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Created December 21, 2017 13:03
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ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Dropdowns 2.0",
menuItem("Tab1", tabName = "tab_1"),
menuItem("Tab2", tabName = "tab_2")
helpText("Add another item to the dropdown menu by clicking ",
"on the button below"),
actionButton("addItem", "Add another item")
tabItem(tabName = "tab_1",
h2("This is body of first tab.")),
tabItem(tabName = "tab_2",
h2("This is body of second tab."))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
tasks <- reactiveValues(
code = list(id = "code", value = 15, color = "aqua",
text = "Refactor code"),
layout = list(id = "layout", value = 40, color = "green",
text = "Design new layout"),
docs = list(id = "docs", value = 25, color = "red",
text = "Write documentation")
# actually render the dropdownMenu
output$menu <- renderMenu({
items <- lapply(tasks, function(el) {
taskItem(value = el$value, color = el$color, text = el$text)
type = "tasks", badgeStatus = "danger",
.list = items
observeEvent(input$addItem, {
showModal(modalDialog(title = "Add new task",
textInput(paste0("id", input$addItem), "Task ID"),
numericInput(paste0("val", input$addItem), "Task value", 0),
selectInput(paste0("col", input$addItem), "Task color",
choices = c("red", "yellow", "aqua", "blue",
"light-blue", "green", "navy", "teal",
"olive", "lime", "orange", "fuchsia",
"purple", "maroon", "black")
textInput(paste0("text", input$addItem), "Task text"),
actionButton(paste0("go", input$addItem), "Add item"),
easyClose = TRUE, footer = NULL
observeEvent(input[[paste0("go", input$addItem)]], {
tasks[[paste0("id", input$addItem)]] <- list(
id = input[[paste0("id", input$addItem)]],
value = input[[paste0("val", input$addItem)]],
color = input[[paste0("col", input$addItem)]],
text = input[[paste0("text", input$addItem)]]
shinyApp(ui, server)
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