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Last active February 1, 2019 12:31
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Implementing Map using an Array and Simple Hashing


This is a simple implementation of a Map using a simple Hashing Function and an Array (of fixed size) as Storage

  • Key Type: String
  • Value Type: Any


  • No Hash Collision Management yet, just Hash Collision Detection
# Specs for Naive Hashing
# - Input: String
# - Output: Array id
# - Naive Hashing Function: sum all the string letters and mod for array size to get an id
def hash_str(in_str, in_lin_storage_size):
if(type(in_str) is not str):
raise(ValueError("Arg1 needs to be string"))
for c in in_str:
#print("Char " + str(c))
full_hash_val += ord(c)
final_hash_val = full_hash_val % in_lin_storage_size
#print("Full Hash is " + str(full_hash_val) + ", Final Hash Val is " + str(final_hash_val))
return final_hash_val
class MyMap:
def __init__(self, size):
self.__storage__ = [None] * size
def size(self):
return len(self.__storage__)
def insert(self, key, value):
h = hash_str(key, len(self.__storage__))
if(self.__storage__[h] is not None):
raise(ValueError("Collision Detected"))
self.__storage__[h] = value
def get(self, key):
h = hash_str(key, len(self.__storage__))
return self.__storage__[h]
# Print Your code here
hash_str("ciao bello", 100)
a = MyMap(5)
print("a.size=" + str(a.size()))
a.insert("ciao", 5)
a.insert("test", 11)
print("a['ciao'] = " + str(a.get("ciao")))
print("a['test'] = " + str(a.get("test")))
print("a['what'] = " + str(a.get("what")))
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