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Created November 30, 2013 00:39
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Encoding "van Laarhoven" lenses in OCaml
module type Functor = sig
type 'a t
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
module type Lens = sig
type a
type b
module Make(F : Functor) : sig
val lens : (b -> b F.t) -> (a -> a F.t)
module Const = functor(A : sig type t end) -> (struct
type 'a t = A.t
let make v = v
let run v = v
let map _ v = v
end : sig
type 'a t
include Functor with type 'a t := 'a t
val make : A.t -> 'a t
val run : 'a t -> A.t
let get (type a) (type b) (module L : Lens with type a = a and type b = b) (a : a) : b =
let module C = Const(struct type t = b end) in
let module M = L.Make(C) in (M.lens C.make a)
module Identity : sig
type 'a t = 'a
include Functor with type 'a t := 'a t
val make : 'a -> 'a t
val run : 'a t -> 'a
end = struct
type 'a t = 'a
let make v = v
let run v = v
let map f v = f v
let modify (type a) (type b) (module L : Lens with type a = a and type b = b) (m : b -> b) (c : a) : a =
let module M = L.Make(Identity) in (M.lens (fun f -> Identity.make (m f)) c)
let set (type a) (type b) (module L : Lens with type a = a and type b = b) b a =
let const v _ = v in
modify (module L) (const b) a
module Demo = struct
type t = { name : string
; age : int
let make name age = { name; age }
module Name : Lens with type a = t and type b = string = struct
type a = t
type b = string
module Make(F : Functor) = struct
let lens f t = (fun n' -> { t with name=n' }) (f
module Age : Lens with type a = t and type b = int = struct
type a = t
type b = int
module Make(F : Functor) = struct
let lens f t = (fun a' -> { t with age=a' }) (f t.age)
let main () =
let open Demo in
let t = make "Nicolas" 27 in
let t' = modify (module Name) (fun n -> n ^ " Trangez") t in
let t'' = set (module Age) 28 t' in
print_endline (get (module Name) t'')
main ()
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