the initial regular expression and sees if it is not in the history and if not opens it with brave
ForEach ($item in $CL)
$URI = "$item"
if ($item -notin $History)
& "Path\To\Browser\file.exe" $URI
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