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Created January 29, 2020 15:17
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SQL export all source physical files (like QRPGLESRC) to a passive git repo
-- This is a tool to export all source physical filemembers on IBM i
-- to a git repo to keep track of changes over time
-- This requires the BASH stored procedure found on my gist
-- Change the names to your names/repos/mail addr and Run this once:
call qusrsys.bash ('
mkdir /passivegit;
cd /passivegit;
git init;
git remote add origin;
git config --global "";
git config --global "Niels Liisberg"
-- Change the ccsid and which libraries and files to your needs in the following
-- and build this stored procedure in you own library ( here I am just using QGPL)
create or replace procedure qgpl.export_source_to_git
set option dbgview=*source, output=*print, commit=*none, datfmt=*iso
declare cmd varchar(4096);
declare err int;
declare sqlcode int;
declare lib char(10);
declare file char(10);
declare mbr char(10);
declare ext char(10);
declare ts char(19) ;
declare c1 cursor for
from systables join TABLE (
cast (TABLE_SCHEMA as char(10)) , cast(TABLE_NAME as char(10))
) a on 1=1
where file_type = 'S'
and system_table_schema not like 'Q%';
-- and system_table_schema = 'MYONLYLIB';
declare continue handler for sqlstate '38501' set err = 1 ;
set ts = to_char(now(), 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MM-SS');
open c1;
fetch c1 into file, lib , mbr , ext ;
while sqlcode = 0 do
set err = 0;
if mbr is not null then
call qusrsys.bash ('mkdir -p /passivegit/' || rtrim(lower(lib)) || '/' || rtrim(lower(file)) || ' 2>/dev/null');
if err = 0 then
|| rtrim(lib) || '.LIB/'
|| rtrim(file) || '.FILE/'
|| rtrim(mbr) || '.MBR'')'
|| ' TOSTMF('''
|| lower('/passivegit/')
|| lower(rtrim(lib)) || '/'
|| lower(rtrim(file)) || '/'
|| lower(rtrim(mbr)) || '.'
|| lower(rtrim(ifnull(ext,'UNKNOWN'))) || ''') STMFOPT(*REPLACE) DBFCCSID(277) STMFCCSID(1208)';
call qcmdexc (cmd) ;
end if;
end if;
fetch c1 into file, lib , mbr , ext ;
end while;
call qusrsys.bash ('cd /passivegit;git add .;git commit -m "' || ts || '";git push');
-- This is the call
call qgpl.export_source_to_git;
/* And you can now add this to the job-scheduler runnineach night:
RUNSQL SQL('call qgpl.export_source_to_git')
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