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Last active December 11, 2023 11:03
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  • Save NielsLiisberg/c028c3b5c8a31be227463fe0d677233b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SQL - Export source files members to IFS and preserving member text
-- Copy members from a source physical file to IFS directory and preserving the member text as part of the filename.
-- Notes:
-- 1) I am using library QUSRSYS. I suggest you put it into your own tool library
-- 2) The output direcory has to exists.
-- 3) Files contents are being replaces if they already exists.
-- 4) IFS files CCSID is set to 1208 that is UTF-8
-- Simply paste this gist into ACS SQL and step through the example.
-- It is a cool example how far you can go with SQL: Have fun -
-- (C) Niels Liisberg 2023
-- This gist is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranties
-- or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
create or replace procedure qusrsys.copy_source_to_ifs (
in library varchar(10),
in source_file varchar(10),
in output_ifs_path varchar(256)
specific CPYSRC2IFS
set option dbgview = *source , output=*print , commit=*none, datfmt=*iso --<== options so we can debug it later
declare cmd varchar(4096);
for select
cast (
trim( table_partition) || '-' ||
trim(regexp_replace( trim(ifnull(partition_text,'')) , '[^a-zA-Z0-9]' ,' ' , 1 , 0,'i' ))
,'( )+' ,'-' , 1 , 0,'i'
) as varchar(256)
) as newf,
table_partition as mbr,
case when source_type is not null
then '.' || trim(lower(source_type))
else ''
end extension,
from qsys2.syspartitionstat
where table_schema = trim(library)
and table_name = trim(source_file)
--and table_partition like '%XXX%' -- here you can add members name filter if you like
order by 1
set cmd = 'CPYTOSTMF FROMMBR(''/qsys.lib/' || trim(library) || '.lib/' || trim(source_file) || '.file/' || trim(mbr) || '.mbr'') TOSTMF(''' || trim(output_ifs_path) || '/' || trim(newf) || extension || ''') STMFOPT(*REPLACE) STMFCCSID(1208)';
call qcmdexc (cmd);
end for;
-- usage example. Output directory has to exsists
cl:mkdir '/prj';
cl:mkdir '/prj/mylib';
call copy_source_to_ifs (
library => 'MYLIB',
source_file => 'QRPGLESRC',
output_ifs_path => '/prj/mylib'
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