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Created January 21, 2019 19:30
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Enigmatica2Expert 1.52 to Enigmatica2Expert 1.53
CC: Tweaked (went from cc-tweaked-1.80pr1.13.jar to cc-tweaked-1.80pr1.14.jar):
Release notes can be found on the GitHub repository ([](
Colytra (went from colytra-1.12.2- to colytra-1.12.2-
* Fixed
* Dupe bug when equipping bauble elytra through offhand [[#16]](
CraftStudio API (went from CraftStudio- to CraftStudioAPI-
* Fix network issues by using thread safe network message
CraftTweaker (went from CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.13 to CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.14):
Fix lang files over reloading.
Fixed url opening on linux
Fix recipe actions applying on other recipes
move to a MIT license!
fixed null in arrays
more zengetters on iingredient
fixed possible NPE
Added a way to convert from ILiquidstack to WeightedLiquidstack
MCItemStack#getLiquids not checks liquids in an itemstack
added ItemUtils#getItem
Fix null stacks in regex stack getting
dumpzs uses targets, removed exportzs
updated command links
fixed seed weights
fixed stack matching on IngredientStack
made import errors more descriptive
ctsyntax shows errors on a single line
added burntime and enchantability to /ct names
Fixed up CraftTweakerMC for getting itemstacks from lists
Added food methods to IItemStack
added /ct foods
If you want to see more releases with cool new features like this one, consider supporting me on my Patreon:
Flat Colored Blocks (went from flatcoloredblocks-mc1.12-6.6.jar to flatcoloredblocks-mc1.12-6.7.jar):
* Add client side command /flatcoloredblock_export_list to save a .csv with all the color,opacity,light information about each Flat Colored Block
* Add HEX values to tooltips ( new setting as well to enable/disable this )
* Allow localizing of the "#" for the Shade number in the item names.
Forestry (went from forestry_1.12.2- to forestry_1.12.2-
* Fix updated buildcraft API name, fixing #2343. Caused by the fix for []( (where railcraft couldn't properly depend on the BC API's as forge rejected the old names). - AlexIIL
* add command listAlleles there may be a simpler way to write this - temp1011
* fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature (#2327) * fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature * set allowed backwards * fix bug in climate manipulator builder * make fluid change positive for all hygroregulator recipes * remove broken setAllowBackwards() - temp1011
* add minimum binnie version, add workaround for a bug (#2326) - temp1011
* scale hive generation baased on size of hive registry (#2204) - temp1011
* fix plugin for bop (#2308) - temp1011
* fix some broken buildcraft triggers fixes #2301 (#2309) - temp1011
* remove unnecessary alveary json file (#2311) - temp1011
* resolve gamemode recreate definitions (#2319) - temp1011
* fix a bug where coocons would not have loot (#2320) - temp1011
* Render blocks in crates so they do not stick out very far - mezz
* Fix #2299 Improve render performance of crates - mezz
* Handle texture reloading for crates - mezz
* Fix #2298 Server Crash caused by Chunk Loading - Nedelosk
* Add config option to control the spawn rarity of every tree fixes ForestryMC/Binnie#427 - Nedelosk
* Fix broken glass bottle texture - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable and Optimize Imports - Nedelosk
* Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leafe chance (#2288) * Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leave chance This fixes an old issue that was created 4 years ago. Yield now define how many fruit leaves / pods a tree contains all other leaves are leaves without any fruits. All ripe leaves now have a 100 % chance of a fruit drop and can be right clicked to harvest the fruit. - Nedelosk
* Add some context to the "hint" texts in Chinese (#2290) - Raku Zeta
* Remove Tick Randomly from Wood Pile - Nedelosk
* Add Config options for Charcoal Blocks - Nedelosk
* Fix missing Charcoal drop if amount is 16, 32 or 48 - Nedelosk
* Improve Charcoal Wall registration error messages - Nedelosk
* Allow negative charcoal amounts for the wood pile - Nedelosk
* Complete translation of zh_tw.lang (#2280) * matchup the translation keys of zh_tw.lang with en_us.lang * translate all untranslated entries * rename some items * improve and reword some entries based on the context of gameplay - Raku Zeta
* Fix #2273 Ethanol is 10x better than it should be - Nedelosk
* Fix #2276 No categories displaying if Apiculture is disabled - Nedelosk
* Fix #2286, Fix #2285 Throw exception if the charcoal amount is not valid - Nedelosk
* correct API comments (#2249) - temp1011
* prevent overflow of slots in database causing contents to be lost (#2272) - temp1011
* Fix #2275 Remove strange backup import - Nedelosk
* Remove unused lines from en_us.lang Fixes 2278 - Nedelosk
* Fix #2269 Tried to instantiate a client only variable on the server side - Nedelosk
* Habitat former (#2270) - Nedelosk
* Replace the Greenhouse with the Habitat Former (#2260) This PR closes #2251, closes #2235, closes #2213, closes #2172, closes #2108, closes #2092, closes #2088, closes #1991, closes #1990, closes #1983, closes #1891. - Nedelosk
* prevent wood pile from loading more chunks (#2268) - temp1011
* Refine some models for filesize and performance (#2265) - Hallo89
* Update de_de.lang (#2262) - Vexatos
* more fixes for charcoal (#2248) * more fixes for charcoal * fix typo * simplify things - temp1011
* Fix #2255 Menril Seeds from Mystical Agriculture - Nedelosk
* Fix Escritoire Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* Fix #2257 Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* fix over-init of allelehelper (#2254) - temp1011
* clean up init of allelehelper (#2253) - temp1011
* Use thread-safe container for climate sources (#2252) - Andriy Kushnir
* add methods to allow removing charcoal walls (#2240) - temp1011
* improve wood pile code (#2241) - temp1011
* Check for IToolGrafter instead of ItemGrafter for non-Forestry leaves (#2231) This fixes an issue where items (from other a) implementing IToolGrafter but not subclasses of ItemGrafter would work for Forestry leaves, but not for other types of leaves. - apemanzilla
* fix breakable block check, fixes #2227 (#2228) - temp1011
* Fix #2200 Single-block farm can break bedrock - Nedelosk
* Fix #2222 Errors in log loading crate models - Nedelosk
* add config for disabling factory machines (#2221) - temp1011
* Fix broken build.gradle - Nedelosk
* Update ru_RU.lang (#2199) - Konstantin
* Fix #2143 Biogas Engine Dupes Ethanol - Nedelosk
* Fix #2192 Broken Fluid Textures - Nedelosk
* Fix #2209 Disable Dimension change for butterflies - Nedelosk
* Fix #2177 Improve Crate Model - Nedelosk
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) t a - temp1011
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) - temp1011
* fix wrong drops from orchard with harvestcraft closes #2211 (#2217) - temp1011
* Update zh_cn.lang (#2220) - Urey. Xue
* Use getInternalInventory() instead of using the inventory field directly (#2201) - Paul Durbaba
* Fix some config comments (#2196) - temp1011
* fix crashes in plugins from disabled fluids (#2195) - temp1011
* Fix bottler dupe (#2128) - temp1011
Ice and Fire: Dragons in a whole new light! (went from iceandfire-1.6.0-1.12.2 to iceandfire-1.6.1-1.12.2):
-Remodeled the hippogryph
-Retextured the pixie and cyclops
-Cyclops now has 4 texture variants
-Dragon skulls floating in air or next to a wall will assume a wall-mounted pose
-Added config for how often stymphalian bird feathers turn into items
-Added config for how long sirens can attract players
-Added config for maximum myrmex colony numbers
-Added experimental path finding AI for dragons
-Updated forge mappings for Thaumcraft API
-Cyclops can now destroy logs and leaves(configurable)
-Made hippogryphs and hippocampi naturally regenerate like horses
-Made hippocampus spawn bubbles when ridden
-Made cockatrice wither effect get worse depending on how many cockatrice were attacking
-Made cockatrice nausea effect last longer
-Increased armor points for the hippogryph and hippocampus armor
-Increase Cyclops armor points
-Increased distance from which cockatrice can use the stare attack
-Tweaked some myrmex behavior
-Fixed myrmex hive timeout crash/freeze
-Fixed fire dragons no longer being immune to fire damage
-Fixed bestiary pages not turning
-Fixed tame hippogryphs leaving into the ocean when parked on land
-Fixed stymphalian bird feathers not damaging shields
-Fixed dying gorgons turning players to stone
-Fixed pixies still eating sugar at full health
-Fixed cyclops being immune to gorgon or gorgon head
-Fixed hippogryphs not healing when eating rabbits foot
-Fixed jungle myrmex queens creating desert hives and visa versa
-Fixed myrmex larva mating
-Fixed jungle myrmex resin dropping desert resin blocks
-Fixed jungle myrmex queen dropping desert myrmex items
-Fixed myrmex loot table console spam
-Fixed myrmex killing pets of their allies
-Fixed myrmex queens digging when underground
-Fixed myrmex eggs all turning into worker eggs
-Fixed myrmex hatching time not working
-Fixed myrmex tunnels destroyed by caves
-Fixed larvae and pupae myrmex attacking
-Fixed myrmex workers carrying adult myrmex
-Fixed dragons ignoring the flight limit config
-Fixed death worms dropping too many eggs
-Fixed death worms spawning in mesas
-Fixed siren effect working on spectator players
-Fixed delays in hippogryph attacks
-Fixed hippocampus being too jittery
-Fixed not making cakes from myrmex eggs
-Fixed only black hippogryph eggs being made into cake
-Fixed ear defenders from Immersive Engineering not working on sirens
-Fixed myrmex AI server freeze
-Fixed myrmex tools rendering like ordinary items
-Fixed dragons not dropping XP on death
-Fixed cockatrices defending monster chickens
-Fixed broken dragon loot tables
-Fixed dragon scale boot model not rendering correctly
-Fixed stone statues dying from too many hits of a pickaxe
-Fixed Tinkers Construct pickaxes not breaking statues
-Fixed chickens instantly dropping rotten eggs after spawning
-Fixed dragon eggs not affected by gravity
-Fixed frozen sword effect sinking the ender dragon
-Fixed hippogryph making flapping noises on the ground
-Fixed dragon roar applying weakness to owner’s pets
-Fixed cockatrice auto attacking zombie pigmen
-Fixed cockatrice not eating seeds off the ground
-Fixed cockatrice not eating rotten flesh from the hand
Iron Chests (went from ironchest-1.12.2- to ironchest-1.12.2-
* The recipes for Silver Shulker Boxes have been fixed.
* Silver Shulker Boxes are now called Light Gray to match vanilla.
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.13--1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.13c--1.12.2):
* Fixed various recipes null-pointering with certain mods installed
* Fixed very fast machines not respecting the stack size limit
* Fixed some alloy melting and ingot forming recipes not being added correctly
* Refactored fluid initialising to be a little more robust to errors
* Improved various class-checking methods to be less laggy [thanks to Funwayguy!]
* Fixed potential crash on player radiation updating being interrupted
* Fixed Turbines not forming in various circumstances [thanks to Kurtchekov!]
* Fixed undercooled MSRs producing more useful heat than they should have been
* Fixed machines getting stuck after temporarily running low on energy
* Fixed lag on game startup and world load in a few packs
* Fixed power production not updating in the Fusion Core GUI
* Added config option for horse armour radiation shielding
* Geiger Counter now gets louder in dire situations
+ Added config option for alternative exhaust steam heat exchanger recipe
* Various fluids now have light levels
* Now using CurseForge maven for various dependencies
Placebo (went from Placebo-1.12.2-1.5.0.jar to Placebo-1.12.2-1.5.1.jar):
Added utils needed for DeadlyWorld and Apotheosis.
Fixed loot system.
The FastShapelessRecipe system is now enabled by default. Any issues with shapeless recipes should be debugged with this setting off, but no issues have been found so far.
RandomPatches (went from RandomPatches 1.12.2- to RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.
Scannable (went from Scannable-MC1.12.2- to Scannable-MC1.12.2-
* Fixed potential crash.
* Added proper resource reload support. Shaders in resource packs will now be used without having to restart Minecraft.
Tinkers Construct (went from TConstruct-1.12.2- to TConstruct-1.12.2-
The last release introduced a bug that made the Tinker Tank unusable. Now it can be used again!
Toast Control (went from Toast Control-1.12.2-1.7.1.jar to Toast Control-1.12.2-1.8.0.jar):
Toast Control-1.12.2-1.8.0.jar:
Added 4 new config options.
These new options allow you to control where and how toasts appear on your screen.
The options "Toast Y Offset" and "Toast X Offset" allow you to move the top of the toast stack to any point on the screen.
The option "Transition from Left" makes toasts slide in from the left of the screen, instead of the right.
The option "Disable Transitions" makes toast not slide in, and just pop in/out immediately.
Requires Placebo 1.5.1.
* Generated using (1.12.2)
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