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Created April 11, 2013 01:04
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A stab at generics in OCaml
(* Generics for OCaml
* This is a huge hack. It doesn't work with higher-kinded types. It, well,
* hardly works for anything but the provided samples :-P
(* Standard Generic representation types *)
(* Unit *)
type u = U
(* Sum types ('Plus') *)
type ('a, 'b) p = L of 'a | R of 'b
(* Product types ('Mul') *)
type ('a, 'b) m = M of 'a * 'b
(* Value-level representation of rep types. See later... *)
type _ rep =
| RU : u rep
| RP : (string * 'a rep) * (string * 'b rep) -> (('a, 'b) p) rep
| RM : 'a rep * 'b rep -> (('a, 'b) m) rep
module type GENERIC = sig
(* Type represented *)
type a
(* Type representation *)
type repA
(* Hack: value-level representation of repA for runtime interpretation purposes *)
val repV : repA rep
(* Conversions *)
val fromA : a -> repA
val toA : repA -> a
(* Generic instance for built-in bool *)
module GBool : (GENERIC with type a = bool and type repA = (u, u) p) = struct
type a = bool
type repA = (u, u) p
(* Note it's impossible to define a repV which is incompatible with given repA :-) *)
let repV = RP (("false", RU), ("true", RU))
let fromA = function
| false -> L U
| true -> R U
let toA = function
| L U -> false
| R U -> true
(* A generic 'eq' *)
module GEq = functor(A: GENERIC) -> struct
let eq (a: A.a) (b: A.a): bool =
let rec helperU U U =
and helperP :
type a b. ((string * a rep) * (string * b rep)) -> (a, b) p -> (a, b) p -> bool =
fun ((_, ta), (_, tb)) pa pb -> match (pa, pb) with
| (L la, L lb) -> helper ta la lb
| (R ra, R rb) -> helper tb ra rb
| (_, _) -> false
and helperM :
type a b. (a rep * b rep) -> (a, b) m -> (a, b) m -> bool =
fun (ta, tb) (M (ma1, mb1)) (M (ma2, mb2)) ->
helper ta ma1 ma2 && helper tb mb1 mb2
and helper :
type a. a rep -> a -> a -> bool =
fun t ha hb -> match t with
| RU -> helperU ha hb
| RP (ia, ib) -> helperP (ia, ib) ha hb
| RM (ia, ib) -> helperM (ia, ib) ha hb
helper A.repV (A.fromA a) (A.fromA b)
(* A generic 'show' *)
module GShow = functor(A: GENERIC) -> struct
let show (a: A.a): string =
let rec helperU U =
and helperP :
type a b. ((string * a rep) * (string * b rep)) -> (a, b) p -> string =
fun ((na, ta), (nb, tb)) p ->
let handle n s =
if String.length s = 0
then n
else Printf.sprintf "(%s %s)" n s
match p with
| L lp -> handle na (helper ta lp)
| R rp -> handle nb (helper tb rp)
and helperM :
type a b. (a rep * b rep) -> (a, b) m -> string =
fun (ta, tb) (M (ma, mb)) ->
Printf.sprintf "(%s) (%s)" (helper ta ma) (helper tb mb)
and helper :
type a. a rep -> a -> string =
fun t ha -> match t with
| RU -> helperU ha
| RP (ia, ib) -> helperP (ia, ib) ha
| RM (ia, ib) -> helperM (ia, ib) ha
helper A.repV (A.fromA a)
(* Demo *)
let main () =
let module EqBool = GEq(GBool) in
let module ShowBool = GShow(GBool) in
let eq = EqBool.eq
and show = in
let do_test_eq a b =
Printf.printf "eq %s %s = %s\n" (show a) (show b) (show (eq a b))
do_test_eq true true;
do_test_eq true false;
do_test_eq false true;
do_test_eq false false
main ()
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