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Created January 23, 2019 10:05
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Enigmatica2ExpertSkyblock 1.21 to Enigmatica2ExpertSkyblock 1.22
- Project Intelligence
Advanced Rocketry (went from AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-120-UNSTABLE build -120 for 1.12.2 to AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-125-UNSTABLE build -125 for 1.12.2):
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-125-UNSTABLE build -125 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-125
* [ fix config output](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-124-UNSTABLE build -124 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-124
* [ Check for null, fixes #1491](
* [ split up dimensionhandling on client and server, fix issue where client and server planets can overlap](
* [ sorry, need a new build of libvulpes again](
* [ fix spelling errors, bonemeal recipe](
* [ Fix rounding error, O2 vent not working for large rooms, fixes #1485](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-123-UNSTABLE build -123 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-123
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.5.0-122-UNSTABLE build -122 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.5.0-122
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ allow alien saplings to be sheared, fixes #1483](
AdvancedRocketry 1.12.2-1.4.1-121-UNSTABLE build -121 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-1.4.1-121
* [ 1.12 patches (#1479) * Fixed seats at ~-1 being invalid * Don't force recipes to exist Removed recipes from electrolyzer and chemical reactor that would always exist, even when their xml files were emptied. These appear to be in the wrong place and duplicated, anyway. * Fix rotation for black hole generator * Fix black holes visually glitching through terrain](
Avaritia 1.1x (went from Avaritia-1.12.2- to Avaritia-1.12.2-
Fixes Neutron Compressor Dupe Issue Introduced by last fix.
Fixes issue [](
Better Advancements (went from BetterAdvancements-1.12.2- to BetterAdvancements-1.12.2-
[[8408c81](] minor tweak to how description lines are formattted, fixes #48 (way2muchnoise)
[[1e58edd](] add ui scaling option, implements #28 (way2muchnoise)
[[94dc865](] bump version (way2muchnoise)
[[a96750e](] add options to alphabetically sort tabs, implements #51 (way2muchnoise)
[[396967f](] fixes some rendering issue when moving around in the tabs (way2muchnoise)
[[f709cde](] criteria showing can now be Off, Default, Spoiler or All. Implements #53 (way2muchnoise)
[[f2fc500](] bump forge and mappings (way2muchnoise)
Better Builder's Wands (went from Better Builder's Wands 0.12.0 [MC1.12; rev 251] to Better Builder's Wands 0.12.1 [MC1.12; rev 254]):
Better Builder's Wands 0.12.1 [MC1.12; rev 254]:
Update to newer forge. Hopefully this version fixes at least more bugs than it creates.
* Wands should have proper info text.
* Wand upgrade recipes should work better.
Better Questing (went from BetterQuesting-3.5.280.jar to BetterQuesting-3.5.287.jar):
Replaced object submission station GUI
Fixed several issues preventing OSS from functioning... again
Replaced the quest line designer GUI
Fixed NBTTagLongArray breaking things or just not saving
Fixed a slight issue with scrolling region's Y axis
Fixed GUI mouse events not resetting under particular cases
Removed a TON of legacy GUI code
HUGE NOTE: As of this build, there are no more legacy GUIs in the base mod or the Standard Expansion. This has been a long time coming but I can finally start doing all the theme redesigns I've been wanting to do for years without having to worry about breaking all the old things.
Fixed a rare crash where slide show elements in a GUI could crash when given no slides (e.g. empty Ore Dictionary items)
Fixed the help GUIs not using theme colours (thanks Reddit for NOT reporting that)
Note: If you're going to complain about something on Reddit, at least REPORT the issue instead of waiting for me to find your thread a month later...
Fixed repeatable quests resetting themselves prematurely making notifications go nuts
Fixed manual reward claiming bypassing the new cache and sending excessive packets
Fixed an exploit allowing users to make a duplicate reward claim immediately after completing a quest
Quick fix for the server crash oversight from last build
Overhauled how quest states are updated and synced
Added an option to disable quest notifications in mod config
Added a setting to disable parties in quest settings
Fixed submission station GUI being unusable
Fixed wrong buttons being disabled in party GUI
Fixed repeatable auto-claim quests not caching correctly
- This should be the start of some significant improvements in server performance. Testing on this is welcome
- Due to the massive change in quest processing, please report any strange or unexpected behaviours
Rewrote quest caching system to be more concise and controllable (and hopefully more performant)
Quest progress updates will now only send packets to the relevant user(s) instead of everyone (unless it's a global quest)
Rewrote NBT handling to support partial data syncing in future (will cut down on server networking overhead when implemented later)
Added more anti-corruption handling to file reading and writing (still not entirely sure how the files get corrupted in the first place)
This update contains a LOT of internal changes as will be likely with the next couple of versions. I have tested a handful of quest setups and everything appears to be functioning similarly to the last version however I have not tested this at modpack scale with hundreds of quests on a server. I am confident this version will work just fine but as with any major update, hold on to your backups just in case.
Dropped support for legacy panels in tasks/rewards
Added thread safety code to the name cache
Fixed some of the new GUI panels not using theme colours
Repeatable tasks now only use dimension 0 for referencing time
More API changes...
- You WILL need to update your expansions to use this new build.
- Reminder that these main builds do not contain the experimental net code. I'll be working that in over the next few builds.
Mostly the same as the last build except with a notable NPE crash fixed.
Contains modified networking code from alphaest that may greatly reduce network load on servers with large numbers of players. Please report any issues you encounter on the issue tracker.
Note: This is an isolated version separate from the other builds. It requires the matching experimental version of Standard Expansion and is not compatible with other expansions.
Better Questing - Quest Book (went from Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.1-1.12 to Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.EXP_NET2-1.12):
Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.EXP_NET2-1.12:
[!] Experimental Compatible Update [!]
This version is only compatible with Better Questing 3.5.EXP_NET2.
Better Questing - Quest Book 3.1.EXP_NET-1.12:
[!] Experimental Compatible Update [!]
This version is only compatible with Better Questing 3.5.EXP_NET.
Better Questing - Standard Expansion (went from StandardExpansion-3.4.145.jar to StandardExpansion-3.4.148.jar):
Updated to make use of new quest processing in BQ 283
Minor code cleanups here and there
Updated to support new quest caching in the base mod
Gutted all of the legacy GUIs and replaced them with new ones
Reworked loot registry to use new code and proper IDs
Fixed some XP math errors (or rather added handling for vanilla bugs)
Contains modified networking code from alphaest that may greatly reduce network load on servers with large numbers of players. Please report any issues you encounter on the issue tracker.
Note: This is an isolated version separate from the other builds. It requires the matching experimental version of Standard Expansion and is not compatible with other expansions.
Colytra (went from colytra-1.12.2- to colytra-1.12.2-
* Fixed
* Dupe bug when equipping bauble elytra through offhand [[#16]](
Cooking for Blockheads (went from CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.4.65.jar to CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.4.69.jar):
Fixed key repeat not being enabled for the recipe book search bar
Fixed potential rendering crashes with MineColonies
Fixed bad tooltip causing crashes when used with Quark
Fixed infinite water / milk bug
Added Dutch Translation ([by Sky_Dragonsz](
Added Turkish Translation ([by RoCoKo](
Cosmetic Armor Reworked (went from CosmeticArmorReworked-1.12.2-v3.jar to CosmeticArmorReworked-1.12.2-v4.jar):
Fixed an issue causing player got kicked by a sponge server. ([#24](
Made the entity rendered in the gui more smooth between normal inventory and cosmetic armor inventory.
Made all the internal keys lowercase. (this will cause client revert to a default key, which is 'none', for opening cosmetic armor inventory)
CraftStudio API (went from CraftStudio- to CraftStudioAPI-
* Fix network issues by using thread safe network message
CraftTweaker (went from CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.13 to CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.14):
Fix lang files over reloading.
Fixed url opening on linux
Fix recipe actions applying on other recipes
move to a MIT license!
fixed null in arrays
more zengetters on iingredient
fixed possible NPE
Added a way to convert from ILiquidstack to WeightedLiquidstack
MCItemStack#getLiquids not checks liquids in an itemstack
added ItemUtils#getItem
Fix null stacks in regex stack getting
dumpzs uses targets, removed exportzs
updated command links
fixed seed weights
fixed stack matching on IngredientStack
made import errors more descriptive
ctsyntax shows errors on a single line
added burntime and enchantability to /ct names
Fixed up CraftTweakerMC for getting itemstacks from lists
Added food methods to IItemStack
added /ct foods
If you want to see more releases with cool new features like this one, consider supporting me on my Patreon:
Cyclic (went from Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.12.jar to Cyclic-1.12.2-1.17.15.jar):
* Item model updated for Water Candle and the cable Extractors.
* Fixed the lock button in the Hydrator based on if there is a matching recipe.
* Hydrator now caches current recipe for more efficient processing.
* Redstone Clock now indicates which sides are receiving power on its texture.
* Battery indicates which sides are outputting power with its texture.
* AutoCrafter bugfix for recipes that consume item durability (such as Mystical Agriculture essences).
* Fix itemstack issues in cables with some containers (Filing cabinets, possibly others).
* Void Anvil will no longer delete non-enchantment related NBT data.
* Added a debug command /nbtset key val, defaults to OP only and can be disabled (currently only strings, may expand later).
* Fixed not being able to shift-click items into the last slot of Structure Builder.
* Brought back a legacy feature where Charms can be repaired in an anvil with an item from the recipe (PR from trunksbomb).
* Ender Book teleport refactored off the main thread (helps with chunk loading issues on servers).
* Laser Cell now continues to render the laser even if the block is out of the players vision (same logic as Beacon).
* Fixed Water Candle using the wrong location and verification to check if a mob is allowed to spawn.
* Increased speed of Auto Crafter and Packager machines so they process one recipe per tick (modpack devs use the FuelCost config section if you need to counter-balance this with power cost settings).
* Six new config entries for the Tree and Brush scythe items to aid modpack development and mod compatibility (default behaviour is unchanged).
Demagnetize (went from demagnetize-1.12.2- to demagnetize-1.12.2-1.0.1.jar):
Fix crash bug in singleplayer.
Environmental Materials (went from environmentalmaterials-1.12.2- to environmentalmaterials-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
Environmental Tech (went from environmentaltech-1.12.2- to environmentaltech-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
Flat Colored Blocks (went from flatcoloredblocks-mc1.12-6.6.jar to flatcoloredblocks-mc1.12-6.7.jar):
* Add client side command /flatcoloredblock_export_list to save a .csv with all the color,opacity,light information about each Flat Colored Block
* Add HEX values to tooltips ( new setting as well to enable/disable this )
* Allow localizing of the "#" for the Shade number in the item names.
Forestry (went from forestry_1.12.2- to forestry_1.12.2-
* Fix updated buildcraft API name, fixing #2343. Caused by the fix for []( (where railcraft couldn't properly depend on the BC API's as forge rejected the old names). - AlexIIL
* add command listAlleles there may be a simpler way to write this - temp1011
* fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature (#2327) * fix #2324 habitat former can't lower temperature * set allowed backwards * fix bug in climate manipulator builder * make fluid change positive for all hygroregulator recipes * remove broken setAllowBackwards() - temp1011
* add minimum binnie version, add workaround for a bug (#2326) - temp1011
* scale hive generation baased on size of hive registry (#2204) - temp1011
* fix plugin for bop (#2308) - temp1011
* fix some broken buildcraft triggers fixes #2301 (#2309) - temp1011
* remove unnecessary alveary json file (#2311) - temp1011
* resolve gamemode recreate definitions (#2319) - temp1011
* fix a bug where coocons would not have loot (#2320) - temp1011
* Render blocks in crates so they do not stick out very far - mezz
* Fix #2299 Improve render performance of crates - mezz
* Handle texture reloading for crates - mezz
* Fix #2298 Server Crash caused by Chunk Loading - Nedelosk
* Add config option to control the spawn rarity of every tree fixes ForestryMC/Binnie#427 - Nedelosk
* Fix broken glass bottle texture - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable - Nedelosk
* Update mappings to stable and Optimize Imports - Nedelosk
* Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leafe chance (#2288) * Fix #239 Change Yield behavior from drop chance to leave chance This fixes an old issue that was created 4 years ago. Yield now define how many fruit leaves / pods a tree contains all other leaves are leaves without any fruits. All ripe leaves now have a 100 % chance of a fruit drop and can be right clicked to harvest the fruit. - Nedelosk
* Add some context to the "hint" texts in Chinese (#2290) - Raku Zeta
* Remove Tick Randomly from Wood Pile - Nedelosk
* Add Config options for Charcoal Blocks - Nedelosk
* Fix missing Charcoal drop if amount is 16, 32 or 48 - Nedelosk
* Improve Charcoal Wall registration error messages - Nedelosk
* Allow negative charcoal amounts for the wood pile - Nedelosk
* Complete translation of zh_tw.lang (#2280) * matchup the translation keys of zh_tw.lang with en_us.lang * translate all untranslated entries * rename some items * improve and reword some entries based on the context of gameplay - Raku Zeta
* Fix #2273 Ethanol is 10x better than it should be - Nedelosk
* Fix #2276 No categories displaying if Apiculture is disabled - Nedelosk
* Fix #2286, Fix #2285 Throw exception if the charcoal amount is not valid - Nedelosk
* correct API comments (#2249) - temp1011
* prevent overflow of slots in database causing contents to be lost (#2272) - temp1011
* Fix #2275 Remove strange backup import - Nedelosk
* Remove unused lines from en_us.lang Fixes 2278 - Nedelosk
* Fix #2269 Tried to instantiate a client only variable on the server side - Nedelosk
* Habitat former (#2270) - Nedelosk
* Replace the Greenhouse with the Habitat Former (#2260) This PR closes #2251, closes #2235, closes #2213, closes #2172, closes #2108, closes #2092, closes #2088, closes #1991, closes #1990, closes #1983, closes #1891. - Nedelosk
* prevent wood pile from loading more chunks (#2268) - temp1011
* Refine some models for filesize and performance (#2265) - Hallo89
* Update de_de.lang (#2262) - Vexatos
* more fixes for charcoal (#2248) * more fixes for charcoal * fix typo * simplify things - temp1011
* Fix #2255 Menril Seeds from Mystical Agriculture - Nedelosk
* Fix Escritoire Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* Fix #2257 Crash when loading minecraft - Nedelosk
* fix over-init of allelehelper (#2254) - temp1011
* clean up init of allelehelper (#2253) - temp1011
* Use thread-safe container for climate sources (#2252) - Andriy Kushnir
* add methods to allow removing charcoal walls (#2240) - temp1011
* improve wood pile code (#2241) - temp1011
* Check for IToolGrafter instead of ItemGrafter for non-Forestry leaves (#2231) This fixes an issue where items (from other a) implementing IToolGrafter but not subclasses of ItemGrafter would work for Forestry leaves, but not for other types of leaves. - apemanzilla
* fix breakable block check, fixes #2227 (#2228) - temp1011
* Fix #2200 Single-block farm can break bedrock - Nedelosk
* Fix #2222 Errors in log loading crate models - Nedelosk
* add config for disabling factory machines (#2221) - temp1011
* Fix broken build.gradle - Nedelosk
* Update ru_RU.lang (#2199) - Konstantin
* Fix #2143 Biogas Engine Dupes Ethanol - Nedelosk
* Fix #2192 Broken Fluid Textures - Nedelosk
* Fix #2209 Disable Dimension change for butterflies - Nedelosk
* Fix #2177 Improve Crate Model - Nedelosk
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) t a - temp1011
* add methods to allow formatting config comments (#2197) - temp1011
* fix wrong drops from orchard with harvestcraft closes #2211 (#2217) - temp1011
* Update zh_cn.lang (#2220) - Urey. Xue
* Use getInternalInventory() instead of using the inventory field directly (#2201) - Paul Durbaba
* Fix some config comments (#2196) - temp1011
* fix crashes in plugins from disabled fluids (#2195) - temp1011
* Fix bottler dupe (#2128) - temp1011
Industrial Craft (went from industrialcraft-2-2.8.107-ex112.jar to industrialcraft-2-2.8.108-ex112.jar):
* Ensure the condenser always updates its tier too (Chocohead)
* Fix the advanced miner having an indecisive tier Fixes #2463 better (Chocohead)
Iron Chests (went from ironchest-1.12.2- to ironchest-1.12.2-
* The recipes for Silver Shulker Boxes have been fixed.
* Silver Shulker Boxes are now called Light Gray to match vanilla.
Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (JETIF) (went from jetif-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar to jetif-1.12.2-1.3.0.jar):
* ADDED: Extra Utilities 2 compatibility
* ADDED: text on Flux Networks's recipe to say Fire works too
* CHANGED: extra text (like "consumes fluid") is now centered instead of right justified
LibVulpes (went from LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.3.0-45-UNSTABLE build -45 for 1.12.2 to LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-49-UNSTABLE build -49 for 1.12.2):
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-49-UNSTABLE build -49 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.4.0-49
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-48-UNSTABLE build -48 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.4.0-48
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.4.0-47-UNSTABLE build -47 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.4.0-47
* [ Switch recipes over to the 1.12+ JSON system](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
LibVulpes 1.12.2-0.3.0-1-UNSTABLE build -1 for 1.12.2:
Highly untested and may break world
Current release 1.12.2-0.3.0-1
* [ Update ru_RU.lang MC 1.12.2. LibVulpes 0.3.0-45.](
* [ when item decrmented out of existance, retain NBT data long enough to assign to the dropped item, fixes #1451](
* [ finish adding GT support](
* [ add minimal GT files needed for compile](
* [ Refactor power stuff, add GT support](
* [ fix some language issues (I hope), fix issues with chunk boundries and multiblock machines](
* [ fixes #30](
* [ Update IC2 support for 1.12](
* [ prevent machines from being too greedy, fixes #1359](
* [ Don't print 'air' as a required block in the holoprojector](
* [ fix](
* [ Fluid machines will start processing when a fluid is added by bucket instead of requiring manual restart,](
* [ update dilithium texture](
* [ fix textures with lootbags, etc](
* [ fix items not dropping](
* [ support for](
* [ fix for](
* [ fix](
* [ Add locale overrides for #1012](
* [ Fixes jetpack toggle key #26](
* [ fix](
* [ fixes](
* [ fixes](
* [ add getters for outputs](
* [ add getters for outputs, update build num](
* [ fix itemHandler,](
* [ disable curse builds temporarily](
* [ update artefact location for git](
* [ fix](
* [ add curseforge and changelog tasks.](
Morph-o-Tool (went from Morph-o-Tool-1.2-18.jar to Morph-o-Tool-1.2-21.jar):
- Added the ability to manually morph the tool by scrolling while holding shift. (MoreThanHidden)
- Fixed the tool flickering or players' hands shaking when other people's tools change. (MoreThanHidden)
Mystical Agriculture (went from MysticalAgriculture-1.12.2-1.7.0.jar to MysticalAgriculture-1.12.2-1.7.1.jar):
Release 1.7.1 for MC 1.12.2
* Fixed items not being extracted from the essence Seed Reprocessors
NuclearCraft (went from NuclearCraft-2.12k--1.12.2 to NuclearCraft-2.13d--1.12.2):
* Reinstated missing alugentum melting recipe
* Fixed various recipes null-pointering with certain mods installed
* Fixed very fast machines not respecting the stack size limit
* Fixed some alloy melting and ingot forming recipes not being added correctly
* Refactored fluid initialising to be a little more robust to errors
* Improved various class-checking methods to be less laggy [thanks to Funwayguy!]
* Fixed potential crash on player radiation updating being interrupted
* Fixed Turbines not forming in various circumstances [thanks to Kurtchekov!]
* Fixed undercooled MSRs producing more useful heat than they should have been
* Fixed machines getting stuck after temporarily running low on energy
* Fixed lag on game startup and world load in a few packs
* Fixed power production not updating in the Fusion Core GUI
* Added config option for horse armour radiation shielding
* Geiger Counter now gets louder in dire situations
+ Added config option for alternative exhaust steam heat exchanger recipe
* Various fluids now have light levels
* Now using CurseForge maven for various dependencies
+ Added Turbines [entirely functional, but the rotor rendering and GUI is still a bit WIP!]
* Fixed MSR Heaters' placement rules occasionally not being checked correctly
* Fixed Vessels/Heaters/Tubes having their sidedness modified simultaneously if it had originally been copied along the line
* Modified Vessel/Heater/Tube tank capacities to allow for larger fluid throughputs
* Slowed down energy and fluid pushing rates to the pre-2.12k rate
* Fixed energy generators not pushing energy at the correct rate
* Fixed integration with various Mek gases
* Fixed invalid recipes sometimes appearing in JEI
+ Added RadAway and Rad-X cooldown messages
* Increased Hazmat Suit protection level
* Fixed player rads resetting on leaving the End
* Fixed RadAway recipe being unavailable
* Allowed for the removal of radiation levels from otherwise defaultly radioactive materials
- Totally removed fuel rods
* Improved TiC alloying ratios
* Updated Russian language file [thanks to Lokuster!]
* Many other minor additions and changes
- Removed Paulobrine and Herobrian
PackagedAuto (went from PackagedAuto-1.12.2- to PackagedAuto-1.12.2-
Added config options
Added a packaged crafter that is disabled by default
Added a crafting ingredient to use instead when AE2 is installed
Added a JEI show recipe button to the encoder
Added the ability to load recipes from patterns
Added JEI encoder transferring methods to the recipe type
Added the ability to transfer any item-based recipe into the encoder to the processing recipe type
Properly added items and blocks to creative tabs
Properly added mod info
Changed recipe info generating method to pass in worlds
Changed the recipe type registry to use int IDs
Made energy syncing packets be sent less often and with a smaller range
Made inserting items into the ME system cost energy
Made the encoder not connect to energy cables
Made the unpackager not pass empty recipes into ME systems
Fixed inventories' readFromNBT not implemented correctly
Placebo (went from Placebo-1.12.2-1.5.0.jar to Placebo-1.12.2-1.5.1.jar):
Added utils needed for DeadlyWorld and Apotheosis.
Fixed loot system.
The FastShapelessRecipe system is now enabled by default. Any issues with shapeless recipes should be debugged with this setting off, but no issues have been found so far.
Quark (went from Quark-r1.5-139.jar to Quark-r1.5-144.jar):
- Vanity: Attempt to fix the build 141 crash again.
- Vanity: Attempted to fix the crash caused by 141 again.
- Client: Fixed a crash with the food tooltip and Cooking for Blockheads.
- Vanity: Fixed a crash with the emote fixes from the last update.
- General: Moved all the ore dictionary registrations a bit further into the init chain so that CraftTweaker can pick up on them.
- Experimental: Added new movement types to collateral piston movement: sides, horizontals, verticals.
- Experimental: Fixed a bunch of weird edge cases with collateral piston movement.
- Misc: Tried to fix the crash with Spawn Preventing Beacon again.
- Oddities: Fixed a crash when clicking on the Matrix Enchanter with a lock from the Skillable mod.
- Vanity: Messed around with the code for the emote system a bunch to hopefully make it not bug out as much.
- Decoration: Candles now give enchanting power equal to half a bookshelf.
- Experimental: Added Collateral Piston Movement. Doesn't do anything by default, but you can customize it to make some blocks move things along with them when moved with a piston.
- Misc: Fixed a crash with the Spawn Preventing Beacon mod.
- Oddities: Added Matrix Enchanting, an overhaul of the enchanting system using pieces and a grid, inspired by the NaviCust in Megaman Battle Network. [Check it out here](
Random Things (went from RandomThings-MC1.12.2-4.2.4.jar to RandomThings-MC1.12.2-4.2.5.jar):
* Added: Mode Switch for [Igniter](
* Added: [Blackout Powder](
* Added: Config Option for the [Magnetic]( Enchantment
* Added: Support for some mod ores to the [Divining Rods](
* Changed: You can now shift click [Sound Patterns]( to clear them
* Changed: Made [Spectre Chargers]( a belt bauble
* Fixed: [Diaphanous Blocks]( making transparent blocks behind them invisible
* Fixed: Duping Bug with ID Cards and Position Filters
* Fixed: [Rain Shield]( not working with Serene Seasons installed
* Fixed: [Spectre Illuminators]( not making the chunk they are in dark again when killed using the kill command
RandomPatches (went from RandomPatches 1.12.2- to RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
RandomPatches now also fixes End Gateway break particle textures.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Fixed Cubic Chunks compatibility.
RandomPatches 1.12.2-
Moved the Teleporter and portal renderer replacements back from RandomPatches Integration.
Thaumic Computers (went from ThaumicComputers-MC1.12.2-0.4.0.jar to ThaumicComputers-MC1.12.2-0.4.4.jar):
Release 0.4.4
* Bug fix for dedicated server
Release 0.4.3
* Add 'set' methods to seal API
Release 0.4.2
* Update to Forge
* Update to OpenComputers
* Update to Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26
* Add ownership check to seal binding
Release 0.4.0
* Update to Thaumcraft 6.1 Beta 16+
Release 0.3
* Golems!
* Implemented golem seal connector item as an upgrade component
* LUA API functions to read information from seals
Release 0.2
* First public release
* Features
* Read aspects from aspect containers
* Read aspects from items in inventories
Release 0.4.3
* Add 'set' methods to seal API
Release 0.4.2
* Update to Forge
* Update to OpenComputers
* Update to Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26
* Add ownership check to seal binding
Release 0.4.0
* Update to Thaumcraft 6.1 Beta 16+
Release 0.3
* Golems!
* Implemented golem seal connector item as an upgrade component
* LUA API functions to read information from seals
Release 0.2
* First public release
* Features
* Read aspects from aspect containers
* Read aspects from items in inventories
Tinkers Construct (went from TConstruct-1.12.2- to TConstruct-1.12.2-
The last release introduced a bug that made the Tinker Tank unusable. Now it can be used again!
Added several checks to alloy recipes, to prevent startup if there are recipes that don't make sense and might break the game/crash. Things like vanishing fluids and/or crashes when certain liquids are in the smeltery should no longer happen with this, BUT it might be that existing mods might not start anymore, if they add broken recipes!
Tanks/Gauges/Windows now show their contained fluid in item form again!
Illagers now also melt into emeralds
Display no fuel in Smeltery JEI recipe if there exists no fuel that can melt the block/item
Several TiC furnace recipes now give XP! Like.. grout!
Add a (very) short cooldown to rapier backpedal
Use white glass background for clear item frame, since it's invisible with some texture packs
Congealed slime blocks now only keep you bouncing if you land on them with a minimum speed, to prevend jittering when standing/walking on them
Fix a weird smeltery bug where items that can't melt mess with fuel consumption or provide infinite fuel
Add a few checks to advancements, to prevent potential crashes and/or unnecessary lag
Fixed invalid smeltery configuration that would allow to have a smeltery controller on the floor level, which could couse crashes
Fixes an issue where fluids are non-default then get switched to default on world load, but never had their texture loaded. You typically did not notice it with Tinkers fluids since we have so many that one is almost gaurenteed to be default, but better to be on the safe side
Updated german localization
Tinkers' Complement (went from Tinkers Complement 0.2.3b for 1.12.2 to Tinkers Complement 0.3.0):
Tinkers Complement 0.3.0:
* Added alloy tanks
* Alloy tanks alloy contents of surrounding tanks using the smeltery registry
* Must be powered by a heater below to alloy
* Alloy for easier automation of alloying, and alloying without a smeltery
* Make porcelain tanks show their contained fluids in the item model and tooltip
* Added a new tab to JEI to show melter recipes
* Added in game config GUI
* Added clay bucket cast: single use bucket cast
* Separated armor and melter into their own modules
* Fix registering tile entities to the wrong mod domain
* Fix melter only showing 50mb of liquid fuel instead of all fuel in the tank below
* Fix shift clicking items into the melter resetting progress
* Fix temperature of solid fuels being displayed too low
Toast Control (went from Toast Control-1.12.2-1.7.1.jar to Toast Control-1.12.2-1.8.0.jar):
Toast Control-1.12.2-1.8.0.jar:
Added 4 new config options.
These new options allow you to control where and how toasts appear on your screen.
The options "Toast Y Offset" and "Toast X Offset" allow you to move the top of the toast stack to any point on the screen.
The option "Transition from Left" makes toasts slide in from the left of the screen, instead of the right.
The option "Disable Transitions" makes toast not slide in, and just pop in/out immediately.
Requires Placebo 1.5.1.
Twerk Sim 2K16 (went from TS2K16-1.2.9.jar to TS2K16-1.2.10.jar):
Changed to use capabilities. Performance should scale better on large servers now
Added Game Stage support
ValkyrieLib (went from valkyrielib-1.12.2- to valkyrielib-1.12.2-
No changelog provided.
* Generated using (1.12.2)
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