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Last active January 29, 2019 17:37
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Solution to the Interval Coverage Detection Problem - Fusion Solution t_20190129_1832_1


This is a solution to the Interval Coverage Detection Problem, based on the idea of recursively fusing segments

More details in the Medium Article

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# Problem Statement:
# - the `Drop` class represents a segment with random center and random extension
# - compute how many drops are necessary to fully cover the [0,1] interval
from random import randrange, uniform
class Drop:
def __init__(self, x, r):
def to_str(self):
return "Drop (" + str(self.x) + ", r=" + str(self.r) + ")"
class Segment:
def __init__(self, m1, m2):
self.m1 = m1
self.m2 = m2
def is_inside(self, x):
if( (x>=self.m1) and (x<=self.m2) ): return True
return False
def to_str(self):
return "S (" + str(self.m1) + ", " + str(self.m2) + ")"
def drop():
return Drop(uniform(0,1), uniform(0,1))
def drop2seg(d):
return Segment( max(d.x-d.r, 0), min(d.x+d.r,1) )
def take_pair(l):
res = []
for i in range(len(l)):
for j in range(len(l)-i-1):
return res
def test_take_pairs(l):
p = take_pair(l)
for k in range(len(p)):
x = p[k]
i = x[0]
j = x[1]
print(str(l[i]) + ", " + str(l[j]))
def is_overlap(s1, s2):
if(s1.is_inside(s2.m1) or (s1.is_inside(s2.m2))):
return True
return False
def fuse(s1, s2):
if(not is_overlap(s1, s2)): return False
return Segment( min(s1.m1, s2.m1), max(s1.m2, s2.m2) )
def fuse_list(l):
print("List has 1 element [" + l[0].to_str() + "] ")
return l
p = take_pair(l)
for k in range(len(p)):
i = p[k][0]
j = p[k][1]
s1 = l[i]
s2 = l[j]
s3 = fuse(s1, s2)
print(str(i) + " [" + s1.to_str() + "] and " + str(j) + " [" + s2.to_str() + "] overlap --> Fused [" + s3.to_str() + "]")
del l[i]
del l[j-1]
return fuse_list(l)
print("Minimal list of " + str(len(l)) + " elements")
for x in l: print(x.to_str())
return l
def is_full_coverage(l):
if l is None: return False
if( len(l)==1 and l[0].m1==0 and l[0].m2==1 ): return True
return False
g_list = []
n = 0
while(not is_full_coverage(g_list)):
n += 1
print("N=" + str(n))
for x in g_list:
print("Completed after N=" + str(n))
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