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# Scans all blocks from a Grin archive node to reconstruct a wallet's transaction history. All applicable UTXOs and when they were spent are logged to a file, and a brief overview of the wallet's transaction history is shown in the console. This code lacks any error checking. A wallet's rewind hash can be obtained by running the command `grin-wallet rewind_hash` with the Grin CLI wallet,
# Imports
from secp256k1_zkp_mw import *
from hashlib import blake2b
import requests
import time
from datetime import datetime
# This demonstrates how to use the secp256k1-zkp-mw Python module,, to find all the unspent Grin outputs belonging to a wallet. This code lacks any error checking. A wallet's rewind hash can be obtained by running the command `grin-wallet rewind_hash` with the Grin CLI wallet,
# Imports
from secp256k1_zkp_mw import *
from hashlib import blake2b
import requests
# Constants