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Last active May 10, 2022 14:47
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SQL Produce CSV file
-- This will produce a CSV file on the IFS using ifs_append and ifs_write
-- also found here on my "gist"
-- Simply give it a select statement or a procedure call
-- and it will produce a CSV file in the IFS path of your choice
-- Note: I am using library QUSRSYS. I suggest you put it into your own tool library
-- It is a cool example how far you can go with SQL: Have fun -
-- (C) Niels Liisberg 2020
create or replace procedure qusrsys.sql_to_csv
in sql_statement clob,
in output_file varchar(256)
language sql
modifies SQL data
set option dbgview = *source , output=*print , commit=*none, datfmt=*iso
begin atomic
declare sqlcode int default 0;
declare cols int;
declare colLen int;
declare colPrec int;
declare colScale int;
declare colNo int;
declare colType int;
declare colName varchar(256);
declare colLabel varchar(256);
declare colValue varchar(32000);
declare CRLF varchar(2) default x'0d25';
declare newline varchar (2) default '';
declare comma varchar (1) default '';
declare c1 cursor for stmt;
allocate descriptor local 'original' with max 256 ;
allocate descriptor local 'modified' with max 256 ;
Prepare stmt from sql_statement ;
describe stmt using sql descriptor local 'original';
describe stmt using sql descriptor local 'modified';
-- First run the query and get our meta data
Open c1;
get descriptor 'original' cols = count;
-- Produce an empty stram in 1208 - UTF-8
call qusrsys.ifs_write(output_file, '');
-- Cast data to varchar, and build column heading
set comma = '';
set colNo = 1;
while colNo <= cols do
set descriptor 'modified' value colNo
LENGTH = 32000,
TYPE = 12;
get descriptor 'original' value colNo
colLen = LENGTH,
colScale = SCALE,
colPrec = PRECISION,
colName = NAME,
colLabel = DB2_LABEL;
call qusrsys.ifs_append (output_file, comma || '"' || REGEXP_REPLACE(colLabel,'( ){2,}', ' ') || '"');
set comma = ';';
set colNo = colNo + 1;
end while;
-- Now produce the rows
fetch c1 into sql descriptor 'modified';
while sqlcode = 0 do
set comma = '';
set colNo = 1;
call qusrsys.ifs_append (output_file, CRLF);
while colNo <= cols do
get descriptor 'original' value colNo
colLen = LENGTH,
colScale = SCALE,
colPrec = PRECISION,
colName = NAME,
colLabel = DB2_LABEL,
colType = TYPE;
get descriptor 'modified' value colNo
colValue = DATA;
if colType in (1, 12) then -- char or varchar
call qusrsys.ifs_append (output_file, comma || '"' || replace(trim(colValue), '"' , '""') || '"');
elseif colType in (2 , 3) then -- decimal
call qusrsys.ifs_append (output_file, comma || replace(trim(colValue),'.',','));
call qusrsys.ifs_append (output_file, comma || trim(colValue));
end if;
set comma = ';';
set colNo = colNo + 1;
end while;
fetch c1 into sql descriptor 'modified';
end while;
close c1;
deallocate descriptor local 'modified';
deallocate descriptor local 'original';
-- Usecase:
call qusrsys.sql_to_csv(
sql_statement => 'SELECT * FROM QIWS.QCUSTCDT',
output_file => '/tmp/test.csv'
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Hello @emidioporziella - Thank you for your feedback.

My guess is you have compiled you RPG with "NAMING=*SQL" It has this side effect that librarylist is not used. If you change it to NAMING=*SYS" it will use the library list and you a still allowed to use dots in schema and table separation. If you have NAMING=*SQL the I can confirm I have the same issue, and it will be a question for IBM. I think it works as designed.

An other solution could be: Add the following line
*set path = LIBL;
Just before the the open statement.

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emidioporziella commented Jun 29, 2020 via email

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OK then try this: On CRTSQLRPGI specify SQLPATH(*LIBL) ..

You idea of using a set path in your RPG will not work. if you will change path you need to change my procedure to at the set path in line 40.

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Nope7 commented May 5, 2022

Is it possible to set the stored procedure in order to create a CSV with string not delimited by " ? (STRDLM = *NONE)

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I suppose you could change line 63 and 87 to not include the double quote or get if from a default parameter, but I am not 100% what you are asking for.

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Nope7 commented May 9, 2022

I suppose you could change line 63 and 87 to not include the double quote or get if from a default parameter, but I am not 100% what you are asking for.

Perfect, it works.
It was exactly what I was referring to (and it wasn't effectively so difficult :/ )

Thanks for your great work: easy but genius!

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NielsLiisberg commented May 10, 2022 via email

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