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Enigmatica2 1.63a to Enigmatica2 1.64
- Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft
- Loot Capacitor Tooltips
- Phosphor
Advanced Rocketry (went from AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-136-UNSTABLE build -136 for 1.12.2 to AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-138-UNSTABLE build -138 for 1.12.2):
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-138-UNSTABLE build -138 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-138
* [ re-add support for the 'rodORENAME' oredict convention, should fix #1558](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-137-UNSTABLE build -137 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-137
* [ fixes the recipe for the cartridge](
* [ fix scrubber cartridge recipe in the chemical reactor #1539](
* [ fix infinite jetpack hover bug, #1536](
* [ sets limits on ADP stack, fixes #1556](
Better Questing (went from BetterQuesting-3.5.295.jar to BetterQuesting-3.5.296.jar):
Fixed entity selection list not being sorted
Fixed entity selection preview being tilted the wrong way
Fixed the inventory and quest keys not closing questing GUIs
Fixed visibility property not writing default value to JSON file
Removed font size changes until some scaling issues are resolved
Added new option to resize quest icons to be non-square
Changed out GUI theme hooks for a more flexible implementation (may break some expansions, sorry)
Better Questing - Standard Expansion (went from StandardExpansion-3.4.153.jar to StandardExpansion-3.4.154.jar):
Updated to support BQ 3.5.296
Fixed potential NPE crash in FTBQ importer
Fixed debug spam from crafting tasks
Biomes O' Plenty (went from BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2- to BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-
Brandon's Core (went from BrandonsCore-1.12.2- to BrandonsCore-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
CC: Tweaked (went from cc-tweaked-1.12.2-1.81.1.jar to cc-tweaked-1.12.2-1.82.1.jar):
Release notes can be found on the GitHub repository ([](
Release notes can be found on the GitHub repository ([](
Common Capabilities (went from CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.1.1.jar to CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.2.0.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.1.0 or higher.
* Add integration for Thermal Expansion
* Add recipe handler capabilities for TE machines
* Add worker capabilities to all TE machines
* Add item handler capabilities to TE items (satchel, strongbox, cache)
* Add wrench capability to the Cresent Hammer
* Restore Forestry compat
* Add recipe handler capabilities for Forestry machines
* Restore TCon compat
* Add worker capability for TCon's Drying Rack
* Add recipe handler capabilities for TCon machines
Cooking for Blockheads (went from CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.4.69.jar to CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.4.70.jar):
Fixed ice unit not working correctly, where it would still require snowballs in the inventory
Fixed oven eating dye when right-clicked with it despite not being dyeable
Fixed milk jar behaviour in creative mode not matching Vanilla bucket behaviour
Fixed invalid texture references in the models
Fixed potential crashes where ovens would crash the client on join due to Minecraft weirdness
Added Swedish Translation ([Regnander](
Added Russian Translation ([kellixon](
Update Brazilian Portuguese translation ([Henrique70031](
Cosmetic Armor Reworked (went from CosmeticArmorReworked-1.12.2-v4.jar to CosmeticArmorReworked-1.12.2-v4a.jar):
Updated TombManyGraves2 Integration.
CraftTweaker (went from CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.16 to CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.17):
Added more liquid dump info
Fixed JEI hiding issues (Thanks Mezz!)
Enchantment improvements (Thanks Nooby!)
Potion improvements (Thanks Nooby!)
Cyclic (went from Cyclic-1.12.2-1.18.4.jar to Cyclic-1.12.2-1.19.0.jar):
Alpha for testing new unbalanced features, changes might be made
Energy cables to fix restricted flow issues; many internal improvements to how fluid and energy is used in general. Added Extreme Slime plate goes about 90 blocks. Corrupted chorus changes: added Weakness and removed Nausea. Conveyors can be crafted into corner and angled variants now, placement logic is unchanged and you can still auto-form corners and angles while building. Added Melter and Solidifier blocks, crafting using liquids and supported by zenscript.
* Optimize many things to reduce lag.
* Fixed Wireless Transmitter block state not updating.
* Sped up and removed progress bar from Controlled Miner.
* Wireless energy transfer node no longer claims to have fluid capability (mod compat fix).
* Added block id to some config descriptions.
* You can now stack Tanks on top of each other without sneaking.
* Added a button in the Fan to silence its sounds.
Dark Utilities (went from DarkUtils-1.12.2-1.8.224.jar to DarkUtils-1.12.2-1.8.226.jar):
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Jonathan McManus
* Varitek
* Pongo Sapiens
* Darkosto
* Fixed fire resistance filter not accounting for potion effect. Thanks to alexbobp. - alexbobp
Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
* NillerMedDild
* Jonathan McManus
* Varitek
* Pongo Sapiens
* Darkosto
Draconic Evolution (went from Draconic-Evolution-1.12.2- to Draconic-Evolution-1.12.2-
######## ########
-Fixed impossible null pointer exception in ExplosionFX
-Added compatibility between ICustomArmor and Baubles (Allows other mods to add baubles DE armor abilities)
-Fixed capacitor only charging baubles when in a baubles slot.
-Fixed capacitor always charging baubles when in a baubles slot. (even when disabled)
-Added optional key bindings to cycle tool AOE.
-Added fully upgraded versions of all tools and armor to creative menu (and JEI).
-Added item blacklist for draconium chest.
-Particle gen render distance now depends on particle sale.
-Fixed Particle gen tile not getting removed when the tile is destroyed.
-Fixed upgrading tools not copying enchantments.
-Shift clicking to add fuel to a Dislocator now adds 64 at a time.
-Fixed out of order rows in GuiToolConfig
-Fixed ore generating in chaos island rings when ore gen is disabled.
-Fixed fusion crafter comparator output not accounting for injector tier.
######## ########
-Fixed crash crashing/broken dislocators.
-Re added ore dict for nether and end draconium.
-Made nether, end and overworld draconium ore equivalent. (they all have the same drop rate for dusts)
-Increased the cluster size for overworld and nether draconium ore.
-Pulled PR to add shield-related config values and fixed spelling/grammar in config file
######## ########
-Blocked right click interaction with GuardianCrystals to prevent them from being picked up by things like soul vials.
-Removed ore dict entries for Nether and End Draconium Ore. oreDraconium is now deprecated.
This is because the ores are not equivalent. Overworld ore drops significantly more dust than Nether ore which itself drops
slightly more then Overworld ore. Players can exploit this using any ore converter to converting stacks of end ore to overworld ore.
If you are using the oreDraconium entry for recipes please switch to the item with wildcard meta.
-Pulled PR to fix energy core not saving its data properly.
-Made a change that may fix issues with the reactor's state getting reset on server reboot.
Embers Rekindled (went from EmbersRekindled-1.12.jar to EmbersRekindled-1.13-hotfix2.jar):
- Fixes test code in production
- Fixes Caminite Rings being possessed by some kind of demon
- Fixes JEI recipe errors on startup causing immense lag
- Adds missing lang entries
- Adds JEI integration for the Geologic Separator
- Adds a config for golem knockback resistance
- Adds configs for disabling the progression checklist stuff
- Possibly fixes some kind of AOPCD issue or whatever that mod is called
- Adds Boiler and Steam Engine to Crafttweaker Integration
- Adds config options for Mini Boiler (Kurtchekov)
- Adds removeAll method to Crafttweaker Integration
- Adds a search feature to the Codex
- Adds a checklist feature to the Codex
- Adds Nickel, Tin and Aluminium Seeds.
- Adds a levelling system to Metal Seeds that increases their output the longer they've been growing for.
- Adds the Geologic Separator, a machine upgrade for the Melter, which collects extra molten metal output when melting ore.
- Adds the Caminite Valve, a Caminite Ring for a reservoir with 4 fluid io sides.
- Changes Blasting Core to deal explosive damage
- Changes Inferno Forge to not start when there is no ember available.
- Changes Codex entries to only show up when all ancestors have been checked off
- Changes Codex categories to only open when all prerequisite entries have been checked off
- Changes Ashen Armor to no longer break.
- Changes Codex connections to be directional.
- Fixes Shifting Scale hearts not showing up if Mantle is installed
- Fixes Shifting Scale hearts persisting even when no armor is worn (sometimes)
- Possibly fixes some render lag
- Fixes Ember Noise Offset being sent every tick instead of only when updated
- Fixes Mini Boiler sometimes not producing steam
- Fixes JEI performance issues in packs with many items (ichttt) (Huge thanks to this lad)
- Fixes Clockwork Tools accepting Mending and Unbreaking
- Fixes Fluid Pipe issues
Ender IO (went from Ender IO - 5.0.40 to Ender IO - 5.0.43):
Ender IO - 5.0.43:
You need either the main file or a selection of the "split" jars, not both!
[Changelog (this build)]( / [Changelog (all builds)](
Player-visible changes:
Made infinity dust block fall and react to neighboring water
Added diamond dust recipe for SAG Mill
Added new Dark Steel Upgrade: Inventory Upgrade
Made JEI descriptions for dark steel items more useful
Removed broken spawners that cannot be crafted from the creative inventory
Fixed owls getting damage when pressing against block above them
Fixed redstone conduits not allowing their GUIs for all sides to be opened
Tweaked backhoe after playtesting
Added Project Intelligence integration (experimental and WIP)
Added proper support for disabling Rod of Return's fluid use
Not-so-visible and invisible changes:
Item energy capabilities are now provided by Mixins, not the capability event
Forestry integration with Dark Steel Tools now resides completely in Forestry addon
Painted blocks are now resisting being moved by non-standard pistons
Fixed client-only data being serialized into itemstacks
Fixed Spawner using wrong item class
Fix broken shouldContinueExecuting override
Adjust code to vanilla style pathing delays seen in EntityAIAttackMelee
Detect when navigation is being used for an entity that is riding
Added oredict wildcard check for deduping recipes
Try pickBlock first when trying to find an item representation for the conduit GUI
Skip Direct upgrade processing when used by a Farming Station or Killer Joe
Protect against vanilla casting objects without instanceof check
Changed name generation for configured machines to run client-side
Playing with lights
Fixed #4830 functionality
Cleaneded up enchantment config and nerfed Repellent a bit
The cake may be a lie, but the pie isn't.
Removeed GhostSlotTarget and use default IHaveGhostTargets#getGhostTargets
Added spawn eggs support for captured mob processing
Added item fading to Mod Item Filter
Added buildcraft fuels
Moved Thaumcraft integration to mixin
Told everyone that basic caps can be used in upgrade slots now, too
Fixed input checking invalid input crashing in some cases
Fixed simulation for validating energy receiver, added caching
Changed mob blacklists to predicates
Fixed energy conduit networks overcaching external connections
Re-Added conduit extension API
Added mob drop support for Direct trait
Added variant recipe to upgrade steel to dark steel
EnderCore (went from EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.45 to EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.53):
EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.53:
EnderCore 1.12.2-0.5.53
EnderCore - 1.12.2-0.5.52:
Now embedding the coremod part in the jar
Made bottle fluid capability a proper tweak (with config)
Protect blocks with Tile Entities from being moved by non-standard methods
Made it compile on oracle jdk, too
Experimental: New slab recipes
Expanded SimpleMixins
FoamFix for Minecraft (went from FoamFix 0.10.3 (1.12.2) to FoamFix 0.10.5 (1.12.2)):
FoamFix 0.10.5 (1.12.2):
0.10.5 is a critical bugfix release for 0.10.4, whose changelog is as follows:
* [#183] API interface for efficiently forcing mob spawner activation without fake players or extra coremodding
Bugs fixed:
* [#183] Add workaround to mob spawner cache tweak for PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
Horse Tweaks (went from HorseTweaks_1.12.2-1.0.4.jar to HorseTweaks_1.12.2-1.0.5.jar):
Fixed horse armor no longer rendering when a horse gets reloaded (e.g. through relogging)
Industrial Craft (went from industrialcraft-2-2.8.111-ex112.jar to industrialcraft-2-2.8.116-ex112.jar):
* Fix: Depleted MOX quad rod doesn't produce enough iron (estebes)
* Fix imports (estebes)
* Fix reactor GUI texture Fixes #2489 (Chocohead)
* Fix Block Cutting Machine GUI texture (Chocohead)
* Fix using the wrong foam sprayer in both style profiles (Chocohead)
* Allow classic MFE to charge and drain tier 3 items (Chocohead)
* Ensure foam setting takes random tick speed into account Fixes #2521 (Chocohead)
* Fix weighted item distributors failing to try lower priorities (Chocohead)
* Hopefully fix encoding enums for the last time It's a less certain outcome for single item arrays, but it avoids crashing outright (Chocohead)
Industrial Foregoing (went from industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.8-232.jar to industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.11-235.jar):
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.11 (2019-03-31 21:17:25 +0200)
* Extraction upgrades on the conveyors are 50% less op by not removing armor from mobs, closes #539 (Buuz135)
1.12.10 (2019-03-26 21:21:27 +0100)
* Moved smelting recipe earlier so its properly registered in other mods, closes #537 (Buuz135)
1.12.9 (2019-03-26 11:56:00 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved range addons tooltip to be more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Fixed Infinity Drill resetting breaking progress when being charged, closes #526 (Buuz135)
* Deprecated the Black Hole Controller and made a new machine to replace its functionality in an improved way allowing you to use Black Hole Tanks too, closes #406 , closes #443 (Buuz135)
* Refixed some config stuff for items (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Unit now has proper item handler capabilities (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Tank now has proper fluid item capabilities (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved plant gatherer, closes #531 (Buuz135)
1.12.8 (2019-03-15 15:38:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Changed some config stuff so values generate better in the file (Buuz135)
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.10 (2019-03-26 21:21:27 +0100)
* Moved smelting recipe earlier so its properly registered in other mods, closes #537 (Buuz135)
1.12.9 (2019-03-26 11:56:00 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved range addons tooltip to be more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Fixed Infinity Drill resetting breaking progress when being charged, closes #526 (Buuz135)
* Deprecated the Black Hole Controller and made a new machine to replace its functionality in an improved way allowing you to use Black Hole Tanks too, closes #406 , closes #443 (Buuz135)
* Refixed some config stuff for items (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Unit now has proper item handler capabilities (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Tank now has proper fluid item capabilities (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved plant gatherer, closes #531 (Buuz135)
1.12.8 (2019-03-15 15:38:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Changed some config stuff so values generate better in the file (Buuz135)
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.9 (2019-03-26 11:56:00 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved range addons tooltip to be more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Fixed Infinity Drill resetting breaking progress when being charged, closes #526 (Buuz135)
* Deprecated the Black Hole Controller and made a new machine to replace its functionality in an improved way allowing you to use Black Hole Tanks too, closes #406 , closes #443 (Buuz135)
* Refixed some config stuff for items (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Unit now has proper item handler capabilities (Buuz135)
* Black Hole Tank now has proper fluid item capabilities (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved plant gatherer, closes #531 (Buuz135)
1.12.8 (2019-03-15 15:38:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Changed some config stuff so values generate better in the file (Buuz135)
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Integrated Dynamics (went from IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-1.0.10.jar to IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-1.0.11.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.1.1 or higher.
* Fix labels sometimes not syncing anymore to clients
This was caused by labels sometimes becoming null.
This commit fixes that problem,
and includes a fix for existing null labels
Closes #712
* Fix crash when rendering non-item-based recipes
JAOPCA (went from JAOPCA-1.12.2- to JAOPCA-1.12.2-
Added colors to Mekanism gases
Fixed Galacticraft oredict compat
Removed ExtremeReactors oredict compat
Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (went from [1.12.2] JEHC 1.6.2 to [1.12.2] JEHC 1.6.3):
[1.12.2] JEHC 1.6.3:
Updated all the dependencies, removed usages of JEI's deprecated functions
Just Enough Items (JEI) (went from jei_1.12.2- to jei_1.12.2-
* Fix #1518 Add support for Crafttweaker removing brewing recipes
* Update sv_se.lang (#1535)
* Updated Polish translation (#1533)
* Add shortcut key for item edit/hide mode (#1530)
* Fix #1524 RecipeCategory tabs are not always sorted properly
* Fix #1523 Recipe transfer button texture issues with transparency
* Update to latest Forge in dev
* Fix #1507 Memory is wasted by UID cache after loading
* Close #1491 Add API to get ingredients hovered in the bookmark overlay
* Fix #1482 Enchanted Books not being hidden
* Fix renamed recipe background texture
* Fix #1497 Rename recipe_background to avoid texture name conflict (sorry texture pack devs)
* Reduce memory used by anvil recipe wrappers
* Fix #1473 Avoid posting texture stitching events from JeiTextureMap
* Fix #1471 Remove texture pack sizing restrictions
* Fix #1472 Crash when using recipe transfer into astral sorcery table
* Fix #1464 Recipe transfer into Artisan Worktables voids items (#1466)
* Update pt_br.lang (#1469)
* Automatic code style reformatting
* Revert "Pass a null player to getTooltip (#1388)" This reverts commit e20c3a588c20e41b44794b1909b11c7c840a497b.
* Simplify texture scaling
* Show multiple columns of recipe catalysts when there are too many for one column
* Fix #1463 Improve custom texture map to work with scaled resource packs
* Move bookmarks out of the way of the recipe book
* Fix #1412 Shift-clicking recipe into a Slice'N'Splice can void items
* Update de_de.lang (#1461)
* Update ja_jp.lang (#1458)
* Fix recipe transfer button transparency
Just Enough Resources (JER) (went from JustEnoughResources-1.12.2- to JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
[[75edca8](] fixes #180 (way2muchnoise)
LibVulpes (went from LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-53-UNSTABLE build -53 for 1.12.2 to LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-54-UNSTABLE build -54 for 1.12.2):
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-54-UNSTABLE build -54 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.4.0-54
* [ Fix issues where a stack with a damage of 32767 was not being consumed](
* [ make sure we support data values on the input](
* [ Add tooltips to multiblock machines](
* [ fix motor recipe](
* [ Should probably simulate fluid insertion before committing, leads to dupe if the bottom slot is full. Resolves](
* [ possible fix for](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.4.0-48.](
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.3.0-45.](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
Mantle (went from Mantle-1.12- to Mantle-1.12-
* Fixed extra hearts not bouncing during regen
* Scroll wheel support for books
* Book and multiblock fixes
Mekanica (went from mekanica-1.12.2-1.1.2.jar to mekanica-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar):
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume
* Removed all legacy IInventory automation; refactored logic around how
pipes/cables connect so they follow the marked areas on machines
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much
lighter on server now and more efficient when moving large numbers of items
* Fixed some IC2 errors
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
* Add ES translation (thanks JonMaker050!)
883a73632: Create es_ES.lang
6a0f8e386: Fix #5329 Check against homeLocation when finding TransporterStack acceptors; also, don't allow inventory insertion/extraction of things in charge slot for Digital Miner
97421bd7d: Fix dupe bug caused by the offset capabilities
ed9dedd39: Remove a lot of the unchecked cast warnings around capabilities
66d0bca37: Remove usage of TUBE_CONNECTION_CAPABILITY, in favor of using toggleable capabilities
c9f4a90db: Allow bins to be accessed from all sides
5cf955112: Add some JavaDocs to the new Capability Interfaces
8c102b85c: Implement isItemValid check for BinItemHandler (only is true for slot 0) Also have the custom interfaces extend ICapabilityProvider
cf8ef8ad5: Move configuration capability checking from CapabilityUtils to TileEntityComponentConfig
5822c3ce6: Disable capability for a couple other tiles
1f5353bd0: Obey the configuration tabs of various machines
b8ae59286: Better handling of if energy should be allowed to connect
b4adb6d5f: Easier disabling of capabilities, and support for offset capabilities
cf8a92c30: Use per-stack IDs for batch deletes in network protocol (#141)
d5f41f731: Remove obsidian crushing recipe, up enrichment recipe of obsidian from 2 dust to 4.
e4b70fa0e: dustObsidian added as crushing recipe
cbd2aab88: Fixes IC2 complaining about unregistering without registering fixes #146 (#147)
4608944b7: Merge pull request #140 from mekanica/inv-touchups
ccaa88a62: Touchups
bbb9cf688: Merge branch 'master' into inv-touchups
334e9a47f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9be9834db: Only do multiblock form message/particles if within 10 blocks of the multiblock
308d5f551: fix #143
d7a0afdc6: Fix being unable to connect logistical transporters to top of Bins
2ed0028a9: Utility method for throwing IItemHandler exceptions
0574e98f1: properly add items to InvStack
c07ecda4d: warning fixes, cleanups
2e16622b8: Overhaul InvStack to be more efficient, better designed and thoroughly documented. Also, add in sanity checks to IItemHandler wraps so we can fix any potential issues.
8c276b6b1: IInventory automation removal (#132)
934788e0e: Transit request overhaul (#135)
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume
* Removed all legacy IInventory automation; refactored logic around how
pipes/cables connect so they follow the marked areas on machines
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much
lighter on server now and more efficient when moving large numbers of items
* Fixed some IC2 errors
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
97421bd7d: Fix dupe bug caused by the offset capabilities
ed9dedd39: Remove a lot of the unchecked cast warnings around capabilities
66d0bca37: Remove usage of TUBE_CONNECTION_CAPABILITY, in favor of using toggleable capabilities
c9f4a90db: Allow bins to be accessed from all sides
5cf955112: Add some JavaDocs to the new Capability Interfaces
8c102b85c: Implement isItemValid check for BinItemHandler (only is true for slot 0) Also have the custom interfaces extend ICapabilityProvider
cf8ef8ad5: Move configuration capability checking from CapabilityUtils to TileEntityComponentConfig
5822c3ce6: Disable capability for a couple other tiles
1f5353bd0: Obey the configuration tabs of various machines
b8ae59286: Better handling of if energy should be allowed to connect
b4adb6d5f: Easier disabling of capabilities, and support for offset capabilities
cf8a92c30: Use per-stack IDs for batch deletes in network protocol (#141)
cbd2aab88: Fixes IC2 complaining about unregistering without registering fixes #146 (#147)
4608944b7: Merge pull request #140 from mekanica/inv-touchups
ccaa88a62: Touchups
bbb9cf688: Merge branch 'master' into inv-touchups
334e9a47f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9be9834db: Only do multiblock form message/particles if within 10 blocks of the multiblock
308d5f551: fix #143
d7a0afdc6: Fix being unable to connect logistical transporters to top of Bins
2ed0028a9: Utility method for throwing IItemHandler exceptions
0574e98f1: properly add items to InvStack
c07ecda4d: warning fixes, cleanups
2e16622b8: Overhaul InvStack to be more efficient, better designed and thoroughly documented. Also, add in sanity checks to IItemHandler wraps so we can fix any potential issues.
8c276b6b1: IInventory automation removal (#132)
934788e0e: Transit request overhaul (#135)
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume
* Removed all legacy IInventory automation
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much
lighter on server now and more efficient when moving large numbers of items
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
8c276b6b1: IInventory automation removal (#132)
934788e0e: Transit request overhaul (#135)
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume adjustment
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much lighter on server now
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
b87e881f9: Merge branch 'dss-item-prediction-overhaul' into networktest
7538c09b4: Add exponential backoff when pulling items, up to 40 ticks
5a651c866: Completely overhaul how prediction of paths is done; use IItemHandler's exclusively
12a9e83d0: Interstitial commit
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
Mekanica: Generators (went from mekanica-generators-1.12.2-1.1.2.jar to mekanica-generators-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar):
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume
* Removed all legacy IInventory automation; refactored logic around how
pipes/cables connect so they follow the marked areas on machines
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much
lighter on server now and more efficient when moving large numbers of items
* Fixed some IC2 errors
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
* Add ES translation (thanks JonMaker050!)
883a73632: Create es_ES.lang
6a0f8e386: Fix #5329 Check against homeLocation when finding TransporterStack acceptors; also, don't allow inventory insertion/extraction of things in charge slot for Digital Miner
97421bd7d: Fix dupe bug caused by the offset capabilities
ed9dedd39: Remove a lot of the unchecked cast warnings around capabilities
66d0bca37: Remove usage of TUBE_CONNECTION_CAPABILITY, in favor of using toggleable capabilities
c9f4a90db: Allow bins to be accessed from all sides
5cf955112: Add some JavaDocs to the new Capability Interfaces
8c102b85c: Implement isItemValid check for BinItemHandler (only is true for slot 0) Also have the custom interfaces extend ICapabilityProvider
cf8ef8ad5: Move configuration capability checking from CapabilityUtils to TileEntityComponentConfig
5822c3ce6: Disable capability for a couple other tiles
1f5353bd0: Obey the configuration tabs of various machines
b8ae59286: Better handling of if energy should be allowed to connect
b4adb6d5f: Easier disabling of capabilities, and support for offset capabilities
cf8a92c30: Use per-stack IDs for batch deletes in network protocol (#141)
d5f41f731: Remove obsidian crushing recipe, up enrichment recipe of obsidian from 2 dust to 4.
e4b70fa0e: dustObsidian added as crushing recipe
cbd2aab88: Fixes IC2 complaining about unregistering without registering fixes #146 (#147)
4608944b7: Merge pull request #140 from mekanica/inv-touchups
ccaa88a62: Touchups
bbb9cf688: Merge branch 'master' into inv-touchups
334e9a47f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9be9834db: Only do multiblock form message/particles if within 10 blocks of the multiblock
308d5f551: fix #143
d7a0afdc6: Fix being unable to connect logistical transporters to top of Bins
2ed0028a9: Utility method for throwing IItemHandler exceptions
0574e98f1: properly add items to InvStack
c07ecda4d: warning fixes, cleanups
2e16622b8: Overhaul InvStack to be more efficient, better designed and thoroughly documented. Also, add in sanity checks to IItemHandler wraps so we can fix any potential issues.
8c276b6b1: IInventory automation removal (#132)
934788e0e: Transit request overhaul (#135)
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume
* Removed all legacy IInventory automation; refactored logic around how
pipes/cables connect so they follow the marked areas on machines
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much
lighter on server now and more efficient when moving large numbers of items
* Fixed some IC2 errors
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
97421bd7d: Fix dupe bug caused by the offset capabilities
ed9dedd39: Remove a lot of the unchecked cast warnings around capabilities
66d0bca37: Remove usage of TUBE_CONNECTION_CAPABILITY, in favor of using toggleable capabilities
c9f4a90db: Allow bins to be accessed from all sides
5cf955112: Add some JavaDocs to the new Capability Interfaces
8c102b85c: Implement isItemValid check for BinItemHandler (only is true for slot 0) Also have the custom interfaces extend ICapabilityProvider
cf8ef8ad5: Move configuration capability checking from CapabilityUtils to TileEntityComponentConfig
5822c3ce6: Disable capability for a couple other tiles
1f5353bd0: Obey the configuration tabs of various machines
b8ae59286: Better handling of if energy should be allowed to connect
b4adb6d5f: Easier disabling of capabilities, and support for offset capabilities
cf8a92c30: Use per-stack IDs for batch deletes in network protocol (#141)
cbd2aab88: Fixes IC2 complaining about unregistering without registering fixes #146 (#147)
4608944b7: Merge pull request #140 from mekanica/inv-touchups
ccaa88a62: Touchups
bbb9cf688: Merge branch 'master' into inv-touchups
334e9a47f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9be9834db: Only do multiblock form message/particles if within 10 blocks of the multiblock
308d5f551: fix #143
d7a0afdc6: Fix being unable to connect logistical transporters to top of Bins
2ed0028a9: Utility method for throwing IItemHandler exceptions
0574e98f1: properly add items to InvStack
c07ecda4d: warning fixes, cleanups
2e16622b8: Overhaul InvStack to be more efficient, better designed and thoroughly documented. Also, add in sanity checks to IItemHandler wraps so we can fix any potential issues.
8c276b6b1: IInventory automation removal (#132)
934788e0e: Transit request overhaul (#135)
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume
* Removed all legacy IInventory automation
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much
lighter on server now and more efficient when moving large numbers of items
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
8c276b6b1: IInventory automation removal (#132)
934788e0e: Transit request overhaul (#135)
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
Major changes since 1.1.2:
* Continued work on reducing memory usage of models
* Remastered all sounds to a lower volume; honor config settings for volume adjustment
* Improved performance/behavior of Logistical Transporters; they are much lighter on server now
* Reduced idle tick overhead of Digital Miner
987894c63: Reduce idle tick time on DigitalMiner by removing constant refreshing of chunk set
cd52564ef: Keep trying to send stacks even if one won't fit.
ac371dec0: Logistical Transporter Performance Work (#116)
f6933b662: Overhaul how logistics networks estimate what can fit in the network (#124)
81c74e131: Cleaned up some repeated bulk in models (#107)
ff9c32ff6: cleanup stackutils (#127)
3b35315d0: replace custom string wrapping with vanilla method (#128)
020c85cab: reformat json files to be more readable (#120)
426ac05e6: Merge pull request #126 from mekanica/dss-remaster-sounds
f5cdf6455: Merge pull request #118 from temp1011/remove-unused-methods
a392514e1: Remaster sounds to all be -30dBFS; remove per-object sound volume; honor config setting for volume adjustment
b51147077: remove unused imports
224d89a7a: make sure recipeUtils works for all crafting grids
392b7c2ea: remove and inline methods
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
b87e881f9: Merge branch 'dss-item-prediction-overhaul' into networktest
7538c09b4: Add exponential backoff when pulling items, up to 40 ticks
5a651c866: Completely overhaul how prediction of paths is done; use IItemHandler's exclusively
12a9e83d0: Interstitial commit
5dd3cf3bb: Add reference to YourKit
9fefd1b41: Add missing config comment for ChemicalDissolutionChamberUsage
ModTweaker (went from modtweaker-4.0.16 to modtweaker-4.0.17):
Thaumcraft salis mundus support
Thermal Expansion coolant
Thermal Expansion Factorizer
Thanks Kindlich for all of these!
NotEnoughIDs (went from NotEnoughIDs- to NotEnoughIDs-
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.14c-1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.15-1.12.2):
+ Added radiation to fusion reactor recipes
* Improved radiation spreading and Radiation Scrubber logic
* Slightly improved radiation capability attachment by combining into a single method
* Fixed chunk radiation command being unavailable to command blocks
* Radiation-related items/blocks are now hidden in JEI while radiation is disabled
+ Added support for 'ORed' CT ingredients as recipe inputs
+ Added redstone control buttons to machines
+ Added 'clear all fluid' buttions to MSRs, Heat Exchangers and Turbines
+ Added config to modify Manufactory planks and stick production rates
+ Added recipe caching to improve performance of stop-start machines
* Fixed strange flickering of fluids in GUIs when looking between two machines of the same type
* Removed machine parts from NC dungeon loot
* Replaced 3DO Hyperspace theme with (much better) remix of original PC version
* Fixed various misuses of String logic causing bugs in stricter JVMs [thanks to domi1819!]
- Removed many unnecessary large textures
* Huge refactors to fluid-using TEs in preparation for machine side configuration
* Many other minor additions and changes
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
Pam's HarvestCraft (went from Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2zb.jar to Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2zc The 7mm Kidney Stone Update.jar):
Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2zc The 7mm Kidney Stone Update.jar:
HarvestCraft 1.12.2zc
This update took so long because of my near full hysterectomy surgery and recovery, trying to lose weight via exercise, my accused rapist coming back into my life via me learning he had hurt other people and me having to help those people, and me getting a 7mm kidney stone. These aren't excuses, just facts. I'm sorry this took so long. Love you all! <3
- Fixed: Recipes: zb Crops (Agave etc) are can now be turned into seeds
- Fixed: Saplings: Can now be planted on any soil (Thanks Ricket)
- Fixed: GUI: Machine GUIs now look way nicer (Thanks Takakura-Anri)
- Added: Config: Wheat can now be toggled on and off edible in case you are having issues with livestock (Thanks manusoftar)
- Added: Food: Soba Noodles, Tuna Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri, Taiyaki, Mochi Dessert, Mochi Cake, Imagawayaki, Shrimp Tempura, Gyudon, Strawberry Soufflé, Bratwurst, Schnitzel, Hot Cocoa, Chicken Biscuit, BBQ Chicken Biscuit, Zucchini Bake, Chocolate Coconut Bar, Vanilla Conchas Bread, Cinnamon Bread, Musubi, Fruit Cake, Bologna, Bologna Sandwich, Fried Bologna Sandwich, Cassoulet, Corn Chips, Battenberg, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Root Beer Float, Chili Dog, Peanut Soup, Gravlax, Cheese Danish, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Sunday High Tea, Cucumber Sandwich, Imitation Crab Sticks, Raspberry Milk Shake, Rice Pudding, River Mud Cake, Seed Energy Gel, Butter Tart, Marshmellow Chicks, Bacon Wrapped Chili, Mushroom Ketchup, Mushroom Ketchup Omelet, Bento Box, Fried Feast, Dandelion Salad, Dandelion Tea, Lychee Tea, Miso Paste, BBQ Jackfruit, BBQ Chicken Biscuit, Chicken Biscuit
- Added: OreDictionary: BBQ Jackfruit can be used as listAllporkraw, listAllporkcooked
Placebo (went from Placebo-1.12.2-1.5.1.jar to Placebo-1.12.2-1.6.0.jar):
Added new patreon cosmetic loader, in preparation for the full launch of my patreon later this year or something.
[]( (Still WIP).
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (went from pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.12.2-0.9.3-324.jar to pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.12.2-0.10.3-337.jar):
* Experimental Immersive Engineering heat integration
* Immersive Engineering External Heater will supply heat to PneumaticCraft machines (Refinery etc.) if given RF (Forge Energy)
* By default it uses 100RF/t to provide 1 heat unit; this can be changed in config (pneumaticcraft.cfg -> "integration" section)
* A redstone signal to the heater will stop it providing heat to PneumaticCraft (but it will continue to charge RF)
* Can be disabled entirely by setting ieExternalHeaterRFperTick to 0 in config
* NOTE: highly-experimental and subject to possible significant retuning for balance purposes
* Experimental Mekanism heat integration
* PNC and Mekansim machines will now exchange heat with each other
* Heat exchange properties can be configured in pneumaticcraft.cfg -> "integration" section
* Can be disabled entirely by setting mekHeatEfficiency to 0.0 in config
* NOTE: should be considered even more experimental than the Immersive Engineering integration! Heavily subject to possible rebalancing.
* Aerial Interface now has Baubles support
* Any FE (RF etc.) items in your Baubles slots will now be charged by the Aerial Interface
* The GUI Side Configuration tab now also has the ability to connect a face of the block to your Baubles inventory, if available
* Added a Creative Upgrade item, for use in the Omnidirectional and Liquid Hoppers. This allows them to infinitely dispense items/fluids.
* A liquid hopper with a Creative Upgrade will also act as an infinite fluid sink if it receives any fluid that it already contains
* Dispenser Upgrade can now be configured with a direction
* Right-click any block to set the direction to the clicked face, right-click air to clear the direction
* This is used by the Gas Lift and Thermopneumatic Processing Plant to enforce a specific direction to eject fluids to
* If no direction is defined, outputs are searched in D-U-N-S-W-E order, as before.
* Got rid of the "Dump Input" button from the Thermopneumatic Processing Plant GUI. This isn't necessary anymore, since the TPP doesn't accept fluids that it can't process.
* Fixed another startup crash related to BlockHeatProperties.cfg (so many edge cases...) - this one occurred with fluids that don't have an associated block.
* When hiding the GUI (with F1 by default), Pneumatic Armor HUD is now also properly hidden
* Fixed minor problem with Air Grate vacuuming mode where items could get caught on edges, e.g. farmland->block transition
* Slightly increased Air Grate vacuum mode range for adjacent inventory insertion (items could get stuck just outside insertion range)
* Fixed fluid dupe bug with Liquid Hopper
0.10.2-332 (30 Mar 2019)
* Air grate module now has slightly better range for inserting vacuumed items into an adjacent inventory
* Plastic Mixer: liquid to solid plastic ratio can now be configured in pneumaticcraft.cfg, Machine Properties section
* Fix another potential startup crash related to new heat system and certain fluids
* Fixed some rendering glitches related to Transfer Gadgets and Heat Frames
* Fixed Plastic Mixer item heat gauge sometimes showing stupid values
[]( (28 Mar 2019)
* HOTFIX: fix crash on startup related to new heat system when mods referenced in BlockHeatProperties.cfg are not installed.
[]( (28 Mar 2019)
* Lots of work on the Logistics system:
* Very major performance improvements for Logistics, both for Logistics Modules and Logistics Drones. Smarter caching of discovered logistics frames means a large reduction in server CPU used.
* Logistics frames now have a facing direction, which tells Logistics Drones which side to access the framed inventory on. Not important for non-sided inventories like chests, but very important for sided inventories such as Furnaces or the Aerial Interface.
* The facing direction defaults to the clicked face of the inventory it's placed on. Logistics frames placed before this change will face up by default; you can adjust the facing from within the GUI with the new "Facing" side tab.
* Logistics Modules ignore the frame's facing and always use the side of the inventory they face.
* Requester Frames can now specify the minimum amount of items or fluid to transfer at a time. This avoids situations where Logistics Drones could end up making constant trips moving 1mB of fluid at a time (e.g. moving fuel from a Refinery output to a Liquid Compressor).
* Significant overhaul of the Heat system:
* Block heat properties can now be specified in the config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg config file. Modpack makers, you're free to edit this file - entries you've changed won't be overwritten by future mod updates, although new entries could be added. (Note that this will likely become a datapack if & when I port to MC 1.13/1.14).
* Several other mod blocks and fluids now have useful heat properties, for heating or cooling PneumaticCraft machines:
* IC2 and Immersive Engineering Uranium blocks are not very hot but will last for ages before turning into Lead (not 4.46 billion years, though)
* IC2 Coolant & Hot Coolant are highly effective for heating & cooling purposes
* IC2 Steam & Superheated Steam are also useful, though not as good as Coolant
* Natura Heat Sand will emit a decent amount of heat before turning to Sand
* Thermal Foundation Enderium Blocks are unnaturally cold and will absorb a lot of heat before turning to Platinum
* Cryotheum is still an excellent coolant but now turns to Snow instead of Stone
* Quark blaze lamps are good heat sources, and will turn to Glowstone blocks
* Quark brimstone and permafrost are decent heat sources - not particularly hot/cold, but will last a while, and will turn to Cobblestone
* If you add a modded block or fluid entry which is generally useful, I will happily add that to the default list above. Just raise a github issue or (even better) a pull request.
* Note that all fluids have heat properties; a fluid's temperature is mod-defined, but its thermal resistance, total heat capacity and block transitions can all be overridden in config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg.
* Custom block heat properties now allow for a block transition both for hot and cold (e.g. IC2 steam becomes superheated steam if too much heat is absorbed, and water if too much heat is lost). Previously only a hot or cold transition was possible.
* Ambient temperature is no longer a flat 22C, but varies by biome and altitude
* Plains biome at sea level is 27C
* Ambient temperature drops above Y=80 and below Y=40 (by 0.1C per block by default, but configurable)
* Temperature variations are configurable in config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg and can be disabled entirely if you want (set "ambientTemperatureBiomeModifier" and "ambientTemperatureHeightModifier" to 0)
* This makes biomes like Deserts great for running a Refinery, but less great for running advanced compressors (not impossible, just less efficient), and vice versa for biomes like Taiga or Extreme Hills.
* Charged and active Pneumatic Boots will no longer trample farmland.
* Some Patchouli guidebook additions and improvements. Added missing page for the Logistics puzzle piece.
* The Refinery, Thermopneumatic Processing Plant and Plastic Mixer now warn in their GUI if the block is poorly insulated, and thus wasting heat (Plastic Mixer only warns if you're trying to melt down plastic).
* The Plastic Mixer now remembers any dye in its internal buffers if the block is broken and put down again, avoiding dye wastage if you need to move the machine.
* Added "/dumpNBT" command (op level), which dumps the NBT of the currently-held item as a JSON string. Primarily intended for getting internal Forge fluid names from a bucket of the fluid, for adding to custom fluid properties to config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg, but is also generally useful for debugging purposes.
* Pressure chamber textures don't look quite as flat now.
* Fixed two or more Transfer Gadgets on one block causing messy breakage.
* Fixed Refinery & Thermopneumatic Processing Plant GUI's wrongly reporting insufficient temperature even if the temperature is fine and machine is running properly.
* Programmer GUI: Fixed middle-click on rightmost column of expanded widget tray closing the tray instead of opening docs for the clicked widget
* Added a couple of missing Patchouli docs pages for programming widgets. A few other Patchouli docs fixes & updates too.
* Logistics frame info is now properly shown by The One Probe on dedicated server (previously just said "Error")
* Semiblocks (logistics frames, heat frames, etc.) no longer render for blinded players unless they're close enough to see the block the semiblock is on.
* Fixed Pneumatic Armor pieces not booting up on login if player isn't wearing the Pneumatic Helmet (this was due to the "master switch" being installed in the helmet - a holdover from when the helmet was the only armor piece).
* Fixed minor problem where placing a pressure chamber wall against another pressure chamber wall didn't play the block-place sound.
* Scaled down 8 programming widget textures with excessively large (256x256, ouch) textures sizes, saving a good chunk of texture atlas space.
0.10.1-330 (28 Mar 2019)
* HOTFIX: fix crash on startup related to new heat system when mods referenced in BlockHeatProperties.cfg are not installed.
[]( (28 Mar 2019)
* Lots of work on the Logistics system:
* Very major performance improvements for Logistics, both for Logistics Modules and Logistics Drones. Smarter caching of discovered logistics frames means a large reduction in server CPU used.
* Logistics frames now have a facing direction, which tells Logistics Drones which side to access the framed inventory on. Not important for non-sided inventories like chests, but very important for sided inventories such as Furnaces or the Aerial Interface.
* The facing direction defaults to the clicked face of the inventory it's placed on. Logistics frames placed before this change will face up by default; you can adjust the facing from within the GUI with the new "Facing" side tab.
* Logistics Modules ignore the frame's facing and always use the side of the inventory they face.
* Requester Frames can now specify the minimum amount of items or fluid to transfer at a time. This avoids situations where Logistics Drones could end up making constant trips moving 1mB of fluid at a time (e.g. moving fuel from a Refinery output to a Liquid Compressor).
* Significant overhaul of the Heat system:
* Block heat properties can now be specified in the config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg config file. Modpack makers, you're free to edit this file - entries you've changed won't be overwritten by future mod updates, although new entries could be added. (Note that this will likely become a datapack if & when I port to MC 1.13/1.14).
* Several other mod blocks and fluids now have useful heat properties, for heating or cooling PneumaticCraft machines:
* IC2 and Immersive Engineering Uranium blocks are not very hot but will last for ages before turning into Lead (not 4.46 billion years, though)
* IC2 Coolant & Hot Coolant are highly effective for heating & cooling purposes
* IC2 Steam & Superheated Steam are also useful, though not as good as Coolant
* Natura Heat Sand will emit a decent amount of heat before turning to Sand
* Thermal Foundation Enderium Blocks are unnaturally cold and will absorb a lot of heat before turning to Platinum
* Cryotheum is still an excellent coolant but now turns to Snow instead of Stone
* Quark blaze lamps are good heat sources, and will turn to Glowstone blocks
* Quark brimstone and permafrost are decent heat sources - not particularly hot/cold, but will last a while, and will turn to Cobblestone
* If you add a modded block or fluid entry which is generally useful, I will happily add that to the default list above. Just raise a github issue or (even better) a pull request.
* Note that all fluids have heat properties; a fluid's temperature is mod-defined, but its thermal resistance, total heat capacity and block transitions can all be overridden in config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg.
* Custom block heat properties now allow for a block transition both for hot and cold (e.g. IC2 steam becomes superheated steam if too much heat is absorbed, and water if too much heat is lost). Previously only a hot or cold transition was possible.
* Ambient temperature is no longer a flat 22C, but varies by biome and altitude
* Plains biome at sea level is 27C
* Ambient temperature drops above Y=80 and below Y=40 (by 0.1C per block by default, but configurable)
* Temperature variations are configurable in config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg and can be disabled entirely if you want (set "ambientTemperatureBiomeModifier" and "ambientTemperatureHeightModifier" to 0)
* This makes biomes like Deserts great for running a Refinery, but less great for running advanced compressors (not impossible, just less efficient), and vice versa for biomes like Taiga or Extreme Hills.
* Charged and active Pneumatic Boots will no longer trample farmland.
* Some Patchouli guidebook additions and improvements. Added missing page for the Logistics puzzle piece.
* The Refinery, Thermopneumatic Processing Plant and Plastic Mixer now warn in their GUI if the block is poorly insulated, and thus wasting heat (Plastic Mixer only warns if you're trying to melt down plastic).
* The Plastic Mixer now remembers any dye in its internal buffers if the block is broken and put down again, avoiding dye wastage if you need to move the machine.
* Added "/dumpNBT" command (op level), which dumps the NBT of the currently-held item as a JSON string. Primarily intended for getting internal Forge fluid names from a bucket of the fluid, for adding to custom fluid properties to config/pneumaticcraft/BlockHeatProperties.cfg, but is also generally useful for debugging purposes.
* Pressure chamber textures don't look quite as flat now.
* Fixed two or more Transfer Gadgets on one block causing messy breakage.
* Fixed Refinery & Thermopneumatic Processing Plant GUI's wrongly reporting insufficient temperature even if the temperature is fine and machine is running properly.
* Programmer GUI: Fixed middle-click on rightmost column of expanded widget tray closing the tray instead of opening docs for the clicked widget
* Added a couple of missing Patchouli docs pages for programming widgets. A few other Patchouli docs fixes & updates too.
* Logistics frame info is now properly shown by The One Probe on dedicated server (previously just said "Error")
* Semiblocks (logistics frames, heat frames, etc.) no longer render for blinded players unless they're close enough to see the block the semiblock is on.
* Fixed Pneumatic Armor pieces not booting up on login if player isn't wearing the Pneumatic Helmet (this was due to the "master switch" being installed in the helmet - a holdover from when the helmet was the only armor piece).
* Fixed minor problem where placing a pressure chamber wall against another pressure chamber wall didn't play the block-place sound.
* Scaled down 8 programming widget textures with excessively large (256x256, ouch) textures sizes, saving a good chunk of texture atlas space.
Project Intelligence (went from ProjectIntelligence-1.12.2- to ProjectIntelligence-1.12.2-
######## ########
-Fixed some bugs in the editor related top creating new documentation and deleting and re-adding pages.
p.s. This change log is too short... Why aren't there more bugs in this brand new mod?
######## ########
-Fixed some minor issues with the editor.
-Fixed SSL certificate issue. VanillaFix is no longer required.
Reborn Core (went from RebornCore-1.12.2- to RebornCore-1.12.2-
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add more support to the buffer utils
(modmuss50) Explain the issue a bit more
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Log out an error without causing a crash, this shouldn't cause the end of the world.
(drcrazy) Player has two hands! Closes TechReborn/TechReborn#1703
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fully fix being able to input into output slots
(modmuss50) Fixes [](
(modmuss50) Fix [](
(modmuss50) Update de_de.lang (#108)
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Improvements to the upgrade api
(modmuss50) Add EasingFunctions
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (went from solcarrot-1.12.2-1.6.2.jar to solcarrot-1.12.2-1.6.3.jar):
* Added config to hide foods from the total count and uneaten list
* Added logo to, so it'll show up in the mod list
Thaumic JEI (went from ThaumicJEI-1.12.2-1.5.5-23.jar to ThaumicJEI-1.12.2-1.5.8-26.jar):
Thaumic JEI
1.5.8 (2019-04-07 13:40:49 +0200)
* Updated most of JEI deprecated methods (Buuz135)
* Fixed Crucible recipes not showing it's catalyst, closes #49 (Buuz135)
* Updated to a newer JEI (Buuz135)
1.5.7 (2019-04-07 12:52:45 +0200)
* Update (Buuz135)
* Log and ignore JSON syntax errors in aspect cache file (David Vierra)
1.5.6 (2019-03-31 22:18:50 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed catalyst checking for crucible recipes, closes #41 (Buuz135)
* Vis crystals are now shown in the recipe info for the salis mundus, closes #44 (Buuz135)
* Fix crash during register with EnderIO 5.0.43 (Michael Ziminsky (Z))
1.5.5 (2018-11-11 15:14:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Disabled recipe hiding for default until its fixed on TC side to work on servers (Buuz135)
* Fix aspect count being capped at 127 (Michael Ritter)
1.5.4 (2018-10-07 15:19:20 +0200)
* Fixed curseforge release (Buuz135)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed some infusion recipes having the same input and output, closes #36 (Buuz135)
* Moved some code around (Buuz135)
1.5.3 (2018-08-14 23:05:49 +0200)
* Added more safety checks to prevent #33, closes #33 (Buuz135)
* Added mod deps to the curseforge uploader (Buuz135)
* Create ru_RU.lang (???????)
1.5.2 (2018-08-08 22:04:16 +0200)
* Changed Thaumcraft dep to use Curseforge repo (Buuz135)
* Updated .gitignore (Buuz135)
* Cleaned up some code (Buuz135)
* Added some safe checks to prevent issues, closes #31 (Buuz135)
1.5.1 (2018-08-05 22:00:37 +0200)
* Delay recipe syncing if the player is null, closes #30 (Buuz135)
1.5.0 (2018-08-05 16:17:00 +0200)
* Added the ability of hiding recipes if the research for it is missing. (Buuz135)
* Updated to latest Thaumcraft (Buuz135)
* Added automatic release, changelog and building (Buuz135)
Thaumic JEI
1.5.7 (2019-04-07 12:52:45 +0200)
* Update (Buuz135)
* Log and ignore JSON syntax errors in aspect cache file (David Vierra)
1.5.6 (2019-03-31 22:18:50 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed catalyst checking for crucible recipes, closes #41 (Buuz135)
* Vis crystals are now shown in the recipe info for the salis mundus, closes #44 (Buuz135)
* Fix crash during register with EnderIO 5.0.43 (Michael Ziminsky (Z))
1.5.5 (2018-11-11 15:14:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Disabled recipe hiding for default until its fixed on TC side to work on servers (Buuz135)
* Fix aspect count being capped at 127 (Michael Ritter)
1.5.4 (2018-10-07 15:19:20 +0200)
* Fixed curseforge release (Buuz135)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed some infusion recipes having the same input and output, closes #36 (Buuz135)
* Moved some code around (Buuz135)
1.5.3 (2018-08-14 23:05:49 +0200)
* Added more safety checks to prevent #33, closes #33 (Buuz135)
* Added mod deps to the curseforge uploader (Buuz135)
* Create ru_RU.lang (???????)
1.5.2 (2018-08-08 22:04:16 +0200)
* Changed Thaumcraft dep to use Curseforge repo (Buuz135)
* Updated .gitignore (Buuz135)
* Cleaned up some code (Buuz135)
* Added some safe checks to prevent issues, closes #31 (Buuz135)
1.5.1 (2018-08-05 22:00:37 +0200)
* Delay recipe syncing if the player is null, closes #30 (Buuz135)
1.5.0 (2018-08-05 16:17:00 +0200)
* Added the ability of hiding recipes if the research for it is missing. (Buuz135)
* Updated to latest Thaumcraft (Buuz135)
* Added automatic release, changelog and building (Buuz135)
Thaumic JEI
1.5.6 (2019-03-31 22:18:50 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed catalyst checking for crucible recipes, closes #41 (Buuz135)
* Vis crystals are now shown in the recipe info for the salis mundus, closes #44 (Buuz135)
* Fix crash during register with EnderIO 5.0.43 (Michael Ziminsky (Z))
1.5.5 (2018-11-11 15:14:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Disabled recipe hiding for default until its fixed on TC side to work on servers (Buuz135)
* Fix aspect count being capped at 127 (Michael Ritter)
1.5.4 (2018-10-07 15:19:20 +0200)
* Fixed curseforge release (Buuz135)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed some infusion recipes having the same input and output, closes #36 (Buuz135)
* Moved some code around (Buuz135)
1.5.3 (2018-08-14 23:05:49 +0200)
* Added more safety checks to prevent #33, closes #33 (Buuz135)
* Added mod deps to the curseforge uploader (Buuz135)
* Create ru_RU.lang (???????)
1.5.2 (2018-08-08 22:04:16 +0200)
* Changed Thaumcraft dep to use Curseforge repo (Buuz135)
* Updated .gitignore (Buuz135)
* Cleaned up some code (Buuz135)
* Added some safe checks to prevent issues, closes #31 (Buuz135)
1.5.1 (2018-08-05 22:00:37 +0200)
* Delay recipe syncing if the player is null, closes #30 (Buuz135)
1.5.0 (2018-08-05 16:17:00 +0200)
* Added the ability of hiding recipes if the research for it is missing. (Buuz135)
* Updated to latest Thaumcraft (Buuz135)
* Added automatic release, changelog and building (Buuz135)
Tinkers Construct (went from TConstruct-1.12.2- to TConstruct-1.12.2-
Requires Mantle
* Add config option to show temperatures as celsius in the GUI
* Fix crafting station showing inventories that aren't accessible to the player (Locked chests, strongboxes,...)
* Fix crafting station recipe handling in multiplayer (results not showing up and more)
* Wooden rail with trapdoor correctly uses all slots of the minecart with chest instead of only the first
* Tinkers projectiles now correctly integrate with the ProjectileImpact Event
* Some performance tweaks and optimizations under the hood
* Improvements to several translations
* Generated using (1.12.2)
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