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  • Save NielsPilgaard/67cd2d1a3e6b00be38f65bf24fe5d614 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NielsPilgaard/67cd2d1a3e6b00be38f65bf24fe5d614 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Enigmatica2 1.62 to Enigmatica2 1.63
Advanced Rocketry (went from AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-132-UNSTABLE build -132 for 1.12.2 to AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-136-UNSTABLE build -136 for 1.12.2):
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-136-UNSTABLE build -136 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-136
* [ Filled data sticks no longer stack, #1543](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-135-UNSTABLE build -135 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-135
* [ Don't print invalid when no dimension is provided to the set command, but tell the user what property was set](
* [ Add multiblock tooltip to rocket building blocks](
* [ Fix spelling error in config, configs may need to be updated for 'seperation' -> 'separation', see #1544](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-134-UNSTABLE build -134 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-134
* [ remove debug code introduced in 8620cf94d25c9cf5569937f7d348772fbb851120 that causes O2 vents to always be full](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-133-UNSTABLE build -133 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-133
* [ Gas giants should have gasses by default](
Better Advancements (went from BetterAdvancements-1.12.2- to BetterAdvancements-1.12.2-
[[d425d73](] changes how textures are used and when recolouring is applied, #24 (way2muchnoise)
[[ad21cb6](] bump versions (way2muchnoise)
Better Builder's Wands (went from Better Builder's Wands 0.13.0 [MC1.12; rev 267] to Better Builder's Wands 0.13.1 [MC1.12; rev 269]):
Better Builder's Wands 0.13.1 [MC1.12; rev 269]:
Minor changes:
* Make a call to an additional method on block placement.
Better Questing (went from BetterQuesting-3.5.294.jar to BetterQuesting-3.5.295.jar):
Fixed a soft lock in the quest line designer
Fixed integer overflow error in smooth scrolling
Building Gadgets (went from BuildingGadgets v2.6.6 to BuildingGadgets v2.6.7):
BuildingGadgets v2.6.7:
Full Changelog: [](
* The copy/paste gadget can now mirror pastes, as well as rotate them. Sneak while pressing the keybind that previously just rotated them to mirror them left-to-right instead.
* Added/changed radial menu functionality/aesthetics:
* Converted text-based settings controls to icon-based ones.
* Prevented mode strings from rendering when the cursor is not over its corresponding slice.
* Added range slider.
* Allowed gadgets to bind Simple Storage Network networks as a remote inventories (you can only bind the Storage Network Master block).
* Dense construction blocks now drop 1-3 (configurable) construction paste items.
* The process of generating construction paste is now as follows:
* Craft a construction powder block.
* Convert the powder into a dense construction block by either placing it in the word next to water, or using one of the following machines:
* Fluid Transposer [Thermal Expansion]
* Hydrator [Cyclic]
* Moistener [Forestry]
* Get paste from the block by either:
* Breaking it, yielding 1-3 paste.
* Using machines:
* Convert it into dense construction chunks (1 block -> 4 chunks):
* Pulverizer [Thermal Expansion]
* Macerator [Industrial Craft 2]
* Grinder [Applied Energistics 2]
* Crusher [Mekanism]
* Crusher [Immersive Engineering]
* Crusher [Actually Additions]
* Convert the chunks into paste using any of the machines listed in step 3 (1 chunk -> 1 paste).
* Nearly every ingredient of every recipe now uses the ore dictionary.
* Templates can be copied to the clipboard from template items, as well as copy/paste gadgets in the Template Manager GUI.
* Remote networks are now only wrapped once build/exchange/undo operation, rather than twice per placed block.
Chisels & Bits (went from chiselsandbits-14.30.jar to chiselsandbits-14.31.jar):
Fix issue with creative clipboard not persisting between client launches.
Colytra (went from colytra-1.12.2- to colytra-1.12.2-
* Added
* Chinese localization files (thank you tian051011)
Common Capabilities (went from CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.0.4.jar to CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.1.1.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.1.0 or higher.
* Update to Forge and MCP snapshot_20180814
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.0.0 or higher.
* Store recipe ingredients with IPrototypedIngredientAlternatives
Backwards compatible with the old format.
Needed for storing oredict recipe ingredients more efficiently:
CraftTweaker (went from CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.15 to CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.16):
Made IIngredient more null safe
Added IItemStack#isBlock
WIP: Added print statement to MCREcipeManager
Added #profile to get stats on action time
Fixed issue with ZS types
Cyclic (went from Cyclic-1.12.2-1.18.1.jar to Cyclic-1.12.2-1.18.4.jar):
* Fixed some machines having energy (RF) having server-client desync on dedicated servers (could appear as energy appearing empty when its not, or energy bars vibrating up and down).
* Item Collector now has a minimum size of 1x1.
* Fixed clientside fluid-desync of several blocks.
* Fixed Magma Anvil not accepting fluid from some pipes.
* Harvester can now gather ender pearls from Ender Lilly from EXU2.
Fixed uncrafting grinder only working when input stack size was the precise recipe count.
(UPDATE: Known issue with Uncrafting grinder in this version)
* Fixed an error where empty or invalid entries in some blacklist configs could crash the game.
* Uncrafting Grinder is now compatible with mods that register unique blocks use non-standard way that try really hard to not be compatible (such as Mekanism NBT based blocks).
* New config added ForceNonRepairable to allow anvils to repair non-repairable items.
* Soulstone fixed to now work correctly when player has absorption.
* Default font size of Text Projector is now 10 instead of zero.
* New configs SageCount and DruidCount to control how many villagers will attempt to spawn when a new village is generated in new chunks.
Cyclops Core (went from CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.0.5.jar to CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.1.0.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
* Update to Forge and MCP snapshot_20180814
Lib changes:
* Add more efficient method for checking if a config is enabled, Closes #116
* Deprecate SendPlayerCapabilitiesPacket, Closes #123
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
* Fix RenderItemExtendedSlotCount not considering custom item models
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#23
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#24
In Control! (went from InControl - 1.12-3.9.5 to InControl - 1.12-3.9.6):
InControl - 1.12-3.9.6:
- Update to be compatible with Fx Control
Industrial Foregoing (went from industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.6-230.jar to industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.8-232.jar):
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.8 (2019-03-15 15:38:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Changed some config stuff so values generate better in the file (Buuz135)
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Industrial Foregoing
1.12.7 (2019-03-10 15:47:14 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed fluid pumps trying to pump fluids when the area is protected and not replacing the source properly, closes #514 (Buuz135)
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with the black hole unit, closes #516 (Buuz135)
* Made some changes that will make multiblock edition easier (Buuz135)
1.12.6 (2019-02-24 13:27:27 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit accepting items that were the same but one had NBT and the other one didnt, closes #507 closes #509 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Units not accepting new types of items when empty, closes #508 (Buuz135)
* Fixed output slots in the black hole controller not being refilled, closes #503 (Buuz135)
* Fixed a Fluid Dictionary crash when the input didnt had an output, closes #511 (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.5 (2019-02-02 16:24:29 +0100)
* Fixed Black Hole controller refilling items that were different, closes #493 (Buuz135)
* Fixed nbt issues with the Black Hole Controller, closes #488 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drill not consuming biofuel, closes #494 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Drilled not being able to be charged in machines (Buuz135)
* Update (Coded)
* Update (Coded)
* its 2019 (Coded)
* IF now has dogs (Coded)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.12.4 (2019-01-01 18:51:30 +0100)
* Added a blacklist for the animal grower, this time its the correct machine (Buuz135)
* Made shiny variant more rare (Buuz135)
1.12.3 (2018-12-30 17:01:07 +0100)
* Added a black list for the animal feeder (Buuz135)
* Added a safe check of the laser drill ore dictionary values when they list is empty (Buuz135)
* Updated pt_BR (InterPlay)
* Updated pt_BR lang (InterPlay)
1.12.2 (2018-12-22 20:22:43 +0100)
* Fixed Server crashes accessing minecraft instance, closes #479 (Buuz135)
1.12.1 (2018-12-21 23:59:19 +0100)
* Try-Catched API exceptions for the mods that use them (Buuz135)
1.12.0 (2018-12-21 23:16:06 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed IF creative tab not having an icon when the Black Hole Unit is disabled, closes #472 (Buuz135)
* Fixed not being able to insert the Infinity Drill into the Enchantment Extractor, closes #473 (Buuz135)
* Delayed recipe loading (Buuz135)
* Formatted code (Buuz135)
* Added a ton of default values (Buuz135)
* Made item find for the laser drill safer in case it is missing (Buuz135)
* Added OreDictionary support for the json (Buuz135)
* Localized JEI things (Buuz135)
* Removed all the TODOs and added exceptions when needed to inform modpack makers about the new changes (Buuz135)
* Added JEI handling for the new laser drill format (Buuz135)
* Changed the order of how gui pieces get added to the gui to prevent color leaking (Buuz135)
* Improved pump functionality , closes #469 (Buuz135)
* Prototyped config-based laser drill. (TomShkurti)
* Changed bauble dependency (Buuz135)
* Fixed energy buffer not changing with config values, closes #470 (Buuz135)
1.11.10 (2018-12-05 14:56:26 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Made drill textures more efficient (by WBgroup) (Buuz135)
* Added config values for the infinity drill power req and mining size (Buuz135)
* Fixed contributors stuff not working properly (Buuz135)
* Really fixed modded blocks not being able to be broken, re closes #466 (Buuz135)
1.11.9 (2018-12-04 12:24:28 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Infinity drill now handles modded blocks better, closes #466 (Buuz135)
* Infinity Drill now does damage (Buuz135)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.8 (2018-12-03 08:11:37 +0100)
* Fixed mod version (Buuz135)
* Notify the player in the status bar when changing the mining area (Buuz135)
* Made shiny versions more rarer (Buuz135)
* Fixed particle disabling alpha and not re-enabling it, closes #462 (Buuz135)
1.11.7 (2018-12-02 21:46:42 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Improved sludge refiner JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Improved laser drill JEI recipe (Buuz135)
* Forced a slot limit of 1 in the Enchantment Extractor input, closes #460 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller assuming stack sizes in the output side, closes #459 (Buuz135)
* Fixed storing entities in the Conveyor Extraction Upgrade that were prevented from being added to the world, closes #455 (Buuz135)
* Added infinity drill recipe (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tank adding empty nbt fluid tags when placed, closes #454 (Buuz135)
* Added the Infinity Drill (Buuz135)
* Add nether and end variants of all ores to the laser drill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Move the "ore" prefix into checkAndAddLaserDrill (Joseph C. Sible)
* Special-case glowstone's laser drill entry (Joseph C. Sible)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
1.11.6 (2018-11-11 17:39:39 +0100)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* Fixed elytra not being able to be inserted in the enchantment applicator, closes #452 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole tanks not writing nbt fluid when placed, closes #451 (Buuz135)
* Fixed small color checking inefficiency, closes #450 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Controller not checking nbt for inserting items, closes #449 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Tanks rendering color in all the side (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Stuff dropping twice when harvested with special methods, closes #447 (Buuz135)
* Added a config option to increase the energy buffer of machines, closes #446 (Buuz135)
1.11.5 (2018-10-16 15:04:23 +0200)
* Increased version (Buuz135)
* The enchantment applicator now accepts hoes, closes #437 (Buuz135)
* Added Pitiful Fuel Generator, an early game fuel generator (Buuz135)
* Made sure that the Petrified Fuel Generator doesnt use fluid stuffs (Buuz135)
* Simplified Tree Fluid Extractor logic (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved mob crusher performance (Buuz135)
* Maybe improved black hole controller performance (Buuz135)
* Updated to mappings stable_39 (Buuz135)
* Removed some unnecesary code (Buuz135)
* Improved Black Hole Unit efficiency (Buuz135)
* Animal Rancher won't try to milk a Moo Fluid cow if its tank is full with a different fluid (zerofall)
* Update contributors.json (Buuz135)
* Added sugarcane to the bioreactor (Buuz135)
* Fixed item repair cost (Managarmr)
1.11.4 (2018-10-02 20:54:28 +0200)
* Fixed server side crash (Buuz135)
1.11.3 (2018-10-02 19:30:10 +0200)
* Updated version and license (Buuz135)
* Enchantment extractor reduces the repair cost when extracting enchantments, closes #422 (Buuz135)
* Buffed hydrator range but it still doesnt hydrate water because forge doesnt accept PRs, closes #424 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Extractor now accepts enchanted books with 1 enchant and they simply get pushed to the output, closes #426 (Buuz135)
* Enchantment Sorter now process stacks at a time, closes #425 (Buuz135)
* Fixed potion brewer not working when the potions are stacked, closes #427 (Buuz135)
* Fixed conveyor filters JEI dragging not filtering itemstacks , closes #430 (Buuz135)
* Fixed black hole units going over the int limit, closes #431 (Buuz135)
* Removed some debug (Buuz135)
* Filters now work with fluids (Buuz135)
* Added fluid conveyors (Buuz135)
* Update things (Buuz135)
1.11.2 (2018-08-27 23:30:48 +0200)
* Added a config option to change how much power the liquids generators produces, closes #421 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Black Hole Unit stopped working when stacks were less than 64, closes #420 (Buuz135)
* Fixed Ore Sieve not consuming items (Buuz135)
* Fixed being able to extract from the spore recreator input (Buuz135)
1.11.1 (2018-08-18 20:30:42 +0200)
* Added fortune addon (Buuz135)
* Animals now produce more Pink slime in the Mob Slaughter Factory (Buuz135)
* Fixed some description typos (Buuz135)
* Added glowstone to the laser drill (Buuz135)
* Buffed Fermentation Station operations (Buuz135)
* Added a botton the plant sower to disable hoeing, closes #412 (Buuz135)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Update ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
* Create ko_KR.lang (E. Kim)
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
* Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
* Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
* Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
* Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
* Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
* Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
* Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
* Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
* Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
* [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
* Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
* Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
* Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
* Updated forge (Buuz135)
* Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
Integrated Dynamics (went from IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-1.0.7.jar to IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-1.0.9.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.1.0 or higher.
* Update to Forge and MCP snapshot_20180814
* Use cheaper method for checking if a config is enabled, CyclopsMC/CyclopsCore#116
* Fix variable store causing chunks to be always loaded, Closes #705
* Fix wilcard chan interaction breaking after interface channel is changed
* Fix storage interactions not causing an immediate sync, Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTerminals#25
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.0.0 or higher.
* Dump stack on state corruption
* Fix some optional-based CT handlers not working with missing args
Apparently CT does not work well with too many optionals.
This commit reduces the number of optionals to make this work again.
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics-Compat#21
* Fix importing of item amounts >64 voiding everything >64
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTunnels#158
* Fix positioned parts being removed even if re-added in the same tick
This fixes an issue in IT where ingredient transfer would
stop because the index would become empty after a chunk reload.
Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedTunnels#157
* Partially fix writers not being updated with variable values
* Save recipes in new CommonCapabilities format
This fixes issues where some oredict-based recipes
would become too big to store.
Closes #694
Integrated Tunnels (went from IntegratedTunnels-1.12.2-1.6.7.jar to IntegratedTunnels-1.12.2-1.6.8.jar):
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
Requires CyclopsCore version 1.1.0 or higher.
* Update to Forge and MCP snapshot_20180814
* Fix performance issue when handling tunnel cache, Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#707
* Fix incorrect interface position being signaled on network add/remove
Just Enough Resources (JER) (went from JustEnoughResources-1.12.2- to JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
[[8a47ab7](] update cursegradle (way2muchnoise)
And more but the build system messed up the push on the original commit
See following github diff for all changes [[684d755de40f...62080210d105](]
Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (JETIF) (went from jetif-1.12.2-1.3.0.jar to jetif-1.12.2-1.3.1.jar):
* ADDED: German localization by MaxNeedsSnacks
* FIXED: No longer shows the Flux Networks recipe if it's disabled in Flux Networks's config
LibVulpes (went from LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-52-UNSTABLE build -52 for 1.12.2 to LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-53-UNSTABLE build -53 for 1.12.2):
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-53-UNSTABLE build -53 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.4.0-53
* [ Add tooltips to multiblock machines](
* [ fix motor recipe](
* [ Should probably simulate fluid insertion before committing, leads to dupe if the bottom slot is full. Resolves](
* [ possible fix for](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.4.0-48.](
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.3.0-45.](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
Mekanica (went from MekanismDz-1.12.2-9.5.0b3.jar to mekanica-1.12.2-1.1.1.jar):
ce8ae9fad: fix untextured break particles on some bins
59f4438fb: Fix #101; Unidict has a strong dependence on a more specific type
f4ab343da: Add support for adding recipes via Compound Ingredients/OreDict Note: This just automatically adds all the entries for now, rather than requiring you to loop over it yourself.
bfe38cc33: Fix potential null pointer closes #96
6a7fbfc2f: Fix location of Digital Miner and Laser Fake Players, for BlockBreakEvent Closes #98
8bb52cc1b: Change lang key to use requested key
172bbff10: add config to stop particles spawning on multiblock formation (#61)
19fcb31aa: Use isBurning instead of isActive to play sound
09c182e25: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into lang_entries
3e4c777c4: Fix some direct references of Mekanism from lang entries. (Main one being creative tab menu)
a2b2cb4a9: Cleanup solars UI
610254c5d: Fix using wrong recipe category string in places, and broken IMC
e34e92a34: Promote RecipeHandler.Recipe to a generic class
b7af20f5f: Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes #5078
66d218a59: Fix #85; make sound so that it keeps running at least 10 ticks after machine stops to better deal with per-tick flipflops. Also revert ccd7ed0; UX got too weird.
ad6007a45: Prioritize IItemHandler over IInventory as it is the newer standard
21017efc6: Don't reference main class from API package [](
d84e8c7be: clean up bin textures (blockstate/models could probably be cleared up a bit too)
d52e98a2f: dedupe enrichment chamber textures
0e773f1c8: remove duped overlay textures
99b67d9c3: Remove unnecessary logic from Laser
7b7132833: Use accessor for getActive
7813d39fa: Remove activity tracking in favor of logic in TileEntityEffectsBlock
ebfe10395: Move activity/lighting update tracking up into TileEntityEffects block
38a007e29: Rename noisy block -> effect block; move activity/block update logic into it
d7c1a0ced: Minor cleaning
7c6441a41: Cleanup background handling of JEI categories
790ce7866: No need to store the temp recipe
1c592ec3f: Cleanup some JEI gui code
a446777f3: Cleanup JEI registration
4b54adc5e: More closely mirror comparator calculations of fluid tank and gas tank
a4e453e7d: Fix #53; add support for comparators on bins
ccd7ed019: Fix #72; turns out the sound handling in SP has race conditions
0f1f4a4b0: Make sure to reset color when rendering fusion reactor
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
66d218a59: Fix #85; make sound so that it keeps running at least 10 ticks after machine stops to better deal with per-tick flipflops. Also revert ccd7ed0; UX got too weird.
ad6007a45: Prioritize IItemHandler over IInventory as it is the newer standard
21017efc6: Don't reference main class from API package [](
d84e8c7be: clean up bin textures (blockstate/models could probably be cleared up a bit too)
d52e98a2f: dedupe enrichment chamber textures
0e773f1c8: remove duped overlay textures
99b67d9c3: Remove unnecessary logic from Laser
7b7132833: Use accessor for getActive
7813d39fa: Remove activity tracking in favor of logic in TileEntityEffectsBlock
ebfe10395: Move activity/lighting update tracking up into TileEntityEffects block
38a007e29: Rename noisy block -> effect block; move activity/block update logic into it
d7c1a0ced: Minor cleaning
7c6441a41: Cleanup background handling of JEI categories
790ce7866: No need to store the temp recipe
1c592ec3f: Cleanup some JEI gui code
a446777f3: Cleanup JEI registration
4b54adc5e: More closely mirror comparator calculations of fluid tank and gas tank
a4e453e7d: Fix #53; add support for comparators on bins
ccd7ed019: Fix #72; turns out the sound handling in SP has race conditions
0f1f4a4b0: Make sure to reset color when rendering fusion reactor
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
d84e8c7be: clean up bin textures (blockstate/models could probably be cleared up a bit too)
d52e98a2f: dedupe enrichment chamber textures
0e773f1c8: remove duped overlay textures
99b67d9c3: Remove unnecessary logic from Laser
7b7132833: Use accessor for getActive
7813d39fa: Remove activity tracking in favor of logic in TileEntityEffectsBlock
ebfe10395: Move activity/lighting update tracking up into TileEntityEffects block
38a007e29: Rename noisy block -> effect block; move activity/block update logic into it
d7c1a0ced: Minor cleaning
7c6441a41: Cleanup background handling of JEI categories
790ce7866: No need to store the temp recipe
1c592ec3f: Cleanup some JEI gui code
a446777f3: Cleanup JEI registration
4b54adc5e: More closely mirror comparator calculations of fluid tank and gas tank
a4e453e7d: Fix #53; add support for comparators on bins
ccd7ed019: Fix #72; turns out the sound handling in SP has race conditions
0f1f4a4b0: Make sure to reset color when rendering fusion reactor
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
f65682a40: Added a few new constructors to OreGas to make creating them easier
84b59eefb: Update color of Iron and Silver slurry to be differentiable from Tin
b309312b7: null check FluidStack in turbine vent, closes #45
2834ec00a: Add explicit target for uploading to CF
227e581bb: Remove dead code (#34)
2c6d666b8: Improve performance by reducing unnecessary lighting updates (#32)
8c79baccf: Jei tooltips (#33)
6ad9a4d23: CraftTweaker mekrecipe command to print all recipes of a machine
261d2c3eb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9e9114275: Fixes CrT removal of sawmill and separator. #31
67a6e09d8: use oredict in mekanism tools (#29)
9b675b80c: Make sure we are checking blacklist on proper event so an initial packet is sent out to client in MP.
68fae3e95: Fix #9; add a blacklist for wind generation in the config file
ce1e1b32b: Add CraftTweaker infuseType command
13f3db86e: CraftTweaker gases sub command. Implements #10
6afbd88b9: Improve CraftTweaker logging of gases
5a4c86dac: Don't add InventorySlots to ContainerNull Fixes #11
4381be10e: Dss mekanica rename (#50)
75c51487e: Fix #40; remove per-client tick check of capes, when donation list wasn't even used
dcd440705: Support for removing all built in recipes of a type via CraftTweaker
c042185ea: Move recipe registration to the Recipe Registry Event
704a9b50a: Fix AdvancedMachineInput CrT JEI stuff being backwards
bd5d064bd: Fix error logging of gas stacks.
3d6b202bd: Make plank oreDict not hit the same entries multiple times
b5240bd1b: Fix gas color rendering in guis
c861c5e0b: Fix having broken the acceptance ability of Dissolution chamber
54ead15d3: Remove unused method from GuiDoubleElectricMachine
d8b6dfbb7: Don't hard code some machines to specific gas types
f8b162bc3: Fix a few containers being offset
e06076f05: Dedupe a small amount of code for Containers
d66a5b9a6: Fix accidentally using wrong subclass
a22d39b20: Fix method not using mapped variant.
642a28996: Only don't do custom rendering if it would cause a crash (#38)
a6f5757fa: Add SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) annotation to gui's missing it (#47)
18c4875a2: Remove unused imports
c92069f71: Fix #5209; now using FluidStacks everywhere, including all more efficient encodings over network
de0ab0d6c: Muffler calculation was backwards in case where the machine is not upgradeable
46359bb13: Move entity registration to corresponding RegistryEvent Fixes [](
ebd689a86: Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes [](
c62da0a05: Remove walkietalkie recipe
f4b786661: Only register JEI categories if the machine that they are for is enabled
56cc74ae1: Fixes [](
61fd4faab: Use version of registerModEntity that adds egg for testing of baby skeleton
d20364253: add eye height for baby skeleton. Fixes #5258
f6e13c2e8: Consolidate charging logic for consistency
8a1a76230: Fix #5242; if the item supports IC2 energy tier, try to charge it.
a28cf073f: Fix #30; pull out the update checkers and clean up related commands
e0b7ea62a: The Great Reformat; moving to google-java-style w/ 4 space indent and 120 column line wrap
c632cc6af: Move line length to 120
a4fb8acd2: Adding Google-style config for IDEA w/ 4 indents
7ba682c9b: Overrides correct method for block explosions
37977759d: Remove unused hook checks
083c764b7: Dedupe a bunch of code (#27)
61ed4e8e4: Fix #31; Mekanism mufflers were not taken into account when machine first starts running
23ca58442: Transitioning a few files to Google format guidelines
c050324f8: Make sure to handle state changes on main world thread
43b322170: Add output of release type for visual inspection
790216364: Fix spam of Null Pointers
937bb92f2: Fix Metallurgic Infuser JEI category being messed up when viewing all recipes
af839e702: Fix rendering of brine in ThermalEvaporationPlant
5bf3b9f45: Merge pull request #23 from pupnewfster/patch-2
95ca29fa1: Squashed commit of the following:
c68c8d350: Fix CrT remove running before recipes are added
a148f7135: Easier changing of gas colors
6d4d6830f: Fix JEI rendering of gasses made of fluids that are only colored through a tint
fb14fba25: Cleanup CraftTweaker integration code
62aa90db7: Reduce sounds from 30 seconds+ (8 MB!!!) down to 2-3 seconds
f67559037: Improvements to fix for #15; smooth out sounds and detect ongoing attempts to muffle
c78ae6dd1: Fix #15; completely overhaul the sound system to mirror Minecraft usage
d2b905dcd: Remove vestigal voice related stuff; not yet removing walkie talkies as that _could_ break worlds
ec52e9f27: Update to depend on more recent (slightly) JEI
2bd7bfce0: Fix #5290; do a double-block update for cardboard boxes to ensure double-block structures can update
f05391062: Remove voice server functionality; there's plenty of other systems out there that do this (and better)
53181aae6: Fix #8; standardize block of charcoal to 16000 tick time
8da2d2dae: Fix #12; disable recipes and registration of factory-related blocks when a machine is disable
ea30a9462: Fix #5114; enhance ja_jp.lang
c6e05db14: Fix #5152; removed markDirty() call from TileEntityBasicBlock::onChunkLoad
6cae14fff: Fix #7; standardize bronze to 1 tin, 3 copper = 4 bronze
90939ad80: Fix #5285; chunk loader was writing [xyz] as key and reading [xyz]Coord
42f1de4fa: Make sure to check for null INSTANCE; world unload event can happen before ANY world is loaded
9475b2778: Fix issue #4; when updating function calls for latest forge in 8d3f8df49c4438f3e2c0b877cd2fe8fcfebb7347, API was inadvertently broken
a86540a19: Fix #2; another mod tried to apply potion effects to the fake player causing NPE
6dda1b36e: supply player arg to getPickBlock in Atomic Disassembler Finder. fixes #5146 & closes #5178
b879158a5: move log on cardboard box blacklist outside loop
da0497b8f: try to avoid creating an nbt tag where its only going to be read
4f7db32e6: don't create a tag compound just to attempt to read from it
001a53aa8: Fixed armor spawning checks firing when they shouldn't.
8e733cc9b: Add energized smelter to smelting catalyst
7f594d76d: use fakeplayer for canSilkHarvest. Fixes #5090
390eac1dc: prevent oredictionarificator from receiving a vertical facing. Fixes #5093
8d48274ed: fix a missed y level check for security desk
aa6fba062: prevent NPE in Thermal Evap Container. Fixes #5089
98ec02f00: Add builds for MDZ Generators and Tools
241ffb71d: Overhaul build/release to use tags
21d515c6b: Tweak name to add Dz suffix; enable passing version in from command-line
8d2f22adb: Fix #5269; the CustomItemModelFactory was a wrapper that didn't actually implement all the methods
4f5d2a060: Revert fe9a0e660077cc8f374aabfca029f30a1582495e; fixes item rendering on Digital Miner and various other custom item models
8d3f8df49: Updating to; naming fixes where necessary
a79a3e165: Update applied energistics API reference
Mekanica: Generators (went from MekanismDzGenerators-1.12.2-9.5.0b3.jar to mekanica-generators-1.12.2-1.1.1.jar):
ce8ae9fad: fix untextured break particles on some bins
59f4438fb: Fix #101; Unidict has a strong dependence on a more specific type
f4ab343da: Add support for adding recipes via Compound Ingredients/OreDict Note: This just automatically adds all the entries for now, rather than requiring you to loop over it yourself.
bfe38cc33: Fix potential null pointer closes #96
6a7fbfc2f: Fix location of Digital Miner and Laser Fake Players, for BlockBreakEvent Closes #98
8bb52cc1b: Change lang key to use requested key
172bbff10: add config to stop particles spawning on multiblock formation (#61)
19fcb31aa: Use isBurning instead of isActive to play sound
09c182e25: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into lang_entries
3e4c777c4: Fix some direct references of Mekanism from lang entries. (Main one being creative tab menu)
a2b2cb4a9: Cleanup solars UI
610254c5d: Fix using wrong recipe category string in places, and broken IMC
e34e92a34: Promote RecipeHandler.Recipe to a generic class
b7af20f5f: Fix induction cells not keeping their charge on upgrade. closes #5078
66d218a59: Fix #85; make sound so that it keeps running at least 10 ticks after machine stops to better deal with per-tick flipflops. Also revert ccd7ed0; UX got too weird.
ad6007a45: Prioritize IItemHandler over IInventory as it is the newer standard
21017efc6: Don't reference main class from API package [](
d84e8c7be: clean up bin textures (blockstate/models could probably be cleared up a bit too)
d52e98a2f: dedupe enrichment chamber textures
0e773f1c8: remove duped overlay textures
99b67d9c3: Remove unnecessary logic from Laser
7b7132833: Use accessor for getActive
7813d39fa: Remove activity tracking in favor of logic in TileEntityEffectsBlock
ebfe10395: Move activity/lighting update tracking up into TileEntityEffects block
38a007e29: Rename noisy block -> effect block; move activity/block update logic into it
d7c1a0ced: Minor cleaning
7c6441a41: Cleanup background handling of JEI categories
790ce7866: No need to store the temp recipe
1c592ec3f: Cleanup some JEI gui code
a446777f3: Cleanup JEI registration
4b54adc5e: More closely mirror comparator calculations of fluid tank and gas tank
a4e453e7d: Fix #53; add support for comparators on bins
ccd7ed019: Fix #72; turns out the sound handling in SP has race conditions
0f1f4a4b0: Make sure to reset color when rendering fusion reactor
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
66d218a59: Fix #85; make sound so that it keeps running at least 10 ticks after machine stops to better deal with per-tick flipflops. Also revert ccd7ed0; UX got too weird.
ad6007a45: Prioritize IItemHandler over IInventory as it is the newer standard
21017efc6: Don't reference main class from API package [](
d84e8c7be: clean up bin textures (blockstate/models could probably be cleared up a bit too)
d52e98a2f: dedupe enrichment chamber textures
0e773f1c8: remove duped overlay textures
99b67d9c3: Remove unnecessary logic from Laser
7b7132833: Use accessor for getActive
7813d39fa: Remove activity tracking in favor of logic in TileEntityEffectsBlock
ebfe10395: Move activity/lighting update tracking up into TileEntityEffects block
38a007e29: Rename noisy block -> effect block; move activity/block update logic into it
d7c1a0ced: Minor cleaning
7c6441a41: Cleanup background handling of JEI categories
790ce7866: No need to store the temp recipe
1c592ec3f: Cleanup some JEI gui code
a446777f3: Cleanup JEI registration
4b54adc5e: More closely mirror comparator calculations of fluid tank and gas tank
a4e453e7d: Fix #53; add support for comparators on bins
ccd7ed019: Fix #72; turns out the sound handling in SP has race conditions
0f1f4a4b0: Make sure to reset color when rendering fusion reactor
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
d84e8c7be: clean up bin textures (blockstate/models could probably be cleared up a bit too)
d52e98a2f: dedupe enrichment chamber textures
0e773f1c8: remove duped overlay textures
99b67d9c3: Remove unnecessary logic from Laser
7b7132833: Use accessor for getActive
7813d39fa: Remove activity tracking in favor of logic in TileEntityEffectsBlock
ebfe10395: Move activity/lighting update tracking up into TileEntityEffects block
38a007e29: Rename noisy block -> effect block; move activity/block update logic into it
d7c1a0ced: Minor cleaning
7c6441a41: Cleanup background handling of JEI categories
790ce7866: No need to store the temp recipe
1c592ec3f: Cleanup some JEI gui code
a446777f3: Cleanup JEI registration
4b54adc5e: More closely mirror comparator calculations of fluid tank and gas tank
a4e453e7d: Fix #53; add support for comparators on bins
ccd7ed019: Fix #72; turns out the sound handling in SP has race conditions
0f1f4a4b0: Make sure to reset color when rendering fusion reactor
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
a9451270d: Reference correct gui superclass. Fixes error in compiling
cd5fe2040: Gui cleanup (#74)
56831edb3: Rework rotors to only track their own number of blades, thus avoiding n^2 packet updates on chunk load, multiblock formation and neighbor block changes
04a4cdf36: Remove IChunkLoadHandler interface
784c63dff: Remove scanning of every TE on chunk load; only turbine rotors needed it.
16d6923c3: Fix crash with bucketmode for fluid tanks.
b28eb1e0c: Use getSunBrightnessFactor, not getSunBrightness :/
67340175d: add back missing slash
1fe381448: fix extra conversions
4fa5aa481: remove unnecessary duplication of cable ends, textures are still huge though
3fd75404e: Overhaul solar neutron activator to use better sun/rain detection. Reduce network traffic by 50% by ensuring we only send updates every second
045358436: Overhaul solar generation to be more realistic; helps with #46
a90c9ad47: Use, not
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
0018ac654: Fix various Deprecated method calls
e3c182eeb: Add Deprecated annotation to methods overriding a deprecated method
10e741ade: Fix depreated method usage for JEI
b8787f823: Update dependencies for dev environment to have latest versions
a9e96a94f: remove direction options in conversion script as textures must be square
3976a9faf: reduce chemical infuser texture
8e7938a35: fix file size increase
2c912fe17: convert logistical_sorter
c2d42adb8: reduce size of pressurised reaction chamber (python does mess up json formatting though...
0f1fbfc1e: reduce size of fluid tank texture
3d7360431: Cleanup some code in case something gives null fluid stacks
6ea88548d: Add support for editing changelog
39424224a: Honor client.enableMachineSounds to address [](
ae2619c12: Minor cleanup
7257e2e8b: Remove dependence on MTLib for CraftTweaker Integration
db1e5b96d: Sort tile entity registration by name
7ee510dac: Fixed TE registration Based off of [](
1f9d19677: Update min forge version in proper file this time
c1097fb38: Require explicit joules/tesla designation for those units; default is now RF.
f2c7abc05: Change info to warn, per review request
17c528755: Fix #5110, #3718, #4226; Advanced bounding blocks were setting miner block to air if chunk wasn't loaded :/
2634f394a: Use proper AE2 FE attunement
640801e0a: Fix #65; some machines generate one-time block events -- updated filter accordingly.
368ddf25d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into teleport
2e803676c: Use proper forge teleport methods [](
4e9c5a995: Fix #64; remove unnecessary keybindings for voice server
f6b13ec73: Fix #67; remove extraneous logging
68156113b: Adding chunk flush command to force chunks to unload
88b52a6f6: Overhaul /mek commands; add support for teleporting, test rules and chunk watching
2b8411bdd: Render Energy Core in Energy Cube Item's that have power
5466982c5: Improve rendering of digital miner item outside of gui
818cb1304: Make offhand third person render of flamethrower not be as broken looking It still is a little weird but it is much better
87588af0e: Improve rendering directions of Security Desk
96d0fc9a5: Less duplicate calculations for wind generator rendering
7d1350a7a: Pass Transform data to the various item renders
75835adbd: Improved rendering of the Wind Generator in spots other than mainhand
9d72d83e6: Render digital miner "on" screen if it has power
fb98a2889: Make resistive heater, and heat generator glow if they have stored power
e1606f872: Pass the stack to the item specific rendering code
e2fd77fc1: Make the wind generator item spin
a6ac90e8e: Cleanup ClientProxy a bit
f796eb5a3: Bump forge slightly further to 2639 as 2638 is a broken build for servers
d859dda65: Clean up TEISR registration
43c89ac14: Fix fluid tank rendering
6876a9fe9: Reference source
89cd7079d: Fluid Rendering, works for the most part except height doesn't line up
d065249dd: Fix color leaking from ModelFluidTank
714a18e7b: Initial pass at killing BakedCustomItemModel and using TEISR Bump Min Req Forge to Need to clean up the registration, and fix fluid tank rendering
b4251d2e3: Fix #57; added dependency on cofhcore so wrenches load properly
f65682a40: Added a few new constructors to OreGas to make creating them easier
84b59eefb: Update color of Iron and Silver slurry to be differentiable from Tin
b309312b7: null check FluidStack in turbine vent, closes #45
2834ec00a: Add explicit target for uploading to CF
227e581bb: Remove dead code (#34)
2c6d666b8: Improve performance by reducing unnecessary lighting updates (#32)
8c79baccf: Jei tooltips (#33)
6ad9a4d23: CraftTweaker mekrecipe command to print all recipes of a machine
261d2c3eb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9e9114275: Fixes CrT removal of sawmill and separator. #31
67a6e09d8: use oredict in mekanism tools (#29)
9b675b80c: Make sure we are checking blacklist on proper event so an initial packet is sent out to client in MP.
68fae3e95: Fix #9; add a blacklist for wind generation in the config file
ce1e1b32b: Add CraftTweaker infuseType command
13f3db86e: CraftTweaker gases sub command. Implements #10
6afbd88b9: Improve CraftTweaker logging of gases
5a4c86dac: Don't add InventorySlots to ContainerNull Fixes #11
4381be10e: Dss mekanica rename (#50)
75c51487e: Fix #40; remove per-client tick check of capes, when donation list wasn't even used
dcd440705: Support for removing all built in recipes of a type via CraftTweaker
c042185ea: Move recipe registration to the Recipe Registry Event
704a9b50a: Fix AdvancedMachineInput CrT JEI stuff being backwards
bd5d064bd: Fix error logging of gas stacks.
3d6b202bd: Make plank oreDict not hit the same entries multiple times
b5240bd1b: Fix gas color rendering in guis
c861c5e0b: Fix having broken the acceptance ability of Dissolution chamber
54ead15d3: Remove unused method from GuiDoubleElectricMachine
d8b6dfbb7: Don't hard code some machines to specific gas types
f8b162bc3: Fix a few containers being offset
e06076f05: Dedupe a small amount of code for Containers
d66a5b9a6: Fix accidentally using wrong subclass
a22d39b20: Fix method not using mapped variant.
642a28996: Only don't do custom rendering if it would cause a crash (#38)
a6f5757fa: Add SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) annotation to gui's missing it (#47)
18c4875a2: Remove unused imports
c92069f71: Fix #5209; now using FluidStacks everywhere, including all more efficient encodings over network
de0ab0d6c: Muffler calculation was backwards in case where the machine is not upgradeable
46359bb13: Move entity registration to corresponding RegistryEvent Fixes [](
ebd689a86: Made refined glowstone and obsidian nuggets/ingots use correct ore dict entry Fixes [](
c62da0a05: Remove walkietalkie recipe
f4b786661: Only register JEI categories if the machine that they are for is enabled
56cc74ae1: Fixes [](
61fd4faab: Use version of registerModEntity that adds egg for testing of baby skeleton
d20364253: add eye height for baby skeleton. Fixes #5258
f6e13c2e8: Consolidate charging logic for consistency
8a1a76230: Fix #5242; if the item supports IC2 energy tier, try to charge it.
a28cf073f: Fix #30; pull out the update checkers and clean up related commands
e0b7ea62a: The Great Reformat; moving to google-java-style w/ 4 space indent and 120 column line wrap
c632cc6af: Move line length to 120
a4fb8acd2: Adding Google-style config for IDEA w/ 4 indents
7ba682c9b: Overrides correct method for block explosions
37977759d: Remove unused hook checks
083c764b7: Dedupe a bunch of code (#27)
61ed4e8e4: Fix #31; Mekanism mufflers were not taken into account when machine first starts running
23ca58442: Transitioning a few files to Google format guidelines
c050324f8: Make sure to handle state changes on main world thread
43b322170: Add output of release type for visual inspection
790216364: Fix spam of Null Pointers
937bb92f2: Fix Metallurgic Infuser JEI category being messed up when viewing all recipes
af839e702: Fix rendering of brine in ThermalEvaporationPlant
5bf3b9f45: Merge pull request #23 from pupnewfster/patch-2
95ca29fa1: Squashed commit of the following:
c68c8d350: Fix CrT remove running before recipes are added
a148f7135: Easier changing of gas colors
6d4d6830f: Fix JEI rendering of gasses made of fluids that are only colored through a tint
fb14fba25: Cleanup CraftTweaker integration code
62aa90db7: Reduce sounds from 30 seconds+ (8 MB!!!) down to 2-3 seconds
f67559037: Improvements to fix for #15; smooth out sounds and detect ongoing attempts to muffle
c78ae6dd1: Fix #15; completely overhaul the sound system to mirror Minecraft usage
d2b905dcd: Remove vestigal voice related stuff; not yet removing walkie talkies as that _could_ break worlds
ec52e9f27: Update to depend on more recent (slightly) JEI
2bd7bfce0: Fix #5290; do a double-block update for cardboard boxes to ensure double-block structures can update
f05391062: Remove voice server functionality; there's plenty of other systems out there that do this (and better)
53181aae6: Fix #8; standardize block of charcoal to 16000 tick time
8da2d2dae: Fix #12; disable recipes and registration of factory-related blocks when a machine is disable
ea30a9462: Fix #5114; enhance ja_jp.lang
c6e05db14: Fix #5152; removed markDirty() call from TileEntityBasicBlock::onChunkLoad
6cae14fff: Fix #7; standardize bronze to 1 tin, 3 copper = 4 bronze
90939ad80: Fix #5285; chunk loader was writing [xyz] as key and reading [xyz]Coord
42f1de4fa: Make sure to check for null INSTANCE; world unload event can happen before ANY world is loaded
9475b2778: Fix issue #4; when updating function calls for latest forge in 8d3f8df49c4438f3e2c0b877cd2fe8fcfebb7347, API was inadvertently broken
a86540a19: Fix #2; another mod tried to apply potion effects to the fake player causing NPE
6dda1b36e: supply player arg to getPickBlock in Atomic Disassembler Finder. fixes #5146 & closes #5178
b879158a5: move log on cardboard box blacklist outside loop
da0497b8f: try to avoid creating an nbt tag where its only going to be read
4f7db32e6: don't create a tag compound just to attempt to read from it
001a53aa8: Fixed armor spawning checks firing when they shouldn't.
8e733cc9b: Add energized smelter to smelting catalyst
7f594d76d: use fakeplayer for canSilkHarvest. Fixes #5090
390eac1dc: prevent oredictionarificator from receiving a vertical facing. Fixes #5093
8d48274ed: fix a missed y level check for security desk
aa6fba062: prevent NPE in Thermal Evap Container. Fixes #5089
98ec02f00: Add builds for MDZ Generators and Tools
241ffb71d: Overhaul build/release to use tags
21d515c6b: Tweak name to add Dz suffix; enable passing version in from command-line
8d2f22adb: Fix #5269; the CustomItemModelFactory was a wrapper that didn't actually implement all the methods
4f5d2a060: Revert fe9a0e660077cc8f374aabfca029f30a1582495e; fixes item rendering on Digital Miner and various other custom item models
8d3f8df49: Updating to; naming fixes where necessary
a79a3e165: Update applied energistics API reference
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.13e--1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.14b-1.12.2):
+ Added config to customise radiation-induced potion effects
* Fixed various crashes on world load
* Fixed compatibility issue with Prefab
* Fixed Heat Exchanger Tubes not accepting the correct fluids
+ Added radiation to more GTCE items
* Fixed Geiger Counter and Radiation Scrubber chunk rendering crash
* Fixed possible crashing loop in radiation capability logic on loading the world
* Updated Russian language file [thanks to Lokuster!]
* Speed and Energy Upgrade multipliers now follow a simple power law rather than simplex functions
+ Added cheap Radiation Badge
+ Added Baubles support for the Geiger Counter and Radiation Badge
* Fixed Radiation Scrubbers not effectively removing the radiation in their chunk
* Slightly reduced the radiation generated by placed RTGs
* Fixed biome radiation compatibility with OpenTerrainGenerator [thanks to utoxin!]
* Improved performance of radiation spreading and capability attaching
+ Added command to set the radiation levels of chunks
+ Added configs for dimension, biome and chunk radiation level limits
+ Added config for the radiation chunk spread gradient
+ Added config blacklist for dimensions without biome background radiation [thanks to utoxin!]
+ Added config for entity radiation level decay [thanks to chez4!]
+ Added hardcore container radiation and container radiation shielding configs (disabled by default)
+ Added config option for Geiger counters and Radiation Scrubbers to show chunk boundaries [thanks to dizzyd!]
+ Added config option to display radiation levels in standard form to a specified precision
+ Added IC2 reactor radiation support
+ Added IC2 radiation protection support to the NC Hazmat Suit
* Fixed various Mekanism power acceptors exploding unexpectedly [thanks to Jack Spedicy!]
* Hopefully fixed occasional crash on breaking multiblock controllers
* Fixed turbine flow direction occasionally not updating correctly [thanks to Kurtchekov!]
* Fixed Active Coolers in fission reactors occasionally not deactivating correctly
* Fixed small fusion active cooling rounding errors
* Removed extra heat generated by invalidly-placed moderator blocks
* Fixed collector blocks causing players to fumble buckets and spill water and nitrogen everywhere
* Hopefully fixed Quark piston duping issues with the Fusion Core
* Fixed crash caused by other mods registering TiC materials with the same name
+ Added JEI support for active cooling and the passive collectors
+ Added recipe support for alternatively named TechReborn fluids
* Improved performance of machine fluid filter generation
* Fixed glitchy Liquid Helium Cooler recipe
+ Added Endergy support to various machines
+ Added FourS'more QuadS'mingots
* Fixed CurseForge maven filename
* Possible other things that I have forgotten
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
RandomPatches (went from RandomPatches 1.12.2- to RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed a ClassCastException related to the skull stacking fix.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed ReBind compatibility.
Reborn Core (went from RebornCore-1.12.2- to RebornCore-1.12.2-
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add long and big ing support to ObjectBufferUtils
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Catch everything when the config data fails to read. Its not important enough to crash the game over it.
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Disable shift clicking items in containers with no slots, fixes a crash.
(github) Merge pull request #106 from ralphII/1.12
(ralphii) Fix machine block state not updating when facing north
Recurrent Complex (went from RecurrentComplex-1.4.7.jar to RecurrentComplex-
* Trees don't plow through terrain anymore again and generate more reliably!!
* /#structures tweak now actually saves changes!! (lol)
* setting "redstone triggerable" to false with script blocks now actually disables redstone triggerability!
* Rays in Placers now use cute symbols to be easier to understand quickly!
* Improve output (message and log both) if structure generation fails!
* Fix for servers
* Trees now generate again!!! Wooho.
+ /#structures tweak: A new command that gives an ingame view of the spawnTweaks option. This is probably helpful to everyone not wanting to deal with structureGenerationMatcher and the likes!!
* It's now a lot less likely that ReC will spawn blocks it's not supposed to in the world (mostly block scripts, generic space and generic solids)
* Maze rule editor was kinda weird and crashed on editing! It works now!
* Lots of fixes for holders! They now rotate correctly and use the transformers of their respective structure.
+ domain= expression to match a whole domain (mod!) at once! Especially useful for /#structures search --containing domain=reccomplex (or some other mod ID)
* /#search, /#list and /#lookup are now accessible through /#structures search, list, lookup.
* Lots of other smaller fixes.
+ There are now more types of overridable vanilla decoration (Ocean Monument, Scattered Feature, Village, Nether Fortress, Stronghold, Mineshaft)!!
* Placers now have the capabilits to place only where floor blocks are, making them a lot more accurate!
+ A lot more types of inventories are recognized by loot generators!
* Recurrent Complex now logs which structures are causing chained chunk generation
* /#select set now works for two points at once again
* Decoration overrides now honor the universalDimensionMatcher
+ Vanilla Decoration overrides now have a configurable placer
* /#move can now again move by negative amounts
* Ruins look a bit better
+ Structures now have a 'baseline' property in addition to the placer - which means most structures can now use the placer as a preset rather than changing it with a move.!!
* Improvements for the GUI in a lot of places. It's both more compact and easier to look at in a lot of places now.!!
+ Holder block scripts - switching a specific area between two different setups for easier local toggle handling!!
* Local toggles now save properly and are output when looking up specific sights (along with the seed)!
* Structures now check for a rough ratio of water / floor when spawning to prevent surface structures spawning on rivers or lakes.!
* Mazes now generate even faster and are a lot more reliable again !
* All structures now contain the author in the metadata (even mine! woo!)
+ /#search now allows for a --author parameter to search for authors
* /#natural floor does not consider foliage floor blocks anymore
* /#whatisthis is now more accurate / fixed
* Script Blocks that are redstone triggerable now place in the world on structure spawn
* /#selection commands now work better if one point is missing
* Savanna village kitchens now spawn at the right height and better
* Match placer factors now work more reliably (requiredConformity was ignored and treated as 1)
* Generic space and solid blocks didn't have item textures
* Commands now fail to run if an unknown parameter is provided (to avoid errors or legacy parameters)!!
* Mazes now have a (configurable) timeout feature. They will never again block the server generation forever!!
* Mazes are a lot quicker to generate in general. (reachability: destination filter, ability grouping)!!
+ Maze and pattern GUIs now have a visualization feature in-world. This helps with placement math a lot!!
* Structures no longer generate their entities and scripts twice!!
+ New structure: UndergroundCultChamber. Thanks A1MOSTADDICTED!!
* /#flood <direction> is now /#move --flood <direction>!
* /#containing is now /#search --containing!
* /#decorateone is now /#decorate --one!
* OldWatchtower now generates loot again (thanks thephoenixlodge
+ /#containing now supports --dimension, --list and --maze
* Preview dummies are no longer auto-canceling themselves on the client
* GenericTree now places correctly from saplings
* /#export now again works with /#export StructureName for overriding another structure (--id to use just the name, not the metadata)
+ /#export, /#convert and /#edit now support --directory and --id
* Stone now starts a little further underground for natural floor blocks
* Direction expression autocomplete now includes true and false
* /#natural smart no longer ignores its parameters
* Inventory generation tags are now sorted by the name in the creative menu
* Lots and lots of performance upgrades!!!
** Structures far less often cause cascading chunk generation!!!
*** This might cause missing parts in structures if they weren't fully generated before the update just once. Keep this in mind before updating.
** Skylight calculation is now deferred until the full structure is generated (this was 1/3 of structure generation time)!!
** Transformers no longer prepare if the conditions are not met
** Transformers no longer prepare if an ensure transformer fails (especially useful for forest performance)
+ failingStructureLogExpression: A config option to restrict logging of failing structures to keep logs cleaner
* Fixes The game crashing when loading advancements
* Fixes a freeze / crash in 1.12 on world generation
* If generation and transformer IDs are missing, consistently randomize them across loads. This fixes structures sometimes spawning with negative space blocks in the world
* /#sanity now checks for empty transformer and generation IDs
* /#vanilla gen is now more stable
* /#vanilla gen --seed is more meaningful by not being chunk-dependent anymore
* /#duplicate is now gone in favour of /#move --duplicate (or /#move -c)
* /#replace is now gone in favour of just /#fill
+ /#move now has a --times option
+ /#property now has a --shape option
+ The block selector now selects over an infinite(ish) distance
* Structures are no longer cut at the chunk border!!
+ New Command: /#vanilla gen, which generates a vanilla structure (e.g. village or fortress)
+ /#whatisthis and /#vanilla check now check for vanilla structures too
* The game should no longer or at least less often crash with MissingMappingException (TileEntity is missing a mapping [...])
* Village structures can now choose to have no front (also good for unrotatable structures)
* Fix for two poem generation related crashes
* /#crop now has a fitting default exp value
* Command System overhaul!!! Almost every command changed in usage or even name! (The wiki will be updated to match soon)
+ /#& "command 1" "command 2" [..], which runs multiple commands at once! This is especially useful in conjunction with /#map and /#selection
* Poems are now more adjustable! It's now completely backus-naur based.
* Structures no longer generate in all dimensions at once!!! (whoops!)
* Sanity check and compatibility approach for dimensions that skip chunk population! (this means structures should now be able to generate in any dimension, whether previously compatible or not)
* New Command: /#sanity will go through a bunch of quick checks to make sure everything is more or less sane
* Fix for a few structures never generating
* Village structures no longer generate partially with the wrong biome's blocks
* /#reload now roughly shows the kind of error if there was one
* The tile entity forwards compatibility is a bit better (fixing 'Skipping BlockEntity rcspawnscript' errors in lightweight mode)
* Structures now properly save their instance data for later, fixing multichunk issues left and right!
* Less crashes with multithreaded and cascading chunk generation (hopefully none anymore)!
* Trees will stop generating in non-hot, sandy biomes
* Generation Data will not be saved with a colon in the filename anymore, as that's illegal on most OSs (you might want to rename reccomplex_random.dat and reccomplex_generation.dat to reccomplex-random.dat and reccomplex-generation.dat, respectively)
* Fix for the maze generation crashes in lightweight mode (since loading the tile entities failed)
* Floating vines will occur less often
* Performance improvements
* Villages no longer generate huge networks of paths
* Structures in and out of villages aren't cut off at chunk borders (or chunk border +8) anymore!
* Chunk-partial generation is now a lot more efficient for big structures by skipping things that don't need to generate in the current chunk
* Mazes no longer generate the entries' structures for every single chunk
* Tile entities from 1.11 are now supported! This also fixes mazes created in 1.11. (1.10)
* Fix for a crash when inventory generators used null stacks
* Improvements to chunk-partial generation
* There are now less dead trees in forests on average
* Mazes can now have inherent reachability
* Fix for a crash with the ruins transformer where BoP plants, snow and other blocks existed for falling blocks
* Some GUI adjustments
+ The mod now ceases to require Forge on the other end as well, making servers open to vanilla clients!!!!
+ New surface-entry mazes for stone, meso and pyramid mazes!!!
+ Structure generation is now chunk-partial: This should improve performance and reduce chained chunk generation!!!
+ Structure Variables: With these you can set variables per structure to further randomize it, or save time for maze components!!!
+ 3 kinds of jungle temples holding mazes (thanks KeizerKronos)!!
+ Re-Activate a lot of structures that were lost in a past update!!
* With more tries per failed structure spawn, structure densities persist better with structures that fail to spawn often - also makes forests a lot denser!!
+ All existing mazes have been enhanced with more components, more randomness and quicker generation!!
+ Previews now work for bigger structures as well, and will never crash the game again!!
+ Expression conditionals: a ?? b :: c (ternary operator)!
* Better maze reachability prediction, which means mazes generate more quickly and more reliably!
* Script Blocks now work correctly in mazes!
+ /#flood which floods an area around the selection with blocks!
+ Japanese fort ruins (thanks Necr0manceR13)!
+ An abandoned church with a graveyard (thanks doktorpixel14)!
+ A rare, big cubone skull (thanks Crystal_LD)!
+ A decorational brick henge!
+ Some things now have duplicate buttons!
* Maze path components are now all the same structure (StoneMazePath, MesoMazePath and PyramidMazePath)
* Dinosaur skull and skeleton structures now use bone blocks
* Less structures that are just 1 block tall
* /#move now doesn't trigger block updates, making it run a lot quicker
* More and better logging
* Better ruins generation algorithm
* GUI aligns better in places
* GUI abbreviates things better
* Expression preview now colours the whole preview correctly
* The add/remove tile entity button in the inspector GUI works again
* wood_old slabs in structures have completely been replaced with actual wood slabs
* Fix for a potential crash when loading a structure spawn script
+ /#map and /#mapall that runs a (compatible) command on a structure and immediately saves it!
* Tile entities generation is now a lot more stable, especially in terms of modded tile entities!
+ /#writeall to write all existing files to the custom folder
* SpruceTree only consisted of two blocks, and a bunch of trees had wrong leaf types in them
+ Some links to the newly launched official Recurrent Complex repository!
+ On server start, ReC now outputs some links / help to get people started with modifying structures (opt-out in the config)
* Some trees were generating away from their saplings
* Items generate again in lightweight mode
* Commands using expressions now output the expression error if invalid
* Resource Expressions work again with casing (fixes structureLoadMatcher, structureGenerationMatcher etc.)
* Trees now also check the surrounding terrain on world generation. This makes forests less dense, but prevents trees from spawning inside each other.
* Structures no longer spawn in biomes they're not supposed to on biome edges.
* Rocks no longer spawn in oceans
+ Replace and replace all transformers now get the NBT Editor GUI for entering the blocks' NBT values. Inventory Generation Tags also are now executed from these transformers' placed tile entities.
+ Frequent Structures no longer block bigger structures from spawning (can be adjusted in the individual structure files)
* Mazes generate a bit more reliably
+ Lots more village buildings!! (thanks gibraltarMC and Defoxx)
+ Improved Ruins Transformer!! Ruins now look a lot more dynamic and actually perform a lot faster, too.
* Mazes now generate a lot more reliably as well as fast!
* More big and huge mazes underground!
* Some trees spawning from saplings didn't spawn on the saplings!
* Big structures now spawn a lot faster (more performance)!
* Decoration sometimes crashed the game! (Now it only logs an error)
+ New Command! /#convertschematic directly converts a schematic file to a structure file.
* /#importschematic can now handle uncompressed schematic files
* Schematic Files now correctly load old vanilla tile entities that didn't before
* Natural Generation Categories can now try spawning structures more than once per biome (structureSpawnChances)
* /#fill and /#sphere now run a lot faster
* Some trees spawned where they shouldn't (and kept two more types of rocks from spawning)
* Fixed an issue that prevented some village buildings from spawning (whoops!)!
* Village Houses now rotate towards the street correctly
* Item Generation Component weight sliders now scale correctly like all weight sliders
* Generic Solid and Space blocks now appear in the creative menu again
+ Revamped inspector! You can now edit tile entity and entity metadata with it!!!
+ /#containing which searches all structures for a block / block expression being used!
* Generation Info expressions now work again (fixes tree leaves never being decayable)
* Script blocks made in earlier versions now correctly have on spawn enabled (fixes mazes in pyramids and similar)
* /#export now better predicts whether to save in active or inactive
* Changes in item collections didn't update the collections themselves
* The pattern ingredient screen no longer crashes
* /#pastegen works again!
* /#importschematic no longer crashes when a mod loads with invalid metadata
* Some more performance improvements
* Natural and Natural Air transformers can now customize which blocks to override
* Inventory Generation Components often crashed when editing the items
* Inventory generation components now save again!! (Thanks RiverC)
* Performance!!! World generation is about 2-3 times faster, sapling generation 3-4 times (fixing lag spikes in large forests)
* The game no longer crashes when ReC tries to load an unknown tile entity!
* /#paste works again!
* Generic space doesn't have a bounding box anymore
* More tooltips
* Compatibility with C&B in structures (requires next version of C&B)
* You are no longer being warned about generation layers on /#import
* Some big operations now warn the sender before running
Update for the latest Forge changes (resolves startup crash).
1.11 Update!
* Lots of GUI improvements - Scroll bars, resizeability, titles, symbols and more!!
* Script blocks are now triggerable via redstone (if so desired)!
* Chests generate loot again in all structures in lightweight mode!
* Certain functionality (e.g. export GUI) no longer crashes servers
* Fixed a crash that might occur if presets could not be found
* Setting the baseWeight_tree to 0 removed almost all trees from forests!
* More boulders and mounts! Also they now spawn in the frequent category to make space in the decoration category for more interesting structures!
+ /#eval, which quickly evaluates a dependency expression. Useful for testing global variables
* The generateNature option was being ignored
* Many village buildings spawned without a floor. Poor villagers.
* /#duplicate now tab completes
* Having a /#generate operation still in preview when loading an old world crashed the game
* baseWeights from the config were being ignored - whoops!
* RTG Compatibility: Trees don't overcrowd their biomes anymore (when their next release comes out)!
* Fix for the compatibility crash with PokeCube
+ /#remember to add a /#whatisthis entry!! This is also useful to mark areas as player creations to avoid retro-generating in them.!!
+ /#forget and /#forgetall to forget a /#whatisthis entry!
* lightweightMode has been moved the the General config category! Caution!
* The generateNature option works again
* Items generate again in lightweight mode
* Maze IDs didn't save properly
* Resources are now loaded from mods in order of dependency
+ You can now hide most ReC GUIs to look around in the world!
* GUIs now scale with the window a bit
* Spawn Script blocks now save again
* No more crash when editing the maze paths of a maze that has no rooms
* No more crash when adding a maze path
* No more ruins transformer crash when no decay was set
+ Structures are now loaded from the specific world save too. That means per-world progression!!
+ /#retro which retro-generates ReC in all biomes it has not yet generated!!
+ Spawn Tweaks option: Quickly adjust the spawn rates of structures from the config without editing them!!
+ All expressions now support true, false and global toggles you can add in the config file!!
+ Global toggle 'treeLeavesDecay' which allows you to disable the decay of the big new trees!
+ Spawn distance multiplier for natural spawn categories - that means you can now make structures spawn more often the further away they are from spawn!
+ /#write which can write any loaded file to any default resources folder !
+ /#delete which deletes a loaded file from its resources folder !
+ /#setbiome which sets the biome in the current selection. Good for structure-themed biomes!
* Mazes now finally, finally support mirror and are a lot more reliable overall!
+ /#selecting which runs a command that requires a selection (e.g. /#setbiome). This enables those commands in spawn scripts!
+ /#as which runs a command as another entity !
* Saplings will no longer disappear when the tree refuses to grow
* Preset selection now looks a lot nicer, as well as other stuff in the GUI
* The structure min cap now respects spawn weight
* Single item generation tags now have a spawn chance
* Dependency matchers can now depend on inventory generators, presets etc.
* Some generated furnaces now contain coal left in there
* The ruins transformer now looks a bit better
* Trees are even more mindful of where they spawn now
* Item tags now also generate in chest minecarts and the likes
* Books now generate properly again. Anyone else dearly missed poems? :D
* Presets are less prone to crash if the preset file is missing.
+ Over 40 new structures (in the nether, overworld, and as natural tree spawns)!!!
+ Sapling Generation: Growing saplings can now generate beautiful hand-built structures!!
+ Decoration Generation: Completely replace tree/mushroom generation of vanilla with more interesting foliage!!
+ Placers: Completely new structure placement logic. This allows safe spawning on the surface, the nether, end, caves and wherever else!!
+ Preset saving: You can now define and use your own presets for biomes, dimensions, blocks, transformers and placers!
+ Property transformer to easily replace a property by name and value! (Also available as /#property)
* Expression results now scroll with you as you edit the expression for easier usage
+ /#wand which selects the whole structure if it has been cut out
* Generation in general is now a lot faster
* Natural air now checks for flying foliage and removes it to look better
* Natural air and natural floor now perform a lot better and look nicer
+ Ensure transformer: Ensure certain criteria to be fulfilled before spawning the structure!
* Negative space transformers can now limit the destination blocks (e.g. only act if the resulting block is stone)
* Lots of new variable types for different expressions
+ /#genat which allows you to specify a special entity as reference to where to spawn the structure
+ /#gen can now specify with what generation info to spawn
* Static generation works again
* Improvements to natural floor / space spawning
* Lots of improvements to existing structures
* Generic floor / pillar transformer didn't work correctly in villages
* Randomize buttons now take less space
* Village pieces now don't try to save instance data when there is none (fixes crash in sponge)
* Tooltips are now often over the menu items' titles rather then the elements instead, to be less invasive
* Fix for servers
* Trees now generate again!!! Wooho.
+ /#structures tweak: A new command that gives an ingame view of the spawnTweaks option. This is probably helpful to everyone not wanting to deal with structureGenerationMatcher and the likes!!
* It's now a lot less likely that ReC will spawn blocks it's not supposed to in the world (mostly block scripts, generic space and generic solids)
* Maze rule editor was kinda weird and crashed on editing! It works now!
* Lots of fixes for holders! They now rotate correctly and use the transformers of their respective structure.
+ domain= expression to match a whole domain (mod!) at once! Especially useful for /#structures search --containing domain=reccomplex (or some other mod ID)
* /#search, /#list and /#lookup are now accessible through /#structures search, list, lookup.
* Lots of other smaller fixes.
+ There are now more types of overridable vanilla decoration (Ocean Monument, Scattered Feature, Village, Nether Fortress, Stronghold, Mineshaft)!!
* Placers now have the capabilits to place only where floor blocks are, making them a lot more accurate!
+ A lot more types of inventories are recognized by loot generators!
* Recurrent Complex now logs which structures are causing chained chunk generation
* /#select set now works for two points at once again
* Decoration overrides now honor the universalDimensionMatcher
+ Vanilla Decoration overrides now have a configurable placer
* /#move can now again move by negative amounts
* Ruins look a bit better
+ Structures now have a 'baseline' property in addition to the placer - which means most structures can now use the placer as a preset rather than changing it with a move.!!
* Improvements for the GUI in a lot of places. It's both more compact and easier to look at in a lot of places now.!!
+ Holder block scripts - switching a specific area between two different setups for easier local toggle handling!!
* Local toggles now save properly and are output when looking up specific sights (along with the seed)!
* Structures now check for a rough ratio of water / floor when spawning to prevent surface structures spawning on rivers or lakes.!
* Mazes now generate even faster and are a lot more reliable again !
* All structures now contain the author in the metadata (even mine! woo!)
+ /#search now allows for a --author parameter to search for authors
* /#natural floor does not consider foliage floor blocks anymore
* /#whatisthis is now more accurate / fixed
* Script Blocks that are redstone triggerable now place in the world on structure spawn
* /#selection commands now work better if one point is missing
* Savanna village kitchens now spawn at the right height and better
* Match placer factors now work more reliably (requiredConformity was ignored and treated as 1)
* Generic space and solid blocks didn't have item textures
* Commands now fail to run if an unknown parameter is provided (to avoid errors or legacy parameters)!!
* Mazes now have a (configurable) timeout feature. They will never again block the server generation forever!!
* Mazes are a lot quicker to generate in general. (reachability: destination filter, ability grouping)!!
+ Maze and pattern GUIs now have a visualization feature in-world. This helps with placement math a lot!!
* Structures no longer generate their entities and scripts twice!!
+ New structure: UndergroundCultChamber. Thanks A1MOSTADDICTED!!
* /#flood <direction> is now /#move --flood <direction>!
* /#containing is now /#search --containing!
* /#decorateone is now /#decorate --one!
* OldWatchtower now generates loot again (thanks thephoenixlodge
+ /#containing now supports --dimension, --list and --maze
* Preview dummies are no longer auto-canceling themselves on the client
* GenericTree now places correctly from saplings
* /#export now again works with /#export StructureName for overriding another structure (--id to use just the name, not the metadata)
+ /#export, /#convert and /#edit now support --directory and --id
* Stone now starts a little further underground for natural floor blocks
* Direction expression autocomplete now includes true and false
* /#natural smart no longer ignores its parameters
* Inventory generation tags are now sorted by the name in the creative menu
* Lots and lots of performance upgrades!!!
** Structures far less often cause cascading chunk generation!!!
*** This might cause missing parts in structures if they weren't fully generated before the update just once. Keep this in mind before updating.
** Skylight calculation is now deferred until the full structure is generated (this was 1/3 of structure generation time)!!
** Transformers no longer prepare if the conditions are not met
** Transformers no longer prepare if an ensure transformer fails (especially useful for forest performance)
+ failingStructureLogExpression: A config option to restrict logging of failing structures to keep logs cleaner
* Fixes The game crashing when loading advancements
* Fixes a freeze / crash in 1.12 on world generation
* If generation and transformer IDs are missing, consistently randomize them across loads. This fixes structures sometimes spawning with negative space blocks in the world
* /#sanity now checks for empty transformer and generation IDs
* /#vanilla gen is now more stable
* /#vanilla gen --seed is more meaningful by not being chunk-dependent anymore
* /#duplicate is now gone in favour of /#move --duplicate (or /#move -c)
* /#replace is now gone in favour of just /#fill
+ /#move now has a --times option
+ /#property now has a --shape option
+ The block selector now selects over an infinite(ish) distance
* Structures are no longer cut at the chunk border!!
+ New Command: /#vanilla gen, which generates a vanilla structure (e.g. village or fortress)
+ /#whatisthis and /#vanilla check now check for vanilla structures too
* The game should no longer or at least less often crash with MissingMappingException (TileEntity is missing a mapping [...])
* Village structures can now choose to have no front (also good for unrotatable structures)
* Fix for two poem generation related crashes
* /#crop now has a fitting default exp value
* Command System overhaul!!! Almost every command changed in usage or even name! (The wiki will be updated to match soon)
+ /#& "command 1" "command 2" [..], which runs multiple commands at once! This is especially useful in conjunction with /#map and /#selection
* Poems are now more adjustable! It's now completely backus-naur based.
* Structures no longer generate in all dimensions at once!!! (whoops!)
* Sanity check and compatibility approach for dimensions that skip chunk population! (this means structures should now be able to generate in any dimension, whether previously compatible or not)
* New Command: /#sanity will go through a bunch of quick checks to make sure everything is more or less sane
* Fix for a few structures never generating
* Village structures no longer generate partially with the wrong biome's blocks
* /#reload now roughly shows the kind of error if there was one
* The tile entity forwards compatibility is a bit better (fixing 'Skipping BlockEntity rcspawnscript' errors in lightweight mode)
* Structures now properly save their instance data for later, fixing multichunk issues left and right!
* Less crashes with multithreaded and cascading chunk generation (hopefully none anymore)!
* Trees will stop generating in non-hot, sandy biomes
* Generation Data will not be saved with a colon in the filename anymore, as that's illegal on most OSs (you might want to rename reccomplex_random.dat and reccomplex_generation.dat to reccomplex-random.dat and reccomplex-generation.dat, respectively)
* Fix for the maze generation crashes in lightweight mode (since loading the tile entities failed)
* Floating vines will occur less often
* Performance improvements
* Villages no longer generate huge networks of paths
* Structures in and out of villages aren't cut off at chunk borders (or chunk border +8) anymore!
* Chunk-partial generation is now a lot more efficient for big structures by skipping things that don't need to generate in the current chunk
* Mazes no longer generate the entries' structures for every single chunk
* Tile entities from 1.11 are now supported! This also fixes mazes created in 1.11. (1.10)
* Fix for a crash when inventory generators used null stacks
* Improvements to chunk-partial generation
* There are now less dead trees in forests on average
* Mazes can now have inherent reachability
* Fix for a crash with the ruins transformer where BoP plants, snow and other blocks existed for falling blocks
* Some GUI adjustments
+ The mod now ceases to require Forge on the other end as well, making servers open to vanilla clients!!!!
+ New surface-entry mazes for stone, meso and pyramid mazes!!!
+ Structure generation is now chunk-partial: This should improve performance and reduce chained chunk generation!!!
+ Structure Variables: With these you can set variables per structure to further randomize it, or save time for maze components!!!
+ 3 kinds of jungle temples holding mazes (thanks KeizerKronos)!!
+ Re-Activate a lot of structures that were lost in a past update!!
* With more tries per failed structure spawn, structure densities persist better with structures that fail to spawn often - also makes forests a lot denser!!
+ All existing mazes have been enhanced with more components, more randomness and quicker generation!!
+ Previews now work for bigger structures as well, and will never crash the game again!!
+ Expression conditionals: a ?? b :: c (ternary operator)!
* Better maze reachability prediction, which means mazes generate more quickly and more reliably!
* Script Blocks now work correctly in mazes!
+ /#flood which floods an area around the selection with blocks!
+ Japanese fort ruins (thanks Necr0manceR13)!
+ An abandoned church with a graveyard (thanks doktorpixel14)!
+ A rare, big cubone skull (thanks Crystal_LD)!
+ A decorational brick henge!
+ Some things now have duplicate buttons!
* Maze path components are now all the same structure (StoneMazePath, MesoMazePath and PyramidMazePath)
* Dinosaur skull and skeleton structures now use bone blocks
* Less structures that are just 1 block tall
* /#move now doesn't trigger block updates, making it run a lot quicker
* More and better logging
* Better ruins generation algorithm
* GUI aligns better in places
* GUI abbreviates things better
* Expression preview now colours the whole preview correctly
* The add/remove tile entity button in the inspector GUI works again
* wood_old slabs in structures have completely been replaced with actual wood slabs
* Fix for a potential crash when loading a structure spawn script
+ /#map and /#mapall that runs a (compatible) command on a structure and immediately saves it!
* Tile entities generation is now a lot more stable, especially in terms of modded tile entities!
+ /#writeall to write all existing files to the custom folder
* SpruceTree only consisted of two blocks, and a bunch of trees had wrong leaf types in them
+ Some links to the newly launched official Recurrent Complex repository!
+ On server start, ReC now outputs some links / help to get people started with modifying structures (opt-out in the config)
* Some trees were generating away from their saplings
* Items generate again in lightweight mode
* Commands using expressions now output the expression error if invalid
* Resource Expressions work again with casing (fixes structureLoadMatcher, structureGenerationMatcher etc.)
* Trees now also check the surrounding terrain on world generation. This makes forests less dense, but prevents trees from spawning inside each other.
* Structures no longer spawn in biomes they're not supposed to on biome edges.
* Rocks no longer spawn in oceans
+ Replace and replace all transformers now get the NBT Editor GUI for entering the blocks' NBT values. Inventory Generation Tags also are now executed from these transformers' placed tile entities.
+ Frequent Structures no longer block bigger structures from spawning (can be adjusted in the individual structure files)
* Mazes generate a bit more reliably
+ Lots more village buildings!! (thanks gibraltarMC and Defoxx)
+ Improved Ruins Transformer!! Ruins now look a lot more dynamic and actually perform a lot faster, too.
* Mazes now generate a lot more reliably as well as fast!
* More big and huge mazes underground!
* Some trees spawning from saplings didn't spawn on the saplings!
* Big structures now spawn a lot faster (more performance)!
* Decoration sometimes crashed the game! (Now it only logs an error)
+ New Command! /#convertschematic directly converts a schematic file to a structure file.
* /#importschematic can now handle uncompressed schematic files
* Schematic Files now correctly load old vanilla tile entities that didn't before
* Natural Generation Categories can now try spawning structures more than once per biome (structureSpawnChances)
* /#fill and /#sphere now run a lot faster
* Some trees spawned where they shouldn't (and kept two more types of rocks from spawning)
* Fixed an issue that prevented some village buildings from spawning (whoops!)!
* Village Houses now rotate towards the street correctly
* Item Generation Component weight sliders now scale correctly like all weight sliders
* Generic Solid and Space blocks now appear in the creative menu again
+ Revamped inspector! You can now edit tile entity and entity metadata with it!!!
+ /#containing which searches all structures for a block / block expression being used!
* Generation Info expressions now work again (fixes tree leaves never being decayable)
* Script blocks made in earlier versions now correctly have on spawn enabled (fixes mazes in pyramids and similar)
* /#export now better predicts whether to save in active or inactive
* Changes in item collections didn't update the collections themselves
* The pattern ingredient screen no longer crashes
* /#pastegen works again!
* /#importschematic no longer crashes when a mod loads with invalid metadata
* Some more performance improvements
* Natural and Natural Air transformers can now customize which blocks to override
* Inventory Generation Components often crashed when editing the items
* Inventory generation components now save again!! (Thanks RiverC)
* Performance!!! World generation is about 2-3 times faster, sapling generation 3-4 times (fixing lag spikes in large forests)
* The game no longer crashes when ReC tries to load an unknown tile entity!
* /#paste works again!
* Generic space doesn't have a bounding box anymore
* More tooltips
* Compatibility with C&B in structures (requires next version of C&B)
* You are no longer being warned about generation layers on /#import
* Some big operations now warn the sender before running
Update for the latest Forge changes (resolves startup crash).
1.11 Update!
* Lots of GUI improvements - Scroll bars, resizeability, titles, symbols and more!!
* Script blocks are now triggerable via redstone (if so desired)!
* Chests generate loot again in all structures in lightweight mode!
* Certain functionality (e.g. export GUI) no longer crashes servers
* Fixed a crash that might occur if presets could not be found
* Setting the baseWeight_tree to 0 removed almost all trees from forests!
* More boulders and mounts! Also they now spawn in the frequent category to make space in the decoration category for more interesting structures!
+ /#eval, which quickly evaluates a dependency expression. Useful for testing global variables
* The generateNature option was being ignored
* Many village buildings spawned without a floor. Poor villagers.
* /#duplicate now tab completes
* Having a /#generate operation still in preview when loading an old world crashed the game
* baseWeights from the config were being ignored - whoops!
* RTG Compatibility: Trees don't overcrowd their biomes anymore (when their next release comes out)!
* Fix for the compatibility crash with PokeCube
+ /#remember to add a /#whatisthis entry!! This is also useful to mark areas as player creations to avoid retro-generating in them.!!
+ /#forget and /#forgetall to forget a /#whatisthis entry!
* lightweightMode has been moved the the General config category! Caution!
* The generateNature option works again
* Items generate again in lightweight mode
* Maze IDs didn't save properly
* Resources are now loaded from mods in order of dependency
+ You can now hide most ReC GUIs to look around in the world!
* GUIs now scale with the window a bit
* Spawn Script blocks now save again
* No more crash when editing the maze paths of a maze that has no rooms
* No more crash when adding a maze path
* No more ruins transformer crash when no decay was set
+ Structures are now loaded from the specific world save too. That means per-world progression!!
+ /#retro which retro-generates ReC in all biomes it has not yet generated!!
+ Spawn Tweaks option: Quickly adjust the spawn rates of structures from the config without editing them!!
+ All expressions now support true, false and global toggles you can add in the config file!!
+ Global toggle 'treeLeavesDecay' which allows you to disable the decay of the big new trees!
+ Spawn distance multiplier for natural spawn categories - that means you can now make structures spawn more often the further away they are from spawn!
+ /#write which can write any loaded file to any default resources folder !
+ /#delete which deletes a loaded file from its resources folder !
+ /#setbiome which sets the biome in the current selection. Good for structure-themed biomes!
* Mazes now finally, finally support mirror and are a lot more reliable overall!
+ /#selecting which runs a command that requires a selection (e.g. /#setbiome). This enables those commands in spawn scripts!
+ /#as which runs a command as another entity !
* Saplings will no longer disappear when the tree refuses to grow
* Preset selection now looks a lot nicer, as well as other stuff in the GUI
* The structure min cap now respects spawn weight
* Single item generation tags now have a spawn chance
* Dependency matchers can now depend on inventory generators, presets etc.
* Some generated furnaces now contain coal left in there
* The ruins transformer now looks a bit better
* Trees are even more mindful of where they spawn now
* Item tags now also generate in chest minecarts and the likes
* Books now generate properly again. Anyone else dearly missed poems? :D
* Presets are less prone to crash if the preset file is missing.
+ Over 40 new structures (in the nether, overworld, and as natural tree spawns)!!!
+ Sapling Generation: Growing saplings can now generate beautiful hand-built structures!!
+ Decoration Generation: Completely replace tree/mushroom generation of vanilla with more interesting foliage!!
+ Placers: Completely new structure placement logic. This allows safe spawning on the surface, the nether, end, caves and wherever else!!
+ Preset saving: You can now define and use your own presets for biomes, dimensions, blocks, transformers and placers!
+ Property transformer to easily replace a property by name and value! (Also available as /#property)
* Expression results now scroll with you as you edit the expression for easier usage
+ /#wand which selects the whole structure if it has been cut out
* Generation in general is now a lot faster
* Natural air now checks for flying foliage and removes it to look better
* Natural air and natural floor now perform a lot better and look nicer
+ Ensure transformer: Ensure certain criteria to be fulfilled before spawning the structure!
* Negative space transformers can now limit the destination blocks (e.g. only act if the resulting block is stone)
* Lots of new variable types for different expressions
+ /#genat which allows you to specify a special entity as reference to where to spawn the structure
+ /#gen can now specify with what generation info to spawn
* Static generation works again
* Improvements to natural floor / space spawning
* Lots of improvements to existing structures
* Generic floor / pillar transformer didn't work correctly in villages
* Randomize buttons now take less space
* Village pieces now don't try to save instance data when there is none (fixes crash in sponge)
* Tooltips are now often over the menu items' titles rather then the elements instead, to be less invasive
* Trees now generate again!!! Wooho.
+ /#structures tweak: A new command that gives an ingame view of the spawnTweaks option. This is probably helpful to everyone not wanting to deal with structureGenerationMatcher and the likes!!
* It's now a lot less likely that ReC will spawn blocks it's not supposed to in the world (mostly block scripts, generic space and generic solids)
* Maze rule editor was kinda weird and crashed on editing! It works now!
* Lots of fixes for holders! They now rotate correctly and use the transformers of their respective structure.
+ domain= expression to match a whole domain (mod!) at once! Especially useful for /#structures search --containing domain=reccomplex (or some other mod ID)
* /#search, /#list and /#lookup are now accessible through /#structures search, list, lookup.
* Lots of other smaller fixes.
+ There are now more types of overridable vanilla decoration (Ocean Monument, Scattered Feature, Village, Nether Fortress, Stronghold, Mineshaft)!!
* Placers now have the capabilits to place only where floor blocks are, making them a lot more accurate!
+ A lot more types of inventories are recognized by loot generators!
* Recurrent Complex now logs which structures are causing chained chunk generation
* /#select set now works for two points at once again
* Decoration overrides now honor the universalDimensionMatcher
+ Vanilla Decoration overrides now have a configurable placer
* /#move can now again move by negative amounts
* Ruins look a bit better
+ Structures now have a 'baseline' property in addition to the placer - which means most structures can now use the placer as a preset rather than changing it with a move.!!
* Improvements for the GUI in a lot of places. It's both more compact and easier to look at in a lot of places now.!!
+ Holder block scripts - switching a specific area between two different setups for easier local toggle handling!!
* Local toggles now save properly and are output when looking up specific sights (along with the seed)!
* Structures now check for a rough ratio of water / floor when spawning to prevent surface structures spawning on rivers or lakes.!
* Mazes now generate even faster and are a lot more reliable again !
* All structures now contain the author in the metadata (even mine! woo!)
+ /#search now allows for a --author parameter to search for authors
* /#natural floor does not consider foliage floor blocks anymore
* /#whatisthis is now more accurate / fixed
* Script Blocks that are redstone triggerable now place in the world on structure spawn
* /#selection commands now work better if one point is missing
* Savanna village kitchens now spawn at the right height and better
* Match placer factors now work more reliably (requiredConformity was ignored and treated as 1)
* Generic space and solid blocks didn't have item textures
* Commands now fail to run if an unknown parameter is provided (to avoid errors or legacy parameters)!!
* Mazes now have a (configurable) timeout feature. They will never again block the server generation forever!!
* Mazes are a lot quicker to generate in general. (reachability: destination filter, ability grouping)!!
+ Maze and pattern GUIs now have a visualization feature in-world. This helps with placement math a lot!!
* Structures no longer generate their entities and scripts twice!!
+ New structure: UndergroundCultChamber. Thanks A1MOSTADDICTED!!
* /#flood <direction> is now /#move --flood <direction>!
* /#containing is now /#search --containing!
* /#decorateone is now /#decorate --one!
* OldWatchtower now generates loot again (thanks thephoenixlodge
+ /#containing now supports --dimension, --list and --maze
* Preview dummies are no longer auto-canceling themselves on the client
* GenericTree now places correctly from saplings
* /#export now again works with /#export StructureName for overriding another structure (--id to use just the name, not the metadata)
+ /#export, /#convert and /#edit now support --directory and --id
* Stone now starts a little further underground for natural floor blocks
* Direction expression autocomplete now includes true and false
* /#natural smart no longer ignores its parameters
* Inventory generation tags are now sorted by the name in the creative menu
* Lots and lots of performance upgrades!!!
** Structures far less often cause cascading chunk generation!!!
*** This might cause missing parts in structures if they weren't fully generated before the update just once. Keep this in mind before updating.
** Skylight calculation is now deferred until the full structure is generated (this was 1/3 of structure generation time)!!
** Transformers no longer prepare if the conditions are not met
** Transformers no longer prepare if an ensure transformer fails (especially useful for forest performance)
+ failingStructureLogExpression: A config option to restrict logging of failing structures to keep logs cleaner
* Fixes The game crashing when loading advancements
* Fixes a freeze / crash in 1.12 on world generation
* If generation and transformer IDs are missing, consistently randomize them across loads. This fixes structures sometimes spawning with negative space blocks in the world
* /#sanity now checks for empty transformer and generation IDs
* /#vanilla gen is now more stable
* /#vanilla gen --seed is more meaningful by not being chunk-dependent anymore
* /#duplicate is now gone in favour of /#move --duplicate (or /#move -c)
* /#replace is now gone in favour of just /#fill
+ /#move now has a --times option
+ /#property now has a --shape option
+ The block selector now selects over an infinite(ish) distance
* Structures are no longer cut at the chunk border!!
+ New Command: /#vanilla gen, which generates a vanilla structure (e.g. village or fortress)
+ /#whatisthis and /#vanilla check now check for vanilla structures too
* The game should no longer or at least less often crash with MissingMappingException (TileEntity is missing a mapping [...])
* Village structures can now choose to have no front (also good for unrotatable structures)
* Fix for two poem generation related crashes
* /#crop now has a fitting default exp value
* Command System overhaul!!! Almost every command changed in usage or even name! (The wiki will be updated to match soon)
+ /#& "command 1" "command 2" [..], which runs multiple commands at once! This is especially useful in conjunction with /#map and /#selection
* Poems are now more adjustable! It's now completely backus-naur based.
* Structures no longer generate in all dimensions at once!!! (whoops!)
* Sanity check and compatibility approach for dimensions that skip chunk population! (this means structures should now be able to generate in any dimension, whether previously compatible or not)
* New Command: /#sanity will go through a bunch of quick checks to make sure everything is more or less sane
* Fix for a few structures never generating
* Village structures no longer generate partially with the wrong biome's blocks
* /#reload now roughly shows the kind of error if there was one
* The tile entity forwards compatibility is a bit better (fixing 'Skipping BlockEntity rcspawnscript' errors in lightweight mode)
* Structures now properly save their instance data for later, fixing multichunk issues left and right!
* Less crashes with multithreaded and cascading chunk generation (hopefully none anymore)!
* Trees will stop generating in non-hot, sandy biomes
* Generation Data will not be saved with a colon in the filename anymore, as that's illegal on most OSs (you might want to rename reccomplex_random.dat and reccomplex_generation.dat to reccomplex-random.dat and reccomplex-generation.dat, respectively)
* Fix for the maze generation crashes in lightweight mode (since loading the tile entities failed)
* Floating vines will occur less often
* Performance improvements
* Villages no longer generate huge networks of paths
* Structures in and out of villages aren't cut off at chunk borders (or chunk border +8) anymore!
* Chunk-partial generation is now a lot more efficient for big structures by skipping things that don't need to generate in the current chunk
* Mazes no longer generate the entries' structures for every single chunk
* Tile entities from 1.11 are now supported! This also fixes mazes created in 1.11. (1.10)
* Fix for a crash when inventory generators used null stacks
* Improvements to chunk-partial generation
* There are now less dead trees in forests on average
* Mazes can now have inherent reachability
* Fix for a crash with the ruins transformer where BoP plants, snow and other blocks existed for falling blocks
* Some GUI adjustments
+ The mod now ceases to require Forge on the other end as well, making servers open to vanilla clients!!!!
+ New surface-entry mazes for stone, meso and pyramid mazes!!!
+ Structure generation is now chunk-partial: This should improve performance and reduce chained chunk generation!!!
+ Structure Variables: With these you can set variables per structure to further randomize it, or save time for maze components!!!
+ 3 kinds of jungle temples holding mazes (thanks KeizerKronos)!!
+ Re-Activate a lot of structures that were lost in a past update!!
* With more tries per failed structure spawn, structure densities persist better with structures that fail to spawn often - also makes forests a lot denser!!
+ All existing mazes have been enhanced with more components, more randomness and quicker generation!!
+ Previews now work for bigger structures as well, and will never crash the game again!!
+ Expression conditionals: a ?? b :: c (ternary operator)!
* Better maze reachability prediction, which means mazes generate more quickly and more reliably!
* Script Blocks now work correctly in mazes!
+ /#flood which floods an area around the selection with blocks!
+ Japanese fort ruins (thanks Necr0manceR13)!
+ An abandoned church with a graveyard (thanks doktorpixel14)!
+ A rare, big cubone skull (thanks Crystal_LD)!
+ A decorational brick henge!
+ Some things now have duplicate buttons!
* Maze path components are now all the same structure (StoneMazePath, MesoMazePath and PyramidMazePath)
* Dinosaur skull and skeleton structures now use bone blocks
* Less structures that are just 1 block tall
* /#move now doesn't trigger block updates, making it run a lot quicker
* More and better logging
* Better ruins generation algorithm
* GUI aligns better in places
* GUI abbreviates things better
* Expression preview now colours the whole preview correctly
* The add/remove tile entity button in the inspector GUI works again
* wood_old slabs in structures have completely been replaced with actual wood slabs
* Fix for a potential crash when loading a structure spawn script
+ /#map and /#mapall that runs a (compatible) command on a structure and immediately saves it!
* Tile entities generation is now a lot more stable, especially in terms of modded tile entities!
+ /#writeall to write all existing files to the custom folder
* SpruceTree only consisted of two blocks, and a bunch of trees had wrong leaf types in them
+ Some links to the newly launched official Recurrent Complex repository!
+ On server start, ReC now outputs some links / help to get people started with modifying structures (opt-out in the config)
* Some trees were generating away from their saplings
* Items generate again in lightweight mode
* Commands using expressions now output the expression error if invalid
* Resource Expressions work again with casing (fixes structureLoadMatcher, structureGenerationMatcher etc.)
* Trees now also check the surrounding terrain on world generation. This makes forests less dense, but prevents trees from spawning inside each other.
* Structures no longer spawn in biomes they're not supposed to on biome edges.
* Rocks no longer spawn in oceans
+ Replace and replace all transformers now get the NBT Editor GUI for entering the blocks' NBT values. Inventory Generation Tags also are now executed from these transformers' placed tile entities.
+ Frequent Structures no longer block bigger structures from spawning (can be adjusted in the individual structure files)
* Mazes generate a bit more reliably
+ Lots more village buildings!! (thanks gibraltarMC and Defoxx)
+ Improved Ruins Transformer!! Ruins now look a lot more dynamic and actually perform a lot faster, too.
* Mazes now generate a lot more reliably as well as fast!
* More big and huge mazes underground!
* Some trees spawning from saplings didn't spawn on the saplings!
* Big structures now spawn a lot faster (more performance)!
* Decoration sometimes crashed the game! (Now it only logs an error)
+ New Command! /#convertschematic directly converts a schematic file to a structure file.
* /#importschematic can now handle uncompressed schematic files
* Schematic Files now correctly load old vanilla tile entities that didn't before
* Natural Generation Categories can now try spawning structures more than once per biome (structureSpawnChances)
* /#fill and /#sphere now run a lot faster
* Some trees spawned where they shouldn't (and kept two more types of rocks from spawning)
* Fixed an issue that prevented some village buildings from spawning (whoops!)!
* Village Houses now rotate towards the street correctly
* Item Generation Component weight sliders now scale correctly like all weight sliders
* Generic Solid and Space blocks now appear in the creative menu again
+ Revamped inspector! You can now edit tile entity and entity metadata with it!!!
+ /#containing which searches all structures for a block / block expression being used!
* Generation Info expressions now work again (fixes tree leaves never being decayable)
* Script blocks made in earlier versions now correctly have on spawn enabled (fixes mazes in pyramids and similar)
* /#export now better predicts whether to save in active or inactive
* Changes in item collections didn't update the collections themselves
* The pattern ingredient screen no longer crashes
* /#pastegen works again!
* /#importschematic no longer crashes when a mod loads with invalid metadata
* Some more performance improvements
* Natural and Natural Air transformers can now customize which blocks to override
* Inventory Generation Components often crashed when editing the items
* Inventory generation components now save again!! (Thanks RiverC)
* Performance!!! World generation is about 2-3 times faster, sapling generation 3-4 times (fixing lag spikes in large forests)
* The game no longer crashes when ReC tries to load an unknown tile entity!
* /#paste works again!
* Generic space doesn't have a bounding box anymore
* More tooltips
* Compatibility with C&B in structures (requires next version of C&B)
* You are no longer being warned about generation layers on /#import
* Some big operations now warn the sender before running
Update for the latest Forge changes (resolves startup crash).
1.11 Update!
* Lots of GUI improvements - Scroll bars, resizeability, titles, symbols and more!!
* Script blocks are now triggerable via redstone (if so desired)!
* Chests generate loot again in all structures in lightweight mode!
* Certain functionality (e.g. export GUI) no longer crashes servers
* Fixed a crash that might occur if presets could not be found
* Setting the baseWeight_tree to 0 removed almost all trees from forests!
* More boulders and mounts! Also they now spawn in the frequent category to make space in the decoration category for more interesting structures!
+ /#eval, which quickly evaluates a dependency expression. Useful for testing global variables
* The generateNature option was being ignored
* Many village buildings spawned without a floor. Poor villagers.
* /#duplicate now tab completes
* Having a /#generate operation still in preview when loading an old world crashed the game
* baseWeights from the config were being ignored - whoops!
* RTG Compatibility: Trees don't overcrowd their biomes anymore (when their next release comes out)!
* Fix for the compatibility crash with PokeCube
+ /#remember to add a /#whatisthis entry!! This is also useful to mark areas as player creations to avoid retro-generating in them.!!
+ /#forget and /#forgetall to forget a /#whatisthis entry!
* lightweightMode has been moved the the General config category! Caution!
* The generateNature option works again
* Items generate again in lightweight mode
* Maze IDs didn't save properly
* Resources are now loaded from mods in order of dependency
+ You can now hide most ReC GUIs to look around in the world!
* GUIs now scale with the window a bit
* Spawn Script blocks now save again
* No more crash when editing the maze paths of a maze that has no rooms
* No more crash when adding a maze path
* No more ruins transformer crash when no decay was set
+ Structures are now loaded from the specific world save too. That means per-world progression!!
+ /#retro which retro-generates ReC in all biomes it has not yet generated!!
+ Spawn Tweaks option: Quickly adjust the spawn rates of structures from the config without editing them!!
+ All expressions now support true, false and global toggles you can add in the config file!!
+ Global toggle 'treeLeavesDecay' which allows you to disable the decay of the big new trees!
+ Spawn distance multiplier for natural spawn categories - that means you can now make structures spawn more often the further away they are from spawn!
+ /#write which can write any loaded file to any default resources folder !
+ /#delete which deletes a loaded file from its resources folder !
+ /#setbiome which sets the biome in the current selection. Good for structure-themed biomes!
* Mazes now finally, finally support mirror and are a lot more reliable overall!
+ /#selecting which runs a command that requires a selection (e.g. /#setbiome). This enables those commands in spawn scripts!
+ /#as which runs a command as another entity !
* Saplings will no longer disappear when the tree refuses to grow
* Preset selection now looks a lot nicer, as well as other stuff in the GUI
* The structure min cap now respects spawn weight
* Single item generation tags now have a spawn chance
* Dependency matchers can now depend on inventory generators, presets etc.
* Some generated furnaces now contain coal left in there
* The ruins transformer now looks a bit better
* Trees are even more mindful of where they spawn now
* Item tags now also generate in chest minecarts and the likes
* Books now generate properly again. Anyone else dearly missed poems? :D
* Presets are less prone to crash if the preset file is missing.
+ Over 40 new structures (in the nether, overworld, and as natural tree spawns)!!!
+ Sapling Generation: Growing saplings can now generate beautiful hand-built structures!!
+ Decoration Generation: Completely replace tree/mushroom generation of vanilla with more interesting foliage!!
+ Placers: Completely new structure placement logic. This allows safe spawning on the surface, the nether, end, caves and wherever else!!
+ Preset saving: You can now define and use your own presets for biomes, dimensions, blocks, transformers and placers!
+ Property transformer to easily replace a property by name and value! (Also available as /#property)
* Expression results now scroll with you as you edit the expression for easier usage
+ /#wand which selects the whole structure if it has been cut out
* Generation in general is now a lot faster
* Natural air now checks for flying foliage and removes it to look better
* Natural air and natural floor now perform a lot better and look nicer
+ Ensure transformer: Ensure certain criteria to be fulfilled before spawning the structure!
* Negative space transformers can now limit the destination blocks (e.g. only act if the resulting block is stone)
* Lots of new variable types for different expressions
+ /#genat which allows you to specify a special entity as reference to where to spawn the structure
+ /#gen can now specify with what generation info to spawn
* Static generation works again
* Improvements to natural floor / space spawning
* Lots of improvements to existing structures
* Generic floor / pillar transformer didn't work correctly in villages
* Randomize buttons now take less space
* Village pieces now don't try to save instance data when there is none (fixes crash in sponge)
* Tooltips are now often over the menu items' titles rather then the elements instead, to be less invasive
<aside class="project-details__sidebar"> </aside>
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (went from solcarrot-1.12.2-1.5.1.jar to solcarrot-1.12.2-1.6.2.jar):
* Updated Chinese localization (again)
* Updated Chinese localization
* The food book now visualizes your progress in a pretty overview!
* The food book now also contains a list of foods you haven't eaten (can be disabled in config)
* The food book lists are now sorted alphabetically
* All food tracking is now server-side, meaning client-side config being different no longer causes desync
* The /foodlist size command no longer require op permissions to execute (but you should be using the food book anyway!)
* Items with durability are no longer counted as separate items (hello, actually additions coffee & tinkers' construct spaghetti!)
Tinkers Construct (went from TConstruct-1.12.2- to TConstruct-1.12.2-
Second test build for sync bug
Test build for sync bug
TipTheScales (went from TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.3 to TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.4):
display all options a monitor could possibly have at all times
Villager Market (went from Villager Market : to Villager Market :
Villager Market :
- update item highlight
- fixed issues around server/client network handling
* Generated using (1.12.2)
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