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Last active May 3, 2024 09:39
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  • Save NielsLiisberg/cd2350aee85f5b2e967993faf7ea7595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SQL write CLOB to IFS file
-- Writes UTF-8 CLOB to IFS
-- Simple way to write a stream file to the IFS, by using C runtime as inline code
-- This also showcase how to integrate the C code directly into your UDTF
-- Simply paste this gist into ACS SQL and step through the example.
-- Note: I am using library QUSRSYS. I suggest you put it into your own tool library
-- It is a cool example how far you can go with SQL: Have fun :)
-- (C) Niels Liisberg 2022-2024
-- This gist is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranties
-- or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
call qcmdexc ('crtsrcpf FILE(QTEMP/C) MBR(C) RCDLEN(200)');
insert into qtemp.c (srcdta) values
('#include <sys/types.h>'),
('#include <sys/stat.h>'),
('#include <QSYSINC/H/fcntl>'),
('#include <QSYSINC/H/SQLUDF>'),
('long chunk, offset, inputLen = 0, len, rc,outfile,l;'),
('unsigned char buf [32760];'),
('mode_t mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR;'),
('long option = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CCSID ;'),
('outfile = open(IFS_WRITE_CLOB.NAME.DAT, option, mode, 1208);'),
('rc = sqludf_length(&IFS_WRITE_CLOB.BUFFER,&inputLen);'),
('for (offset = 1; offset <= inputLen; offset += sizeof(buf) ) { '),
(' chunk = inputLen - offset + 1;'),
(' if (chunk > sizeof(buf)) chunk = sizeof(buf); '),
(' rc = sqludf_substr ('),
(' offset,'),
(' chunk,'),
(' buf,'),
(' &len'),
(' );'),
(' l = write(outfile, buf , len);'),
('close (outfile);'),
create or replace procedure qusrsys.ifs_write_clob(name varchar(256), buffer clob (2g) ccsid 1208 )
external action
modifies sql data
specific IFS_WRTCLB
set option output=*print, commit=*ur, dbgview = *source
include qtemp/c(c);
call qcmdexc ('dltf FILE(QTEMP/C) ');
-- Test cases:
call qusrsys.ifs_write_clob ('/tmp/test.txt' , 'Hello');
-- National chars:
call qusrsys.ifs_write_clob ('/tmp/test.txt' , 'Smørrebrødspålæg');
-- Write huge clob this will be exactly 60000 bytes:
call qusrsys.ifs_write_clob('/tmp/test.txt' , repeat (clob('Hello ') , 10000));
-- Write JSON
call qusrsys.ifs_write_clob('/tmp/test.json' ,
json_object (
'customerNumber' : trim(CUSNUM),
'name' : trim(LSTNAM)
from qiws.qcustcdt
-- edgecase - null? Wil produce an empty outfile
call qusrsys.ifs_write_clob('/tmp/test.txt' , null);
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