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Last active August 16, 2023 14:53
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List database relations with keys for files/tables
-- Returns database relations with keys
-- for SQL tables, the name is convert to the physical filename first.
-- Simply paste this gist into ACS SQL and run it to create the UDTF.
-- Note: I am using library QUSRSYS. I suggest you put it into your own tool library
-- It is a cool example how far you can go with SQL: Have fun -
-- (C) Niels Liisberg 2023
-- This gist is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranties
-- or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
create or replace function qusrsys.dspdbr (
library char(10),
file char(10) default null,
table varchar(64) default null
returns table (
library char(10) ,
file char(10),
keys varchar (256),
unique char(1)
set option output=*print, commit=*none, dbgview = *list
if file is null then
select system_table_name
into file
from systables
where system_table_schema = library
and table_name = table;
end if;
with a as (
Select a.*
from qsys.qadbxref a
where a.dbxlib = library and a.dbxfil = file
union all
Select a.*
from qsys.qadbxref a
inner join qsys.QADBFDEP b
on a.dbxlib = b.dbfldp
and a.dbxfil = b.dbffdp
and dbflib = library and dbffil = file
Select dbxlib, dbxfil , keys , DBXUNQ
from a
join lateral (
Select listagg (rtrim (dbkfld) ,',') within group (order by dbkpos) as keys
from qsys.QADBKFLD c
left join QADBIATR
on dbifil = dbxfil
and dbilib = dbxlib
and dbifld = dbkfld
where dbklib = dbxlib
and dbkfil = dbxfil
) k on 1=1;
-- Test cases:
select * from table ( dspdbr (
file => 'ORDKFLP',
library => 'NHODATA'
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