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Created June 7, 2017 23:38
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Lens
-- * Model: goes in the library
-- ** 'Type' of events with accessors to event fields
class A a where
a1 :: Lens' a Int
a2 :: Lens' a String
class B b where
b :: Lens' b Bool
-- ** 'Type' of union of events
class (A a, B b) => Event e a b | e -> a, e -> b where
_EventA :: Getting (First a) e a
_EventB :: Getting (First b) e b
-- ** 'Implementation' of some dispatcher
doSomething :: Event e a b
=> e
-> IO ()
doSomething (preview _EventA -> Just e) = print $ e ^. a1
doSomething (preview _EventB -> Just e) = print $ e ^. b
doSomething _ = fail "Impossible"
-- * Implementation: goes with the application
-- ** Concrete types for events, and instances
data VA = VA Int
data VB = VB Bool
instance A VA where
a1 = lens (\(VA v) -> v) (\_ v -> VA v)
a2 = lens (const "abc") (\v _ -> v)
instance B VB where b = lens (\(VB v) -> v) (\_ v -> VB v)
-- ** Concrete type for union of events
data E = EA VA | EB VB
instance Event E VA VB where
-- All we need is a Getting, so no real need to implement a Prism
-- Doesn't harm though, and can only be used as a Getting anyway
_EventA = prism' EA (\e -> case e of
EA v -> Just v
EB _ -> Nothing)
_EventB = prism' EB (\e -> case e of
EA _ -> Nothing
EB v -> Just v)
-- * Demo
main :: IO ()
main = do
doSomething (EA (VA 123))
doSomething (EB (VB True))
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