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Created August 25, 2021 09:24
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from dataclasses import dataclass
import math
def dbg(val):
return val
def to_degrees(rad: float) -> float:
return (rad / math.pi) * 180
def from_degrees(deg: float) -> float:
return deg / 180 * math.pi
class Vec:
x: float
y: float
z: float
def add(self, other: 'Vec') -> 'Vec':
return Vec(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z)
def sub(self, other: 'Vec') -> 'Vec':
return Vec(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.z - other.z)
def dot(self, other: 'Vec') -> float:
return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y + self.z * other.z
def magnitude(self) -> float:
return (self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2) ** (0.5)
def cos(self, other: 'Vec') -> float:
return max(min(( / (self.magnitude() * other.magnitude()), 1.0), -1.0)
def angle(self, other: 'Vec') -> float:
return math.acos(dbg(self.cos(other)))
print('Vec(1,1,1).magnitude() == ', Vec(1,1,1).magnitude())
print('Vec(3,4,0).magnitude() == ', Vec(3,4,0).magnitude())
assert Vec(1,1,1).magnitude() > 1.0
assert Vec(1,1,1).angle(Vec(1,1,1)) == 0
assert Vec(0,1,0).angle(Vec(1,0,0)) == math.pi * 0.5, Vec(0,1,0).angle(Vec(1,0,0))
print("Vec(0,1,0).angle(Vec(1,0,0)) == ", to_degrees(Vec(0,1,0).angle(Vec(1,0,0))), "degrees")
assert from_degrees(to_degrees(math.pi)) == math.pi, from_degrees(to_degrees(math.pi))
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